Monday, July 23, 2007
Want to be Britney for a day?
I love how the body guard says he is making his money today.
Daily Kos Founder Issues Warning Concerning ‘Nasty Rhetoric’ |
Daily Kos Founder Issues Warning Concerning ‘Nasty Rhetoric’
This is something that is effecting the wider blogosphere and the is leaking into cable news and the culture as whole. When we get to the point that we cannot have discussions about these key issues without it breaking down into a war of words, we are lost. When the debate has fallen to this level, we lose the ability to communicate across party lines, and understand the ideas of those we disagree with.
"There has lately been an alarming rise in diaries and comments that seek to
impugn (without evidence) the motives of those they disagree with on various
Yes, there's the impeachment stuff, but this nasty rhetoric is also rampant in the primary war diaries. This points to a serious breakdown not just on civility, but in the ability of people to properly debate various issues. As such, it presents a serious threat to the integrity of this site."
This is something that is effecting the wider blogosphere and the is leaking into cable news and the culture as whole. When we get to the point that we cannot have discussions about these key issues without it breaking down into a war of words, we are lost. When the debate has fallen to this level, we lose the ability to communicate across party lines, and understand the ideas of those we disagree with.
Barack's Big Moment
Hugh Hewitt: Barack's Big Moment
This was a statement that scares me as well. I think that Clinton scored really strongly on this point. She talked about diplomacy, but at the same time she talked about how these regimes need to do something to show that this is going to be an honest debate.
"Responding to one of the YouTube questions, Barack Obama announced he would
meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea without
precondition in his first year of his presidency, sending oppressed people in
those countries and around the world a clear message: The U.S, under a President
Obama will not be worrying about them."
This was a statement that scares me as well. I think that Clinton scored really strongly on this point. She talked about diplomacy, but at the same time she talked about how these regimes need to do something to show that this is going to be an honest debate.
White House refusing to share "continuity of government after disaster" plans with the Congress - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
White House refusing to share "continuity of government after disaster" plans with the Congress - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
While I understand that you wouldn't want to broadcast this plan to the public, it does feel like you would want key members and leaders in congress to know what the plan was. They should be a part of the plan, the fact that the White House is not sharing plans with congress almost makes me think that they are not a part of the plan. This is one thing if you are talking about a president that people trust, but a majority of America does not trust Bush.
"Okay, that's creepy as hell. The White House has come up with a plan for how
the government will survive after a catastrophic attack - say, a nuke hits the
Congress during the State of the Union - but the White House is refusing to
share the attack plan with members of Congress."
While I understand that you wouldn't want to broadcast this plan to the public, it does feel like you would want key members and leaders in congress to know what the plan was. They should be a part of the plan, the fact that the White House is not sharing plans with congress almost makes me think that they are not a part of the plan. This is one thing if you are talking about a president that people trust, but a majority of America does not trust Bush.
Obama’s Camp Cultivates Crop in Small Donors - New York Times
Obama’s Camp Cultivates Crop in Small Donors - New York Times:
Isn't this kind of cheating?
"Mr. Obama’s campaign has also employed novel tactics — like counting sales
of $5 speech tickets or $4.50 Obama key chains as individual contributions — to
pump up his numbers and transform grass-roots enthusiasm into more useful forms
of support. No other campaign is known to have listed paraphernalia sales as
donations. "
Isn't this kind of cheating?
Poll: Hillary's Lead Widens, Dems Believe She Can Win - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Poll: Hillary's Lead Widens, Dems Believe She Can Win - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime:
Hillary is strongly leading the field, this may change - polls don't say it all, but it does show she is strong. This is from a Washington Post-ABC Poll taken on July 21st.
"Now, thinking ahead to November 2008: Which Democratic presidential candidate
do you think has the best chance to defeat the Republican nominee in the general
election? (Read list if necessary.)
Hillary Clinton 43
Barack Obama 27
John Edwards 9
Al Gore 7
Bill Richardson 1
Chris Dodd 1
Biden *
Dennis Kucinich *
Mike Gravel *
Other *
None of these 4
No opinion 7"
Hillary is strongly leading the field, this may change - polls don't say it all, but it does show she is strong. This is from a Washington Post-ABC Poll taken on July 21st.
lgf: Hate Speech at Wonkette
lgf: Hate Speech at Wonkette:
It doesn't matter who you are, hate speech is hate speech and this is not acceptable. Free Speech isn't about attacking people for their race or their culture.
"In a stunning rocket, Rudy Jew-liani basically admitted that he doesn’t know
anything at all about foreign policy — or maybe that he knows too much. In an
interview with the Jew York Times, Rudy inavertendly [sic] revealed that the US
has been fighting an entire extra war these last few years that only he knows
It doesn't matter who you are, hate speech is hate speech and this is not acceptable. Free Speech isn't about attacking people for their race or their culture.
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Anti-War Protesters Arrested in DC
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Anti-War Protesters Arrested in DC:
Impeachment is not a healthy choice for America, it is not a political choice that is going to promote real change in America, it is cheap revenge for the impeachment of Clinton and the inability of Democratic leadership to push their agenda through congress.
This sit in idea is not a positive political movement either.
"Update 1:35: Conyers just arrived!! As he walked down the hall, activists
shouted IMPEACH so loud the whole floor echoed. Conyers and his staff took
Cindy, Rev., and Ray into a private office without the media. Stay tuned!
Update 2:55: After an 80-minute meeting, Cindy emerged and told the
activists that Conyers said “our only recourse is elections,” and the activists
groaned. Cindy announced she will run against Pelosi because she and Conyers
haven’t “stepped up,” and the activists cheered. Rev. Yearwood is giving a
fired-up speech and activists are crowding in to Conyers’ office for the
Impeachment is not a healthy choice for America, it is not a political choice that is going to promote real change in America, it is cheap revenge for the impeachment of Clinton and the inability of Democratic leadership to push their agenda through congress.
This sit in idea is not a positive political movement either.
Chris Dodd for President
Oh Hell, Why Not Add Another Front?
