Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I did it...
I have long felt like I wasn't providing enough real content on this site, and that was reflected in the fact that the tag with the greatest number was the video tag. Now however I am happy to say that is changed and video is no longer the most numerious tag. The honor has been lost to the gossip tag, which is being followed closely by the Politics tag. I really want to make this an entertaining site, but also a content site.
Nick Lachey Vanessa Minnillo Engagement Ring Shopping Cartier’s Seattle
Nick Lachey Vanessa Minnillo Engagement Ring Shopping Cartier’s Seattle
They are clearly a hot couple, and I think that this could be a good relationship for both of them. I wish them the best of luck with their new life.
Despite uncensored shots of their infamous hot tub tryst in the middle of Mexico
leaking to the Net late last week, spywitness spotted former ‘Newlywed’ Nick
Lachey shopping for a diamond engagment ring at Cartier’s Seattle.
They are clearly a hot couple, and I think that this could be a good relationship for both of them. I wish them the best of luck with their new life.
Anderson Cooper Caught Giving Male Oral Sex In Atlanta Sex Shop ‘Inserections’
Anderson Cooper Caught Giving Male Oral Sex In Atlanta Sex Shop ‘Inserections’
I really like Anderson and I don't think that this is important, but it is going to be out there. I thought it would be better to just post the story and shoot it down. I don't know what he does in his personal life, and this is a matter that doesn't need to be talked about. I know you are thinking that all I do is talk about peoples personal lives. You have a point, but this is something that has a real potential to damage a persons career.
A very notable Atlanta individual was in an Atlanta area adult novelty store
where he caught CNN newsman Anderson Cooper giving a man head in one of the
‘private’ porn booths.The adult novelty story is “Inserections” and is located near Chesire Bridge Rd in Atlanta, GA. This incident happened two weeks ago and was only made apparent after Anderson’s hat and glasses fell off.
I really like Anderson and I don't think that this is important, but it is going to be out there. I thought it would be better to just post the story and shoot it down. I don't know what he does in his personal life, and this is a matter that doesn't need to be talked about. I know you are thinking that all I do is talk about peoples personal lives. You have a point, but this is something that has a real potential to damage a persons career.
Aniston’s Rep Denies Jennifer Met Shiloh
Aniston’s Rep Denies Jennifer Met Shiloh
I don't see any reason why she shouldn't see Shiloh, and I don't think that Angelina would be upset by that either. The press just need something to print, and until Jenn can find herself a new lover, that is serious, she is going to be attached to Brad in the media. I am sure that all of them would be more than happy to see her get into a real solid relationship.
Jennifer Aniston’s rep is denying reports that she gave an interview to
Britain’s Look magazine in which she dishes on her former fling, Paul Sculfor,
and a recent meeting with Brad Pitt and daughter Shiloh.
I don't see any reason why she shouldn't see Shiloh, and I don't think that Angelina would be upset by that either. The press just need something to print, and until Jenn can find herself a new lover, that is serious, she is going to be attached to Brad in the media. I am sure that all of them would be more than happy to see her get into a real solid relationship.
Putting the BS on PBS
Putting the BS on PBS
A small storm is brewing over a goldmine in Romania and a documentary that was made about it. The mine is being blocked by environmental groups, that isn't the story. Clearly if groups in Romania are concerned about the mine, they have the right to protest it and the people have the choice to support it or not. The groups in this case are being backed by big money groups from the US, which is putting a lot of pressure on the mine company to stop the mine.
I have concerns about this because while I am sure that the groups are acting in what they feel is best for the people of the village.What do the people in the village want, and are their needs being over ridden by the international groups assisting them. I understand the logic that since the company that owns the mine is a Canadian company and is itself large and international, that the defense needs to be large and international. I have read at least some reports that the people in the village want the mine, while it may be well intentioned I don't think it is the role of American Environmental groups to dictate to other countries what is best for them.
Gold Futures carries a host of myths, factual inaccuracies and obviorus attempts
to hoodwink his audience. These cannot just be mistakes. Perhaps Kocsis believes
his films are ‘good lies’, peddled to raise awareness about an important issue -
where exaggeration and omission are morally the right thing to do. But whether a
conscious attempt to pull the wool over people’s eyes or just shoddy film
making, this is not an objective film.
