Sunday, September 30, 2007

Filipinos turn cell phones into virtual wallets - Wireless World -

Filipinos turn cell phones into virtual wallets - Wireless World -

"More than 5.5 million Filipinos now use their cell phones as virtual wallets,
making the Philippines a leader among developing nations in providing financial
transactions over mobile networks."

Why are we behind the technology on this? The Philippines have better technology for cell phones than we do, that says something. We are no longer the high tech leader we imagine ourselves to be. This is just one example. America needs to wake up, invest in education, invest in its own companies and invest in technology.

A Blog For All: Breaking: Taiwan Resolves To Declare Independence

A Blog For All: Breaking: Taiwan Resolves To Declare Independence:

"Taiwan's parliament has taken steps that are sure to piss off the
Communist Chinese. They passed a resolution that asserts the island's
sovereignty and independence from mainland China. The Communists, of course, see
Taiwan as nothing more than a rogue province and has often threatened military
force if an official declaration of independence is made."

This step is either going to lead to increased tension and a chance of war in the region. A war that would involve American troops due to our alliance with Taiwan. Or it is going to lead to a point where China will finally let Taiwan go, give up the fight that it cannot win. I hope that it is the second, that China will see that they cannot prevent Taiwan from being independent. They can fight it, but in the end they are going to lose.

Paris Hilton on Late Show w/ David Letterman 9/28/2007

» Breaking News: Pamela Anderson to Marry Again Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood

» Breaking News: Pamela Anderson to Marry Again Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood:

"Pamela Anderson and Rick Solomon applied for and obtained a marriage license in
Las Vegas on Saturday."

This directly links the social circles of the last blonde of Hollywood and the current blonde of Hollywood. It also means that in terms of sexual diagrams - everyone has slept with everyone else in Hollywood.

Gabby Babble: Eva Longoria Sex Tape

Gabby Babble: Eva Longoria Sex Tape:

"Eva Longoria might be the latest celebrity to have a sex tape. Right now, the
sex tape is not on any free download website. But, if it is actually her, I'm
sure it will be available soon. And if she does have a sex tape, you might want
to consider watching it on mute since she has such an annoying voice."

Get the popcorn, this is a tape I could really get into. Hope it is better than that show she is on.

I'm Sure She's Heartbroken | Dlisted

I'm Sure She's Heartbroken Dlisted:

"Kate Hudson probably finally realized she wasn't dating someone at her
fame level. Sources tell OK! Magazine that Kate has dumped Dax Shepard and he
didn't even know it! Dax apparently heard from a friend that Kate was over his
ass. 'Dax got a phone call about it from a friend. He's upset that she didn't
bother to say anything to him.'"

What, we hardly knew him and you are already dumping him. Who is she going to make out with in the produce isle with now. Oh well, I guess he should have known this was coming. He can go hang out with Owen now and they can nurse each others wounded hearts.

Angelina Jolie is Still the Face of St. John

A Socialite's Life: Angelina Jolie is Still the Face of St. John

"'Angelina Jolie embodies so many qualities of what St. John represents,' said
Cohen. 'She is strong, independent and dynamic. She's a mother, actress and a

Have no fear fans, you will still be able to find those great black and white pictures of Angelina in fashion mags.

MISS HORRORFEST '07-Scarlet Rose


Dante Rose Pleiades's Facebook profile