Captain's Quarters: Oh Hell, Why Not Add Another Front?
I think this is good news for America and all the enemies of terror. AQ is over playing its hand, which means that not only will it lose its fighting strength, but it will lose control over the battle. The whole structure threatens to become more decentralised, which would mean that AQ would become a marginal group in a competing groups for power. While these groups in North Africa are taking support from AQ now, I would be willing to bet, that if they are to gain power, they won't want to take orders from a man in a cave. If they continue to struggle then they are likely to drift away from AQ just for a lack of success.
"Al-Qaeda continued its efforts to disenchant yet another region with a
declaration of war against North Africa today. Despite their general inability
to prevail in Iraq, successfully detonate explosives in Britain, and do anything
else in the US, AQ warned Muslims to stay away from their own government
buildings on the south side of the Mediterranean:"
I think this is good news for America and all the enemies of terror. AQ is over playing its hand, which means that not only will it lose its fighting strength, but it will lose control over the battle. The whole structure threatens to become more decentralised, which would mean that AQ would become a marginal group in a competing groups for power. While these groups in North Africa are taking support from AQ now, I would be willing to bet, that if they are to gain power, they won't want to take orders from a man in a cave. If they continue to struggle then they are likely to drift away from AQ just for a lack of success.
Religious group praises Edwards' response to gay marriage question - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Religious group praises Edwards' response to gay marriage question - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
I thought that his was one of the most well thought out, and best worded questions of the debate. It really addresses the root of the fact that gays rights are humyn rights, and that the right to marry among other rights have been denied people based on religion in the past. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now.
"The text of Rev. Longcrier's question is as follows: 'I'm Rev. Reggie
Longcrier, I'm the Pastor of Exodus Missionary Outreach Church in Hickory, North
Carolina. Senator Edwards says his opposition to gay marriage is influenced by
his Southern Baptist background. Most Americans agree it was wrong and
unconstitutional to use religion to justify slavery and segregation and deny
women the right to vote. So, why is it still acceptable to use religion to deny
gay Americans their full and equal rights?'
'In answering Rev. Longcrier's question, Senator Edwards made an important commitment to not allow his personal religious beliefs to restrict the rights of any American,' added
Rev. Creech. 'We congratulate him and encourage all leaders and candidates to
give serious consideration to this issue and how they will represent the
interests of this nation.'
'Millions of gay Americans struggle every-day against the misuse of religion to perpetuate prejudice and inequality,' said Creech. 'These individuals don't just fight bigotry when they're denied the right to marry their partners, they combat it on the street, in the workplace, in their children's schools, and in every other aspect of their lives.
Religion-based prejudices pervade and profoundly shape the daily experiences of
these people and I'd like to commend my friend Rev. Longcrier for furthering the
national dialogue for those and all Americas on this critically important
I thought that his was one of the most well thought out, and best worded questions of the debate. It really addresses the root of the fact that gays rights are humyn rights, and that the right to marry among other rights have been denied people based on religion in the past. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now. » Blog Archive » VIDEO: CNN/YouTube Debate » Blog Archive » VIDEO: CNN/YouTube Debate
Check out this site for a all the videos of the debate in the order the questions were asked.
Check out this site for a all the videos of the debate in the order the questions were asked.
What The Hell Is She Doing There?! | Dlisted
What The Hell Is She Doing There?! Dlisted:
Kim dear, I love you, but if you were just there for an appearance it might have been better if you hadn't gone. On the other hand, maybe the fact your father represented their sons killer doesn't keep you from respecting the family.
PS. It turns out that her best friend was also debuting a swim suit line....
"Kim Kardashian attended the H.E.R. Benefit yesterday at the Playboy
Mansion. The event was to benefit the Nicole Brown Foundation. Kim's late
father, Robert Kardashian, represented O.J. Simpson during his murder trial."
Kim dear, I love you, but if you were just there for an appearance it might have been better if you hadn't gone. On the other hand, maybe the fact your father represented their sons killer doesn't keep you from respecting the family.
PS. It turns out that her best friend was also debuting a swim suit line....
Expiration Date | Dlisted
Expiration Date Dlisted:
I know it doesn't always sound like I mean it when I talk about how I hope stars have good relationships. I know that I get better stories to tell when they don't. However in this case, I really do hope that this is just gossip. There are four children that would be effected by this, and it would be very hard on them. Three of them are adopted already, which means that it could effect them more than Shiloh.
Brad and Angelina are both adults, if they want to make this work, I know that they can.
"In Touch Weekly seems to think that Brangelina might be over soon. They are
reporting that recently Brad Pitt had enough with Angie's ass and took off in
his motorcycle to 'clear his head.' Sources claim that Brad has become miserable
in trying to make Angie happy.
“He seemed miserable. Angie and Brad are in a rocky phase again. Brad needed the time on the road to feel free and to think.” "
I know it doesn't always sound like I mean it when I talk about how I hope stars have good relationships. I know that I get better stories to tell when they don't. However in this case, I really do hope that this is just gossip. There are four children that would be effected by this, and it would be very hard on them. Three of them are adopted already, which means that it could effect them more than Shiloh.
Brad and Angelina are both adults, if they want to make this work, I know that they can. - Natalie Prudeman - Natalie Prudeman:
While I hate to be the person to bring bad news... Ok I don't HATE it. It turns out that those of you who thought you might get to see Natalie naked in her new movie, are going to be disappointed.
"Dudes who were bummed that Natalie Portman didn't take it all off during her
pole dance in 'Closer' can look forward to 'Goya's Ghost,' in which she plays a
victim of the Spanish Inquisition. 'There's a long shot of a nude woman,' she
tells's Jeanne Wolf. But, sadly, she adds, 'It's not me. ... You do
see some parts of me unclothed, but if they end up on Web sites making it look
like I'm nude, I'm going to be really, really angry.' And nothing is hotter than
an angry Natalie.Dudes who were bummed that Natalie Portman didn't take it all
off during her pole dance in 'Closer' can look forward to 'Goya's Ghost,' in
which she plays a victim of the Spanish Inquisition. 'There's a long shot of a
nude woman,' she tells's Jeanne Wolf. But, sadly, she adds, 'It's not
me. ... You do see some parts of me unclothed, but if they end up on Web sites
making it look like I'm nude, I'm going to be really, really angry.' And nothing
is hotter than an angry Natalie."