This is not a David versus Goliath struggle, tiny environmentalist groups versus the ‘big bad’ gold-company. Some of the richest and most powerful environmental NGOs in the world – Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the George Soros funded Open Society Foundation, and the Goldman Environmental Foundation have allied with some of the largest landowners in the valley to stop the mine.
A small storm is brewing over a goldmine in Romania and a documentary that was made about it. The mine is being blocked by environmental groups, that isn't the story. Clearly if groups in Romania are concerned about the mine, they have the right to protest it and the people have the choice to support it or not. The groups in this case are being backed by big money groups from the US, which is putting a lot of pressure on the mine company to stop the mine.
I have concerns about this because while I am sure that the groups are acting in what they feel is best for the people of the village.What do the people in the village want, and are their needs being over ridden by the international groups assisting them. I understand the logic that since the company that owns the mine is a Canadian company and is itself large and international, that the defense needs to be large and international. I have read at least some reports that the people in the village want the mine, while it may be well intentioned I don't think it is the role of American Environmental groups to dictate to other countries what is best for them.
Sharia rocks: Gwen Stefani covers up in Malaysia
Sharia rocks: Gwen Stefani covers up in Malaysia
If they right in this country had made a similar request, and she had abided by it they would be talking about how responsible she was. However, since this concert was in a Muslim country and it was Muslims that she was adapting her show for, she is a dhimmi. She was faced with the choice of having the show and respecting the wishes of the nation she was visiting or not having the show. I don't know that I would expect everyone to make the choice that she made, I can see the argument against it. What I don't see is how she should be slandered for respecting the Muslim culture. If the concert had been in Europe and Asia - then it would be a different issue, but this concert was in a Muslim country.
She changed costumes for every song, remaining fully covered as she belted out
tunes such as “The Sweet Escape,” “Rich Girl,” “Wind it Up” and “Hollaback
Girl.” Stefani had promised to dress modestly after the 10,000-member National
Union of Malaysian Muslim Students charged that her skimpy outfits and cheeky
performances clashed with Islamic values. The opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic
Party also accused her of promoting promiscuity and corrupting the country’s
youth. In an interview with Galaxie, a local entertainment magazine, Stefani
said she had made many changes for Malaysia, calling it a “major
“I’ve been in the music industry for 20 years and this is the first time that I’m facing opposition from people who have misunderstood me,” she was quoted as saying.
If they right in this country had made a similar request, and she had abided by it they would be talking about how responsible she was. However, since this concert was in a Muslim country and it was Muslims that she was adapting her show for, she is a dhimmi. She was faced with the choice of having the show and respecting the wishes of the nation she was visiting or not having the show. I don't know that I would expect everyone to make the choice that she made, I can see the argument against it. What I don't see is how she should be slandered for respecting the Muslim culture. If the concert had been in Europe and Asia - then it would be a different issue, but this concert was in a Muslim country.
Truthers are Truthers because they don't listen to the truth. Why should they listen to the History channel when they can listen to Charlie Sheen. Why listen to the guys from Popular Mechanics, when you can listen to Rosie O'Donnell?
In what will surely be seen as a defining moment for the 9/11 truther movement,
the History Channel has delivered a blow for sanity and rationalism by airing a
superior documentary entitled 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction.
There’s no other way to say it; the truthers got reamed.
Truthers are Truthers because they don't listen to the truth. Why should they listen to the History channel when they can listen to Charlie Sheen. Why listen to the guys from Popular Mechanics, when you can listen to Rosie O'Donnell?
Bloomberg says won't run for president (Daniel Trotta/Reuters)
Bloomberg says won't run for president (Daniel Trotta/Reuters)
While it might seem clear to most at this point that he was not going to get into the race, this is the first clear statement he has made. Until now he has claimed that he didn't have plans to run, but didn't plan on not running. This means that in another four years, we may have the same debate all over again.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he cannot win the
U.S. presidency and won't run, the strongest statement to date about his
intentions for the 2008 presidential race.
While it might seem clear to most at this point that he was not going to get into the race, this is the first clear statement he has made. Until now he has claimed that he didn't have plans to run, but didn't plan on not running. This means that in another four years, we may have the same debate all over again.
