Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I knew it...

Rachel Maddow | Obama Speech - Oval Office | Oil Spill | Mediaite

Rachel Maddow | Obama Speech - Oval Office | Oil Spill | Mediaite

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Shep Smith Mocks BP Oil Exec’s ‘Small People’ Remark | Mediaite

Shep Smith Mocks BP Oil Exec’s ‘Small People’ Remark | Mediaite

I got over this site fast...

It is a collection of perverts and their... well parts of them you would rather not see.

in reference to: It Took People This Long to Turn Their Backs on Chatroulette? (view on Google Sidewiki)

Where's the Beef?

I think this sums up a lot of what I felt about the president's speech. He started off with a history of the accident that everyone in America is familiar with, and ended it pushing what amounts to his personal political agenda. Are windmills a good idea, yes. I just think if President Bush had made a similar speech, he would have been criticized for capitalizing on the catastrophe. That is what I feel like Obama did.
clipped from
In the face of a crisis that has unfolded for almost two full months, Obama chose to talk about wind turbines.  A nation waited to see if a leader would emerge from the White House, and instead it got an absent-minded professor desperate to change the subject.
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