While I hate to be the person to bring bad news... Ok I don't HATE it. It turns out that those of you who thought you might get to see Natalie naked in her new movie, are going to be disappointed.
Hayden Panettiere Working the Stage
I’m Not Obsessed: Hayden Panettiere Working the Stage
She has a decent voice and I see no reason why she should not take a chance to perform as a singer, if that is what she enjoys. I have always said that each person should follow their dreams as far as they will take them. It is true that path is made easier for some than others, but that is not a reason that I should be jealous. I wish her the best of luck with her singing.
"Remember over 4th of July, when we first found out that Hayden Panettiere was
trying to make it work as a singer? Well, she went back on stage this past
weekend to give it another go."
She has a decent voice and I see no reason why she should not take a chance to perform as a singer, if that is what she enjoys. I have always said that each person should follow their dreams as far as they will take them. It is true that path is made easier for some than others, but that is not a reason that I should be jealous. I wish her the best of luck with her singing.
TNR Pushing Fraud? / Jossip
TNR Pushing Fraud? / Jossip:
I haven't paid much attention to this story because so much of it sounded doubtful at best. They have been getting members of the right stirred up, as they don't believe that this sort of thing could happen. I would suggest that many of them might not have thought that Abu Grab would have happened, but it did and we have pictures.
Again, I haven't given them attention because I don't believe they have a solid foundation. Even if is true it doesn't say anything more than a couple troops in Iraq may have responded to situations in a manor that was unprofessional. Does that mean that American troops are bad people? no. Does that mean the war in Iraq is bad? no. Does that mean President Bush is a bad President? no.
If these stories are lies, it could be the end of the New Republic. It is still trying to recover from the Glass affair.
"Some of the anecdotes in the soldier’s July 13 “Baghdad Diarist” column
read like perfect little melodramas, although other members of his unit have
told New Republic editors that they either witnessed or were told about the
episodes. The magazine’s editors recognize that his friends might be covering
for him, according to someone with knowledge of the inquiry. Before publication,
this person said, editors contacted people who have served in Iraq to ask
whether the incidents sounded plausible.
The diarist described how soldiers in a mess hall had openly mocked a woman — he wasn’t sure whether she was a soldier or contractor — whose face was severely scarred from an injury presumably suffered in Iraq: “The disfigured woman slammed her cup down and ran
out of the chow hall, her half-finished tray of food nearly falling to the
Scott Johnson, a lawyer who blogs at Power Line, wrote that such
anecdotes sounded “highly improbable,” saying: “How likely is it, for example,
that American soldiers would stand for the mockery of a woman disfigured by an
IED? Not bloody likely.”"
I haven't paid much attention to this story because so much of it sounded doubtful at best. They have been getting members of the right stirred up, as they don't believe that this sort of thing could happen. I would suggest that many of them might not have thought that Abu Grab would have happened, but it did and we have pictures.
Again, I haven't given them attention because I don't believe they have a solid foundation. Even if is true it doesn't say anything more than a couple troops in Iraq may have responded to situations in a manor that was unprofessional. Does that mean that American troops are bad people? no. Does that mean the war in Iraq is bad? no. Does that mean President Bush is a bad President? no.
If these stories are lies, it could be the end of the New Republic. It is still trying to recover from the Glass affair.
Kelly Clarkson: Clive Davis Helped Me Succeed | Kelly Clarkson : Just Jared
Kelly Clarkson: Clive Davis Helped Me Succeed Kelly Clarkson : Just Jared:
While it might not be the "I'm Sorry", that a lot of people would have liked to have heard, this might mean an end to the fighting between Kelly and Clive.
"“There has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding the release of “My
December,” much of which has focused on a supposed feud with my record label, in
particular, Clive Davis. I want to set the record straight on this by saying
that I want my band, my advisors, those close to me and my record label to be
one big, tightly knit family. Like any family we will disagree and argue
sometimes but, in the end, it’s respect and admiration that will keep us
together. A lot has been made in the press about my relationship with Clive.
Much of this has been blown way out of proportion and taken out of context.
Contrary to recent characterizations in the press, I’m well aware that Clive is
one of the great record men of all time. He has been a key advisor and has been
an important force in my success to date. He has also given me respect by
releasing my new album when he was not obligated to do so. I really regret how
this has turned out and I apologize to those whom I have done disservice. I
would never intentionally hurt anyone. I love music, and I love the people I am
blessed to work with. I am happy that my team is behind me and I look forward to
the future.”"
While it might not be the "I'm Sorry", that a lot of people would have liked to have heard, this might mean an end to the fighting between Kelly and Clive.
Shanna Moakler: New Split from Travis 'Devastating' - Shanna Moakler, Travis Barker :
Shanna Moakler: New Split from Travis 'Devastating' - Shanna Moakler, Travis Barker :
You know these Hollywood types seem to have strange ideas about who the loves of their lives are. I understand that all relationships are hard to end, but my advice to you Shanna is remember this. he banged Paris Hilton, do you really want her seconds?
"Shanna Moakler's most recent split from husband Travis Barker has been
'devastating,' she tells PEOPLE.
'We separated, and for me it's very disappointing,' Moakler, 32, admitted while attending the HER Energy Drink Luau, a benefit for the Nicole Brown Foundation at L.A.'s Playboy Mansion on Saturday. I consider him the love of my life.' "
You know these Hollywood types seem to have strange ideas about who the loves of their lives are. I understand that all relationships are hard to end, but my advice to you Shanna is remember this. he banged Paris Hilton, do you really want her seconds?