CNN Moral Equivalence Marathon
CNN Moral Equivalence Marathon
Call off the attack dogs, this isn't about claiming that they are equal or that they all do the same things. What the show is about is looking at how each of the religions is using its beliefs and attempting to pressure them into public life.
Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, announced Tuesday it would no
longer honor understandings reached with Israel, and called on its members to
carry weapons to defend themselves against the IDF.
“We call on all our members who handed over their weapons to the Palestinian security forces to report to their commanders so that they can be issued new weapons,” said a leaflet distributed in Ramallah.
Call off the attack dogs, this isn't about claiming that they are equal or that they all do the same things. What the show is about is looking at how each of the religions is using its beliefs and attempting to pressure them into public life.
Moderate Terrorists Call Off Deal
Moderate Terrorists Call Off Deal
Does this represent another split in power among the Palestinian's rulers. Are they going to join with Hamas, or take a third position different from either of the two other parties? This is bad news for the peace process.
Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, announced Tuesday it would no
longer honor understandings reached with Israel, and called on its members to
carry weapons to defend themselves against the IDF.
“We call on all our
members who handed over their weapons to the Palestinian security forces to
report to their commanders so that they can be issued new weapons,” said a
leaflet distributed in Ramallah.
Does this represent another split in power among the Palestinian's rulers. Are they going to join with Hamas, or take a third position different from either of the two other parties? This is bad news for the peace process.
Al-Arafia: The embrace of death
Al-Arafia: The embrace of death
If there is a heaven and hell, then I believe the bomber will go to hell and the brave young man will go to heaven to be greeted by virgins.
One of Michael Yon’s best posts was a piece published in February called “The
Hands of God” about an Iraqi north of Mosul who spotted a suicide bomber on his
way towards a mosque and did the only thing he could to stop him — grabbed him
tight and held on while the button was pushed. No telling if that was the first
time something like that had happened, but we know now that it wasn’t the last.
If there is a heaven and hell, then I believe the bomber will go to hell and the brave young man will go to heaven to be greeted by virgins.
Gallup: Congress hits rock bottom
Obama’s wife attacks Hillary?
Obama’s wife attacks Hillary?
Could this be an attack against Hilary, that she wasn't able to keep her man from cheating on her?
‘One of the most important things that we need to know about the next President
of the United States is, is he somebody that shares our values? Is he somebody
that respects family? Is [he] a good and decent person? So our view was that, if
you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House. So, so
we’ve adjusted our schedules to make sure that our girls are first’
Could this be an attack against Hilary, that she wasn't able to keep her man from cheating on her?
Patreaus to testify on September 11th, because of Dems?
Patreaus to testify on September 11th, because of Dems?
I reported a couple days ago about the testimony from Patreaus to be held on Sept 11th and how I thought it was a poor choice of days for it to be done on. At the time I had thought that the administration has chosen that date to press their case with a stronger tone. However this points out that it isn't the president that schedules these things but congress. In this case a Democrat in congress - just what was he thinking?
This is Congressional testimony we're talking about. The Bush Administration has
assumed quite a few extra-constitutional powers with its. unitary-executive
power grabs, but one power it most definitely has not grabbed is the power to
schedule Congressional testimony. The calendar is still in the hands of
Congress and, specifically here, the Senate Armed Services Committee. Or
to put a finer point on it, Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin.
I reported a couple days ago about the testimony from Patreaus to be held on Sept 11th and how I thought it was a poor choice of days for it to be done on. At the time I had thought that the administration has chosen that date to press their case with a stronger tone. However this points out that it isn't the president that schedules these things but congress. In this case a Democrat in congress - just what was he thinking?
Rightwing crazy comes and goes, but Google cache is forever
Rightwing crazy comes and goes, but Google cache is forever
I think this speaks for itself, this is an example not of the weakness of free speech, but the strength of it. I think anyone would look at this statement and think to themselves - "what kind of crazy idiot are you, and why are you not taking your medication?"
