Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rupert's News Corp Swings to $203 Million Loss | The Wrap

Rupert's News Corp Swings to $203 Million Loss | The Wrap

I don't understand how this will work, what will drive people to pay for content on the internet, content that they can find on another site for free - easily. That they can get from Twitter, Facebook... or countless other sources. What prevents a few blogs from paying for access, just to reframe the articles with clips, and reposting them to their free sites - sites that people who don't want to pay will be drawn to.


Glenn Beck to His Viewers: Please Refrain From Homicidal Rampages - glenn beck - Gawker

Glenn Beck to His Viewers: Please Refrain From Homicidal Rampages - glenn beck - Gawker

Ok, Glen Beck is nuts, everyone knows that, and his show does get people angry. That being said, I think it is unfair to claim that he should be held responsible for violence, just because the actors of violence agree with him. His audience chooses him, and he doesn't choose his audience.

Keith Olbermann Against the World - Keith Olbermann - Gawker

Keith Olbermann Against the World - Keith Olbermann - Gawker

I think I dis-like Olbermann the more and more I see him. He's just a jerk. Here he goes back, once again to hit O'Reilly over a poor choice of words made years ago. For the most part he uses his "Worst Person in the World" segment to dis-claim any deal between himself, and O'Reilly or between the two networks. He even goes on an insane ramble about solidarity with O'Reilly in fighting censurship.

FBI Agent Thinks the Green Party Is a Terrorist Group With Nukes - Fbi - Gawker

FBI Agent Thinks the Green Party Is a Terrorist Group With Nukes - Fbi - Gawker

Green Party... terrorists? The FBI should start looking at oil companies if they are looking for terrorists.

Paula Abdul Announces She's Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She's Lying - American Idol - Gawker

Paula Abdul Announces She's Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She's Lying - American Idol - Gawker

With Paula gone, the show can do what it should have done years ago. End.

Aniston unconcerned with single status -

Aniston unconcerned with single status -

She is a beautiful womyn, what is there to be ashamed of?


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