Britney Spears Steals $20,000 Worth Of Clothing From OK! Magazine Photoshoot | Pop Crunch
Britney Spears Steals $20,000 Worth Of Clothing From OK! Magazine Photoshoot Pop Crunch:
Not only is so completely nuts, but she is also a thief. Gifts, that's right, I will have to remember that one. Honest officer I thought they were giving me this car as a gift.
"A Britney Spears tell-all is scheduled to appear in this week’s addition
of OK! Weekly, but celebrity informants claim Brit has rubbed the mag the wrong
way after making off with $20,000 worth of clothing from last week’s yet to be
completed photoshoot.
Britney claims the items were given to her as gifts"
Not only is so completely nuts, but she is also a thief. Gifts, that's right, I will have to remember that one. Honest officer I thought they were giving me this car as a gift.
Justin Timberlake Mom Lynn Harless Sides With Lynne Spears In Battle Over Britney’s Boys | Pop Crunch
Justin Timberlake Mom Lynn Harless Sides With Lynne Spears In Battle Over Britney’s Boys Pop Crunch:
What the hell is Justin's mom doing getting into this Jerry Springer fight between Britney and her mother. Honestly enough though, she doesn't seem to be in the best position to judge what is going on with Britney's family, and yes I know I am not in the position to know either.
"Justin Timberlake’s mom Lynn Harless has joined forces with the mother of her
son’s first love in an effort to ensure that Lynne Spears remains an active part
of her grandson’s lives."
What the hell is Justin's mom doing getting into this Jerry Springer fight between Britney and her mother. Honestly enough though, she doesn't seem to be in the best position to judge what is going on with Britney's family, and yes I know I am not in the position to know either.
Paris Celebrates Life Rolling On | POPSUGAR - Celebrity Gossip & News.
Paris Celebrates Life Rolling On POPSUGAR - Celebrity Gossip & News.:
Looks like Paris really does want to do some thing good for the world. While some will be critical of her choice to act in this way, it really is the best thing that she has to offer an organization. Just giving money wouldn't be as effective. An appearance means that whatever group she is supporting will also good its name in the press, and be seen more favorably. That is worth a lot of money in potential donations.
"Paris is still acting charitable in the best way she knows how -- by attending
parties thrown by well-meaning organizations. This weekend she put on a pretty
gown alongside Molly Sims and Brooke Burns at a benefit for the Life Rolls On
Foundation, which helps young people affected by spinal cord injuryParis is
still acting charitable in the best way she knows how -- by attending parties
thrown by well-meaning organizations. This weekend she put on a pretty gown
alongside Molly Sims and Brooke Burns at a benefit for the Life Rolls On
Foundation, which helps young people affected by spinal cord injury"
Looks like Paris really does want to do some thing good for the world. While some will be critical of her choice to act in this way, it really is the best thing that she has to offer an organization. Just giving money wouldn't be as effective. An appearance means that whatever group she is supporting will also good its name in the press, and be seen more favorably. That is worth a lot of money in potential donations.
Mariah Carey leaves her fans a bizarre apology note
Mariah Carey leaves her fans a bizarre apology note:
I was going to talk about how crazy this whole note was, but after reading about how Britney was behaving at the OK Photo Shoot, this seems normal. I think it would be hard to act crazier than reports are saying that Britney has been acting. Of course this is about Mariah, and while this may be crazy, she is working and maybe we will have some new music to enjoy soon.
"Mariah said: “Hello! I know I haven’t called you since 1802.
“Actually, I haven’t called anyone. I’ve been really, really busy and when I do get free
time, I’m on vocal rest so I can, like, get back in the studio for 20 billion
hours. So everybody’s mad at me but, whatever.”
The 32-year-old star said
she was excited about her new film ‘Tennessee’ and that she has written 10 songs
and is working hard on her new album."
I was going to talk about how crazy this whole note was, but after reading about how Britney was behaving at the OK Photo Shoot, this seems normal. I think it would be hard to act crazier than reports are saying that Britney has been acting. Of course this is about Mariah, and while this may be crazy, she is working and maybe we will have some new music to enjoy soon.
Britney Spears can’t stop touching her hoo-ha? WTF?
Britney Spears can’t stop touching her hoo-ha? WTF?:
If this is to believed Britney is at a place that is worse than she has ever been before. She has cut herself off from her family, from Kevin, her cousin has been missing lately and even her body guard that she was close to has been replaced. I know that it is fun to watch the stars in Hollywood on their little misadventures, and maybe because we get so used to seeing them in movie roles, we never think about how real it is. However, it looks like Britney is in real bad shape, and is headed for another sad breakdown.
There is more if you click the link.
"Just the beginning…
Britney allegedly wanders around babbling like a baby – as in baby talk.
Half the time her head can’t stay straight, lolling around on her neck like a
bobble. I’m told she also has no boundaries and allegedly, several times, when
she had to pee, even though one of the washrooms was being used as a staging
area, she would drop trou and make a tinkle WITHOUT CLOSING THE DOOR and an
entire crew working around her. Allegedly of course.
Still worse…
The girl allegedly can’t stop touching herself. As in fondling her breasts, rubbing
between her legs… I can hardly bear to write this. She apparently goes about it
absent-mindedly, as if not aware she’s not alone and at the same time, genuinely
curious about her own body, described to me as “like a 5 year old discovering
her genitalia for the first time”. Allegedly of course.
So they had one
sitting, they were able to get shot. But then paranoia apparently took over,
Britney became convinced people were ridiculing her (they probably were), and
took off abruptly without explanation. Word is the magazine is scrambling now as
it’s supposed to be a cover story, they need more than one image – trying to
make it happen for today. She later allegedly explained that she was
uncomfortable because she had no idea so many people would be there and it would
be such a “big production”. She also thought she looked too “fat”. Allegedly of
Thing is, everyone I’ve talked to feels badly for her. Everyone used
the word “lost” and “tragic” and having pushed everyone away, and too
genetically stupid to take care of herself."