“The very least that must be done to halt the Hispanic invasion is the mass
enslavement, or execution, of the invaders, which must be followed by an
American invasion of Mexico to enforce American language and values upon the
I think this speaks for itself, this is an example not of the weakness of free speech, but the strength of it. I think anyone would look at this statement and think to themselves - "what kind of crazy idiot are you, and why are you not taking your medication?"
Court Ruling Gives Nationwide Protection To Children Adopted By Same Sex Couples
Court Ruling Gives Nationwide Protection To Children Adopted By Same Sex Couples
Just more love from the family values crowd. They accuse the left of destroying the family, while attempting to take children away from loving families because they have an alternative lifestyle. It makes me sick.
Should the legal ties between parents and their adopted child unravel if the
family leaves the state where the adoption decree was handed down?
Of course not. The very idea is outrageous.But that’s what Oklahoma lawmakers were striving for in 2004 with their chillingly titled “Adoption Invalidation Law,” which targeted adopted children with gay parents.
Just more love from the family values crowd. They accuse the left of destroying the family, while attempting to take children away from loving families because they have an alternative lifestyle. It makes me sick.
IT'S A MIRACLE!!! Iraq has SUDDENLY gotten MUCH BETTER in the past 24 hours!!! Praise Jesus, it's a freaking MIRACLE!!! Part 2
IT'S A MIRACLE!!! Iraq has SUDDENLY gotten MUCH BETTER in the past 24 hours!!! Praise Jesus, it's a freaking MIRACLE!!! Part 2
How can you be so obsessed with your own greatness and knowledge that you think that anyone who doesn't agree with you is lying or has been tricked? I trust people with attitudes such as this less than anyone. The feeling I get is that they would even lie to themselves if they had to in order to not be wrong.
I don't know what the position on the ground in Iraq is. There have been some solid reports that things are going well. There have been other reports that things are not going well, the general will give his report in a couple days. While those on the left are already calling him a liar, I don't see why he would want to lie. If he could get the troops to come home, he could come home and be out of the danger. Do they really think that the small political gain would be more important than that?
Three Democratic congressmen have just come back from a dog and pony show in
Iraq and suddenly think everything is going just great! Surprise surprise
surprise. As I've written before, General Petraeus is known for his
sweet-as-candy ability to lie his way out of any crisis, so it's no wonder that
his smoke-and-mirrors production of Iraq, the musical, snookered these 3 Dems.
How can you be so obsessed with your own greatness and knowledge that you think that anyone who doesn't agree with you is lying or has been tricked? I trust people with attitudes such as this less than anyone. The feeling I get is that they would even lie to themselves if they had to in order to not be wrong.
I don't know what the position on the ground in Iraq is. There have been some solid reports that things are going well. There have been other reports that things are not going well, the general will give his report in a couple days. While those on the left are already calling him a liar, I don't see why he would want to lie. If he could get the troops to come home, he could come home and be out of the danger. Do they really think that the small political gain would be more important than that?
Calculations: How Is The Nearly Ad-Free 'New Republic' Surviving?
Calculations: How Is The Nearly Ad-Free 'New Republic' Surviving?
What a friendly thing to say. This could be good news though, I would hate to see a magazine with such a long history fold. It appears that ad sales are down, and they have the right wing on their ass over the scandal with the Iraq blogs. This is going to be harder to get through than the Stephen Glass affair because most hackers don't want to be known - so they won't come forward to defend themselves.
Perhaps someone at CanWest should heed the words of New Yorker editor Henrik
Hertzberg, who told Columbia, "I hope they don't expect it to make money... In
that respect the New Republic has been an almost constant failure since
1914"—the year it was founded.
What a friendly thing to say. This could be good news though, I would hate to see a magazine with such a long history fold. It appears that ad sales are down, and they have the right wing on their ass over the scandal with the Iraq blogs. This is going to be harder to get through than the Stephen Glass affair because most hackers don't want to be known - so they won't come forward to defend themselves.
Corporate Moral Compasses: Barnes & Noble Draws The Sleaze-Lit Line At O.J.'s 'If I Did It'
Corporate Moral Compasses: Barnes & Noble Draws The Sleaze-Lit Line At O.J.'s 'If I Did It'
If I saw it in a book store I would want to steal it, just because it would be morally acceptable to do so in my mind. If the store is going to be so morally sick, and the family is going to be so morally base, do they really have any ground to say it is wrong to steal. This isn't a book about a criminal case as have been produced before, this is a book about the crime itself, written by the person who is widely believed to have done it.