If this is to believed Britney is at a place that is worse than she has ever been before. She has cut herself off from her family, from Kevin, her cousin has been missing lately and even her body guard that she was close to has been replaced. I know that it is fun to watch the stars in Hollywood on their little misadventures, and maybe because we get so used to seeing them in movie roles, we never think about how real it is. However, it looks like Britney is in real bad shape, and is headed for another sad breakdown.
There is more if you click the link.
A Socialite's Life
A Socialite's Life: Matt Dillon Lashes Out
If you are a C-List star like Dillon, then you are either doing this because you want attention, or because you don't want attention. If it is the first, there are clearly better ways to get attention - like make a good movie. If it is the second, then the best thing to do is ignore the camera. An act like this will only draw attention to you, the best pictures that a photographer can get are of stars lashing out - or exposing their private body parts.
"Without saying a solitary word, the other Dillon brother walked right up to a
TMZ photog in New York this weekend and smacked the s**t out of his camera. Not
cool, dude! After the sneak attack, the not-so-tough guy walked off in a huff --
only to stop a few seconds later to stare down our shooter."
If you are a C-List star like Dillon, then you are either doing this because you want attention, or because you don't want attention. If it is the first, there are clearly better ways to get attention - like make a good movie. If it is the second, then the best thing to do is ignore the camera. An act like this will only draw attention to you, the best pictures that a photographer can get are of stars lashing out - or exposing their private body parts.
From Ocean's 13 To This? (X17 Online)

From Ocean's 13 To This? (X17 Online)
If he Keeps acting like this people will start to confuse him with Nick Nolte
If he Keeps acting like this people will start to confuse him with Nick Nolte
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!

Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!: "Model Dad Travis Barker took his kids to Starbucks yesterday in Malibu"
Ok this is the first thing that will be live blogging.... editing and comments will be done when finished
They are talking about videos that are not going to be posted to the questions, apparently they are not putting ones up that have people in costume or videos that feature children.
There is a group of people who attempted to drive through a question, by repeating it over and over and having a number of people ask it.
How would America be better off with Kucinich vs Obama and Clinton. That he has long opposed the war, the only one on the stage. Says he will never send the troops to die for a lie. Believes in duty and honor, strength through peace and diplomacy.
Clinton responds... United for change... Claims to be an agent for change for 35 years, worked to bring people together and to stand their ground.
Obama.... Not just a change of parties in Washington, it spans the parties, the national interest needs to be more important than special interests - Doesn't take PAC money.
First question is good, what is going to make you different as a leader... taken by Dodd?
Experience is what he says matters, bold ideas and past success. His history in the senate is what he says makes him different, and his ability to bring people together. "What have you done?"
Taken by Obama.... Supporting bringing people together, but says that you need to challenge the lobbyist in Washington.
In both accounts not very solid answers.
How would you define Liberal and how would you define yourself as such. Clinton calls her self a progressive and think that we do better when we work together.
Gravel, would use either word.. Gravel not united with many of their views. Challenges Obama about taking money from Lobbyists, and where he gets his money.
Obama defends himself, by talking about the law he put through that made it so people knew who was raising money for him.
Which Republican would be your running mate
Biden says that he would use Hagel. Talks about his record with a crime bill and a violence against womyn act. Talks about public financing of elections
Edwards... Doesn't answer the question. Talks about change and how to create it, the need to take away power from the corporations.
Biden Video talks about his record and his hard work, peace to northern Ireland... Doesn't say much about who he is and what he stands for, talks about his white hair too much --
Edwards... Says he is not for reparations but talks about the in equality between the races, again with talking about taking on the big banks and corporations
Obama. Reparations that are needed is investment in schools, this is a great answer. Talks about a lack of investment in education.
Kucinich says he is for reparations... stupid idea if you ask me. Wait now he is talking about poor whites and is starting to sound like Edwards, says he is for repairing the breech.
What can be done to help the most needy, and would a richer city have gotten a better response than New Orleans...
Dodd, thinks white people would have been treated better, says that we can never allow that to happen again.
Richardson talks about the response and says that red tape needs to be removed, talks about insurance as predators and says that they are ripping off the people, the president should have care more and done more.
How does Obama address those that say he is not black enough, talks about trying to catch a cab in Manhattan. Believes that Americans want to get beyond the racial divisions but the White House hasn't done anything. Closing the gaps, giving people a fair shake is what will change things.
Clinton talks about being a womyn, and that she is excited to be a womyn. She is not running because she is a womyn, but because she is qualified, trusts the American people to make the choice not based on race or gender. Thinks that her success will send a great message to others.
Edwards... Talks about Obama or Clinton says he doesn't want people to vote for him because he is not a womyn or not black. Talks about his work to help womyn by increasing the minimum wage. More womyn than men in poverty, more womyn with problems getting difficulty.
Clinton... Entire life spent advocating for womyn, went to China to say womyns rights are humyn rights. Votes to raise minimum wage, and says congress shouldn't get a raise until the MW goes up. Thinks it is good that they are talking about who is going to be better for womyn.
Gay Marriage?
Kucinich - Yes, because if all are equal gays should have the right to get married
Dodd - How would you want your children treated if they were gay? Civil Unions
Richardson - Civil Unions with Marriage rights, Eliminate Don't ask don't tell, domestic partnership laws - No discrimination
If religion was wrong to deny black and womyn rights why is it ok to deny gays rights?
Edwards - Doesn't belief faith should be imposed on others, civil unions, equal rights (talks to much for others on the stage) Does not support gay marriage.
It isn't ok to use religion to deny peoples rights,
Obama... What is the difference between gay marriage and interracial marriage. Civil Unions are the same as marriage, up to churches if they want to honor marriage or not. Civil rights and Civil Unions should be equal
Clinton Video
Flips cards - couldn't read them.
what really matters, you choose? The back ground is a song about hair.
Internation question
refuge camp near Darfur?
How do you help the refuges
Richardson. Been to that camp, diplomacy, getting UN and getting China to pressure Sudan, getting EU to take part in sanctions, The answer is caring about Africa. Doing something about poverty AIDS
Permanent UN fighting force should be created.
Biden would send US troops into Sudan. We should because we can. Kids will die before diplomacy works. AID worker thanks Biden for helping. No Fly Zone.
Clinton, we need to act instead of talking, sanctions and divestiture, no fly zone.... NATO troops on the ground, no ground troops. UN troops and AU troops. Focus on Iraq and Afghanistan
Honoring troops who dies in Iraq, Afghanistan....
How do we pull out now?
Obama against war from the start, we should be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in. No military solution for Iraq.
Biden - we can't pull out now, it would take a year to get all troops out of Iraq. A political solution, a federal system.
Are politics coming first in Washington. Afraid of blame for the loss of the war.
Clinton... Talks about a timeline for withdrawal, no military solution. Iraqis won't deal with political solutions. Time for republicans to join us.
Kucinich... Yes it is politics, the Democrats have failed the American people. No more funds for the war, use the money to bring troops home.
Dodd... No military solution for the civil war. Timeline to put pressure on Iraq's government, invest in diplomacy. Bogged down in Iraq means we can't lead in Darfur.
Richardson... All troops home by the end of this year. It is an endless war. Bring the troops home.
Asks about deaths of Vietnam were in vain...
Gravel. Never flip flopped before, talks about lack of questions. What did they all die for in Vietnam, and what are they dying for in Iraq.
Obama... Doesn't answer the question. Talks about lack of planning before the war started. Troops never die in vain.
Edwards... I don't think any troops die in vain when following their duty. What is going to be done to end this war. Talk about Iraqi Parliament taking vacation.
Should womyn register for the draft
Dodd... Yeah, not just ask one gender to do their duty More people need to serve their country
Clinton... Yes... womyn have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is fair. More young people need to do public service.
Obama... Yes, because they have obligations as well
Edwards... Womyn can serve honorably
Gravel... Ended the draft.. filibustered for five months, yes
How could Arab states take a womyn president serious.
Clinton... She doesn't doubt that she can be taken seriously, other countries have had female leaders.
Would you meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela
Obama, yes, not talking to them is ridiculous. A disgrace we have not been talking to them.
Clinton, no promise, strong diplomatic effort, what are their intentions.... good answer. Doesn't want to be used as a tool by the meeting. What is the way forward
Edwards, Yes, but work needs to be done before the meeting takes place to make sure it isn't going to be used for propaganda.
When will troops be out, and how many family members serving
Dodd... Time frame when it is responsible, at least two that he is aware of
Richardson.... Six months, take them all out. There is a civil war
Biden... Troops go all the Americans in the Green Zone must go too, they can't be taken out in six months.
Clinton... Pentagon isn't even planning on it. Isn't answering the question. Should be done safely orderly and carefully, it going to be complicated
Kucinich... Only person who voted against the war and against the funding
Against the war in Iraq and for universal health care
Bill Richardson, tax credits for wind and solar
Who is your favorite teacher and why
Gravel... Teacher taught him how to read and how to speak
Obama... Teacher was able to give him a since of value and importance
Biden... Teacher taught the most serious sin was abuse of power. second watching it happen
Edwards... Teacher taught him to believe in himself
No Child Left Behind
Richardson... Scrap it... one sized fits all does not work. Minimum wage for all teachers.
Biden.... Scrap it. Better teachers, smaller classes.It is not working
Public school or private school
Edwards... Public
Clinton... Public/Private after White House
Obama... Private
Biden... Private
Kucinich... Public
Gravel... Public/Private
Dodd... Public
Have you talked to your kids about sex
Edwards... Yes, taught them about inappropriate touching
Obama... Want kids to know what to do if someone does something wrong
Does the talk about Al Gore hurt their feelings.... No
What will you do about global warming... snow man video
Kucinich... Global waring and global warming... move away from oil towards wind and solar.
How do you get Americans to conserve...
Gravel, change tax structure to tax spending as opposed to earning
Dodd... Raise CAFE standards... corporate carbon tax, move away from fossil fuels
What is the opinion on nuclear power...
Edwards... no to nuclear
Obama... explore nuclear
Clinton... agnostic
Why not standardised voting...
Richardson... verified paper trails for the whole country, going off topic, optical scanners
Biden Video
Tapped in hole, Bush says deeper, Biden says that we can get out
Kucinich video- text peace
Minimum wage... Would you work for minimum wage
Gravel, yes we need a living wage
Dodd. Increase to 9 0r 10 , no
Clinton yes
Obama yes
Richardson yes
Biden could get a second job
Kucinich yes
Edwards yes
Social security
Dodd... all options on the table
Taxes or Benefits
Richardson, fix medicare - prevention programs for diabetes, universal pension
What about too many taxes
Biden. Change tax structure. Too many tax cuts for the rich
Are the taxes going to increase...
Kucinich... no, end NAFTA WTO
What about Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart attacks, Breast Cancer
Obama... plan for universal coverage
Edwards... Mandate that everyone be covered. Cleft Pallet story
Clinton... national commitment that universal care in important and possible
Coverage of undocumented workers
Dodd... yes, stem cell
Richardson... yes, stem cell
Can voting for Clinton be a change
Clinton... it is a problem Bush was elected in 2000. Running on own merits, proud of Bill
Gravel... DNC and Clintons sold out to wall street
Obama... Who has a track record for change? Who can over come special interests in America
What does in god we trust mean to you
Dodd, teaching values and abuse of power
Christians have too much power
Edwards... we will uplift all Americans, will not impose personal faith on others
Obama... Separation of church and state, maintains religions independence. Translate our moral values into values we can all share
Gun Control
Richardson.... Instant background checks, no criminals, or mentally Ill. Poverty
Biden... Assault weapons ban writer, protect against guns going to criminals and mentally ill
Obama Video
End this war, diplomacy, save the environment, the world as it is, is not the world as it has to be
Candidate to the left, like/dislike
Gravel... Dodd... Dislike - Money / Like- Served with Dad
Dodd... Edwards... Like - Served with him
Edwards Like-Admires what Bill did for America
Clinton... Admires Barack, all ready to lead
Obama... Likes Richardson has devoted like to public service / DisLikes the White Sox
Richardson... Biden... DisLikes Iraq, Darfur Likes - devoted life to public service, civil rights, gun control
Biden... Kucinich.... Friends for 25 years likes his wife
Kucinich... Gravel, Great Courage during Vietnam war
End at last...