"Our buyers don't feel there will be enough of a demand to carry it in our
stores," Barnes & Noble spokeswoman Mary Ellen Keating told The Associated
Press on Tuesday.
If I saw it in a book store I would want to steal it, just because it would be morally acceptable to do so in my mind. If the store is going to be so morally sick, and the family is going to be so morally base, do they really have any ground to say it is wrong to steal. This isn't a book about a criminal case as have been produced before, this is a book about the crime itself, written by the person who is widely believed to have done it.
Ann Curry Sits Down With Brad Pitt (Again)
Ann Curry Sits Down With Brad Pitt (Again)
This will be a must see for all you fans of Americas Royal family - hell why not declare that Angelina and Brad are Kind and Queen. Just as long as they still make movies, sometimes allow pictures with the kids and understand there is no real power in the position.
NBC’s Jolie-Pitt family correspondent Ann Curry sits down Brad Pitt for another
exclusive interview, which will air Wednesday and Thursday on The Today Show.
This will be a must see for all you fans of Americas Royal family - hell why not declare that Angelina and Brad are Kind and Queen. Just as long as they still make movies, sometimes allow pictures with the kids and understand there is no real power in the position.
Beyonce Flashes Tatas to Fans
Beyonce Flashes Tatas to Fans
With both this case and the last case, where she fell down the stairs she has done a great job of not letting it stop the show in anyway. She is there to give her fans a show, and any show will have mistakes, she does a great job of rolling with these mistakes.
After the “falling down a set of stairs” debacle, Beyonce is facing yet another
concert ordeal. During a recent concert in Toronto, Beyonce’s top flies up
during one her dances during her performance of “Deja Vu.”
With both this case and the last case, where she fell down the stairs she has done a great job of not letting it stop the show in anyway. She is there to give her fans a show, and any show will have mistakes, she does a great job of rolling with these mistakes.
Janeane Garofalo joins ‘24′ cast
Janeane Garofalo joins ‘24′ cast
While I have never seen 24, I know that everything that Janeane works on is better for her efforts. I really think that she is an amazing and beautiful womyn.
Actress-comedian Janeane Garofalo is set to co-star on Fox’s real-time drama
“24″ this coming season.
On the Imagine TV/20th Century Fox TV series, Garofalo will play a government agent who is part of the team investigating the crisis befalling Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) and company.
While I have never seen 24, I know that everything that Janeane works on is better for her efforts. I really think that she is an amazing and beautiful womyn.
Jack Osbourne Slams Mom For Paris Hilton Gossip
Jack Osbourne Slams Mom For Paris Hilton Gossip
How would you feel if your mother was talking to the whole world about who you had sex with. I don't think I would like that much.
Jack Osbourne has hit out at his mother Sharon for revealing his fling with
Paris Hilton - and confesses it’s not entirely true.
How would you feel if your mother was talking to the whole world about who you had sex with. I don't think I would like that much.
It really is open season on Katie isn't it. If people keep treating her like this, there will only be one thing that she will be able to do. Run for president, or as vice president with Hilary.
The unauthorized biography ‘Katie: The Real Story’ claims, among many other
things, that Katie Couric (during her bachelorette days) crippled the marriage
of a CNN exec who promised to crown her a star, then as ‘Today’ cohost
deliberately ate into Matt Lauer’s air time and “did everything in her power” to
squash the ascension of rising star Ann Curry.
It really is open season on Katie isn't it. If people keep treating her like this, there will only be one thing that she will be able to do. Run for president, or as vice president with Hilary.
She is starting to sound like Tyra Banks with this talk. While it is a good idea, I don't see that it is going to start a revolution.
At a self-esteem workshop surrounded by a bunch of young Girl Scouts, the
‘Heroes’ stunner announced today that in collaboration with Dove Hair Care she
is taking a stand for real beauty by “going real” on the red carpet. Ali is —
are you ready for it? — forgoing the usual pre-awards show professional
hairstyling routine by creating her own hairstyle, sans a team of stylists.
She is starting to sound like Tyra Banks with this talk. While it is a good idea, I don't see that it is going to start a revolution.
Lucky Lohan
Lucky Lohan
Okay maybe I should be upset about this, about how it isn't fair and how a normal person wouldn't be given these breaks - well we don't know really. The thing is that I am not upset, I am happy for Lindsay and happy for us. I can't wait for this all to be over with, so Lindsay can get back to acting, and back to being a star for us again. I hope that things are going well with her recovery and that her legal problems work out.
Blohan may not face felony charges for her two DUI busts. TMZ reports that the
Los Angeles District Attorney's Office will most likely reject the three
possibly felonies and will not file coke charges for her Memorial Day bust.
She also faces felony coke charges for her July 24th bust, but apparently the D.A. will most likely not file those charges either.
The D.A. will most likely only file misdemeanor DUI charges for both busts which
could land her in jail for 4 measely days. If she was convicted of felony
charges she would find her ass in prison.
Okay maybe I should be upset about this, about how it isn't fair and how a normal person wouldn't be given these breaks - well we don't know really. The thing is that I am not upset, I am happy for Lindsay and happy for us. I can't wait for this all to be over with, so Lindsay can get back to acting, and back to being a star for us again. I hope that things are going well with her recovery and that her legal problems work out.
Lauren's new guy?
Lauren's new guy?
Just in time for her to retire she has found a new love for her life. Wouldn't we all love to find a new love and retire. I hope things go well for the young couple.
Is this Lauren Conrad's new man? The Hills star was spotted holding hands and
making out with actor/dancer Sean Zastoupil over the weekend at Les Deux in
Hollywood. "They met a couple of years ago at a fashion show in San Diego for
Dieter Schmitz's charity event RH4T and just recently reconnected," said a
source. Seriously? She couldn't do any better than this guy?
Just in time for her to retire she has found a new love for her life. Wouldn't we all love to find a new love and retire. I hope things go well for the young couple.
Anne Heche and James Tucker shack up
Anne Heche and James Tucker shack up
Looks like someone is getting over her divorce well. When one cutie is taken away, there is another just out the door waiting - well if you are Anne Heche anyway.
Anne Heche and her Men in Trees co-star James Tupper have shacked up in
Vancouver after hooking up on set last January. "We are just exploring our
relationship and it has been going very well," Tupper told a Vancouver paper.
"Where is it going? I don't know. Ask me again in a year."
Looks like someone is getting over her divorce well. When one cutie is taken away, there is another just out the door waiting - well if you are Anne Heche anyway.
Lindsay Lohan: Singer

Although I am probably stealing someone picture by posting this here, it has been so long since we have had some good pictures of Lindsay in the blog. She seems to be doing much better, going jogging and biking and even taking a trip down a river in a raft. Here is to hoping that this is a lasting change in her life this time. I know that people are suggesting that this isn't serious rehab, but I think part of rehab is learning other ways of being happy, other than drugs.
Drew & Spike Hook It Up

Photographers snapped Drew Barrymore chilling in LA this week with Spike Jonze.
Drew and the director first hooked up in March, but have managed to keep a low
profile, and refrained from discussing their relationship.
Man, Drew really goes out with some dorky looking guys - almost makes me think I would have a chance. Hope she is happy with her new man.
Vida Guerra’s Meter Maid Suspended
Vida Guerra’s Meter Maid Suspended
Just goes to show you, ask to see a girl naked and you too might get time off from work.
According to Parking Enforcement Manager Eric Ruiz, officer L. Salgado will not
be patrolling the sidewalks while the City conducts an official investigation
into the incident. Furthermore, buzz inside the station is that Salgado, who is
said to be 18 or 19-years-old, will be fired.
Just goes to show you, ask to see a girl naked and you too might get time off from work.
Cameron Diaz and John Mayer? How…Expected…
Cameron Diaz and John Mayer? How…Expected…
There is something special about someone like Cameron dating someone like John. It is like they are dating each other so someone else won't have to. Honestly though, it seems like an odd couple, but I wish them the best of luck.