They are talking about videos that are not going to be posted to the questions, apparently they are not putting ones up that have people in costume or videos that feature children.
There is a group of people who attempted to drive through a question, by repeating it over and over and having a number of people ask it.
How would America be better off with Kucinich vs Obama and Clinton. That he has long opposed the war, the only one on the stage. Says he will never send the troops to die for a lie. Believes in duty and honor, strength through peace and diplomacy.
Clinton responds... United for change... Claims to be an agent for change for 35 years, worked to bring people together and to stand their ground.
Obama.... Not just a change of parties in Washington, it spans the parties, the national interest needs to be more important than special interests - Doesn't take PAC money.
First question is good, what is going to make you different as a leader... taken by Dodd?
Experience is what he says matters, bold ideas and past success. His history in the senate is what he says makes him different, and his ability to bring people together. "What have you done?"
Taken by Obama.... Supporting bringing people together, but says that you need to challenge the lobbyist in Washington.
In both accounts not very solid answers.
How would you define Liberal and how would you define yourself as such. Clinton calls her self a progressive and think that we do better when we work together.
Gravel, would use either word.. Gravel not united with many of their views. Challenges Obama about taking money from Lobbyists, and where he gets his money.
Obama defends himself, by talking about the law he put through that made it so people knew who was raising money for him.
Which Republican would be your running mate
Biden says that he would use Hagel. Talks about his record with a crime bill and a violence against womyn act. Talks about public financing of elections
Edwards... Doesn't answer the question. Talks about change and how to create it, the need to take away power from the corporations.
Biden Video talks about his record and his hard work, peace to northern Ireland... Doesn't say much about who he is and what he stands for, talks about his white hair too much --
Edwards... Says he is not for reparations but talks about the in equality between the races, again with talking about taking on the big banks and corporations
Obama. Reparations that are needed is investment in schools, this is a great answer. Talks about a lack of investment in education.
Kucinich says he is for reparations... stupid idea if you ask me. Wait now he is talking about poor whites and is starting to sound like Edwards, says he is for repairing the breech.
What can be done to help the most needy, and would a richer city have gotten a better response than New Orleans...
Dodd, thinks white people would have been treated better, says that we can never allow that to happen again.
Richardson talks about the response and says that red tape needs to be removed, talks about insurance as predators and says that they are ripping off the people, the president should have care more and done more.
How does Obama address those that say he is not black enough, talks about trying to catch a cab in Manhattan. Believes that Americans want to get beyond the racial divisions but the White House hasn't done anything. Closing the gaps, giving people a fair shake is what will change things.
Clinton talks about being a womyn, and that she is excited to be a womyn. She is not running because she is a womyn, but because she is qualified, trusts the American people to make the choice not based on race or gender. Thinks that her success will send a great message to others.
Edwards... Talks about Obama or Clinton says he doesn't want people to vote for him because he is not a womyn or not black. Talks about his work to help womyn by increasing the minimum wage. More womyn than men in poverty, more womyn with problems getting difficulty.
Clinton... Entire life spent advocating for womyn, went to China to say womyns rights are humyn rights. Votes to raise minimum wage, and says congress shouldn't get a raise until the MW goes up. Thinks it is good that they are talking about who is going to be better for womyn.
Gay Marriage?
Kucinich - Yes, because if all are equal gays should have the right to get married
Dodd - How would you want your children treated if they were gay? Civil Unions
Richardson - Civil Unions with Marriage rights, Eliminate Don't ask don't tell, domestic partnership laws - No discrimination
If religion was wrong to deny black and womyn rights why is it ok to deny gays rights?
Edwards - Doesn't belief faith should be imposed on others, civil unions, equal rights (talks to much for others on the stage) Does not support gay marriage.
It isn't ok to use religion to deny peoples rights,
Obama... What is the difference between gay marriage and interracial marriage. Civil Unions are the same as marriage, up to churches if they want to honor marriage or not. Civil rights and Civil Unions should be equal
Clinton Video
Flips cards - couldn't read them.
what really matters, you choose? The back ground is a song about hair.
Internation question
refuge camp near Darfur?
How do you help the refuges
Richardson. Been to that camp, diplomacy, getting UN and getting China to pressure Sudan, getting EU to take part in sanctions, The answer is caring about Africa. Doing something about poverty AIDS
Permanent UN fighting force should be created.
Biden would send US troops into Sudan. We should because we can. Kids will die before diplomacy works. AID worker thanks Biden for helping. No Fly Zone.
Clinton, we need to act instead of talking, sanctions and divestiture, no fly zone.... NATO troops on the ground, no ground troops. UN troops and AU troops. Focus on Iraq and Afghanistan
Honoring troops who dies in Iraq, Afghanistan....
How do we pull out now?
Obama against war from the start, we should be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in. No military solution for Iraq.
Biden - we can't pull out now, it would take a year to get all troops out of Iraq. A political solution, a federal system.
Are politics coming first in Washington. Afraid of blame for the loss of the war.
Clinton... Talks about a timeline for withdrawal, no military solution. Iraqis won't deal with political solutions. Time for republicans to join us.
Kucinich... Yes it is politics, the Democrats have failed the American people. No more funds for the war, use the money to bring troops home.
Dodd... No military solution for the civil war. Timeline to put pressure on Iraq's government, invest in diplomacy. Bogged down in Iraq means we can't lead in Darfur.
Richardson... All troops home by the end of this year. It is an endless war. Bring the troops home.
Asks about deaths of Vietnam were in vain...
Gravel. Never flip flopped before, talks about lack of questions. What did they all die for in Vietnam, and what are they dying for in Iraq.
Obama... Doesn't answer the question. Talks about lack of planning before the war started. Troops never die in vain.
Edwards... I don't think any troops die in vain when following their duty. What is going to be done to end this war. Talk about Iraqi Parliament taking vacation.
Should womyn register for the draft
Dodd... Yeah, not just ask one gender to do their duty More people need to serve their country
Clinton... Yes... womyn have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is fair. More young people need to do public service.
Obama... Yes, because they have obligations as well
Edwards... Womyn can serve honorably
Gravel... Ended the draft.. filibustered for five months, yes
How could Arab states take a womyn president serious.
Clinton... She doesn't doubt that she can be taken seriously, other countries have had female leaders.
Would you meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela
Obama, yes, not talking to them is ridiculous. A disgrace we have not been talking to them.
Clinton, no promise, strong diplomatic effort, what are their intentions.... good answer. Doesn't want to be used as a tool by the meeting. What is the way forward
Edwards, Yes, but work needs to be done before the meeting takes place to make sure it isn't going to be used for propaganda.
When will troops be out, and how many family members serving
Dodd... Time frame when it is responsible, at least two that he is aware of
Richardson.... Six months, take them all out. There is a civil war
Biden... Troops go all the Americans in the Green Zone must go too, they can't be taken out in six months.
Clinton... Pentagon isn't even planning on it. Isn't answering the question. Should be done safely orderly and carefully, it going to be complicated
Kucinich... Only person who voted against the war and against the funding
Against the war in Iraq and for universal health care
Bill Richardson, tax credits for wind and solar
Who is your favorite teacher and why
Gravel... Teacher taught him how to read and how to speak
Obama... Teacher was able to give him a since of value and importance
Biden... Teacher taught the most serious sin was abuse of power. second watching it happen
Edwards... Teacher taught him to believe in himself
No Child Left Behind
Richardson... Scrap it... one sized fits all does not work. Minimum wage for all teachers.
Biden.... Scrap it. Better teachers, smaller classes.It is not working
Public school or private school
Edwards... Public
Clinton... Public/Private after White House
Obama... Private
Biden... Private
Kucinich... Public
Gravel... Public/Private
Dodd... Public
Have you talked to your kids about sex
Edwards... Yes, taught them about inappropriate touching
Obama... Want kids to know what to do if someone does something wrong
Does the talk about Al Gore hurt their feelings.... No
What will you do about global warming... snow man video
Kucinich... Global waring and global warming... move away from oil towards wind and solar.
How do you get Americans to conserve...
Gravel, change tax structure to tax spending as opposed to earning
Dodd... Raise CAFE standards... corporate carbon tax, move away from fossil fuels
What is the opinion on nuclear power...
Edwards... no to nuclear
Obama... explore nuclear
Clinton... agnostic
Why not standardised voting...
Richardson... verified paper trails for the whole country, going off topic, optical scanners
Biden Video
Tapped in hole, Bush says deeper, Biden says that we can get out
Kucinich video- text peace
Minimum wage... Would you work for minimum wage
Gravel, yes we need a living wage
Dodd. Increase to 9 0r 10 , no
Clinton yes
Obama yes
Richardson yes
Biden could get a second job
Kucinich yes
Edwards yes
Social security
Dodd... all options on the table
Taxes or Benefits
Richardson, fix medicare - prevention programs for diabetes, universal pension
What about too many taxes
Biden. Change tax structure. Too many tax cuts for the rich
Are the taxes going to increase...
Kucinich... no, end NAFTA WTO
What about Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart attacks, Breast Cancer
Obama... plan for universal coverage
Edwards... Mandate that everyone be covered. Cleft Pallet story
Clinton... national commitment that universal care in important and possible
Coverage of undocumented workers
Dodd... yes, stem cell
Richardson... yes, stem cell
Can voting for Clinton be a change
Clinton... it is a problem Bush was elected in 2000. Running on own merits, proud of Bill
Gravel... DNC and Clintons sold out to wall street
Obama... Who has a track record for change? Who can over come special interests in America
What does in god we trust mean to you
Dodd, teaching values and abuse of power
Christians have too much power
Edwards... we will uplift all Americans, will not impose personal faith on others
Obama... Separation of church and state, maintains religions independence. Translate our moral values into values we can all share
Gun Control
Richardson.... Instant background checks, no criminals, or mentally Ill. Poverty
Biden... Assault weapons ban writer, protect against guns going to criminals and mentally ill
Obama Video
End this war, diplomacy, save the environment, the world as it is, is not the world as it has to be
Candidate to the left, like/dislike
Gravel... Dodd... Dislike - Money / Like- Served with Dad
Dodd... Edwards... Like - Served with him
Edwards Like-Admires what Bill did for America
Clinton... Admires Barack, all ready to lead
Obama... Likes Richardson has devoted like to public service / DisLikes the White Sox
Richardson... Biden... DisLikes Iraq, Darfur Likes - devoted life to public service, civil rights, gun control
Biden... Kucinich.... Friends for 25 years likes his wife
Kucinich... Gravel, Great Courage during Vietnam war
End at last...
Kate Moss, Pete Doherty Sex Tape?, Model Fears Missing Videos May Leak | Pop Crunch
Kate Moss, Pete Doherty Sex Tape?, Model Fears Missing Videos May Leak Pop Crunch:
Now here is a sex tape that I would half like to see, and I think you know which half it is that I want to see. If these tapes are real, I hope they leak out so we all get a peek, and I hope that Pete isn't on camera too much, washing vomit from your underpants is hard.
"Supermodel Kate Moss is reportedly terrified after discovering that two missing
tapes from her video diaries made with drug-addicted BF Pete Doherty have
disappearted from her collection. Maybe Pete exchanged them for an eightball of
Now here is a sex tape that I would half like to see, and I think you know which half it is that I want to see. If these tapes are real, I hope they leak out so we all get a peek, and I hope that Pete isn't on camera too much, washing vomit from your underpants is hard.
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