HOLLYWOOD RAG is reporting that John Mayer and Cameron Diaz are, in fact,
dating, officially setting a new highwater mark for “Most Believable Couple in
There is something special about someone like Cameron dating someone like John. It is like they are dating each other so someone else won't have to. Honestly though, it seems like an odd couple, but I wish them the best of luck.
August 21st, 2007 - Happy Birthday Hayden Panettiere!
August 21st, 2007 - Happy Birthday Hayden Panettiere!
Release the hounds, she's legal boys... Hope she is having a great birthday.
Hayden Leslie Panettiere (born August 21, 1989) is an American actress, singer,
and a Grammy Award nominee. She was born on August 21, 1989 to Skip and Leslie
Panettiere. She has one younger brother, Jansen Panettiere.
Release the hounds, she's legal boys... Hope she is having a great birthday.
Vivica A. Fox Defends Co-Star Jessica Simpson
Vivica A. Fox Defends Co-Star Jessica Simpson
Ok, maybe she wasn't acting like a spoiled brat - that would after all imply that she can act. Could this noble defense be an attempt to get the public interested in a bad movie?
MALIBU, Calif. (August 21, 2007) — Actress Vivica A. Fox is outraged over
reports of co-star Jessica Simpson’s “diva-like behavior” on the Louisiana set
of “Major Movie Star.”
Fox, a “Dancing With the Stars” veteran, spoke to People about rumors that Simpson behaved like a “spoiled brat” on the set.
Ok, maybe she wasn't acting like a spoiled brat - that would after all imply that she can act. Could this noble defense be an attempt to get the public interested in a bad movie?
Amy Boozehound Leaves Rehab
Amy Boozehound Leaves Rehab
Already out of rehab, just when the world was feeling like a safer place again.
The troubled singer walked out of The Causeway clinic in Essex again on Sunday
Amy and Blake had promised family and friends they would spend a few
weeks there as they battled their drug problems.
But after a string of screaming matches with each other -- ruining the harmony of the £10,000-a-week retreat -- they left. Together, they got a taxi to an exclusive hotel in central London where they spent the night.
Already out of rehab, just when the world was feeling like a safer place again.
People with blue eyes are smarter?
People with blue eyes are smarter?
Ok, I only post this because I have blue eyes, so wouldn't I think it was true.
A new study by U.S. scientists finds that people with blue eyes are likely to
achieve more in life, intellectually, at least, than those with brown.
Ok, I only post this because I have blue eyes, so wouldn't I think it was true.
Is Longoria getting the axe?
Is Longoria getting the axe?
Now that she really is a housewife, she doesn't need to play one on TV I guess. Make way for movie deals...
Eva Longoria’s character Gabrielle Solis (or whatever it is now that she’s
divorced Carlos) on Desperate Housewives may get killed off, sources say, and
with Eva being the “happiest she’s ever been” since getting married, it’s
apparently no big deal to her. Insiders on the Desperate set say that creator
Marc Cherry may be considering the death of one of the show’s main characters,
and more and more, Eva’s character is looking to be the one he chooses. A friend
of the actress says, “To be truthful, I don’t think Desperate Housewives is the
most important thing in Eva’s life any longer.
Now that she really is a housewife, she doesn't need to play one on TV I guess. Make way for movie deals...
Hilary Duff Doesn't Wear Panties?
FEC Complaint filed against Fred Thompson
FEC Complaint filed against Fred Thompson
About Time....
Fred Thompson is breaking the law and it’s time somebody did something about it.
So, this morning, I filed an FEC Complaint against him. For far too long, he has
been ignoring the letter and spirit of Federal Election Law for his own
political benefit. It reeks of the same disregard for the law that we have seen
from the Bush Administration, Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, Tom Delay, and Mark
About Time....
AT&T Shareholders Alarmed by Pearl Jam Controversy
AT&T Shareholders Alarmed by Pearl Jam Controversy
I bet the company wasn't expecting an attack for its actions from the board room. One thing I think that Americans don't understand is that corporations are held to the account of a board of directors that is made up of investors. While some of the investors might only be concerned about the money to be made that is not the universal case. There are some who care about issues and understand that a company has a public duty to up hold. As far as this case goes, I have not covered it much because I give it to ATT, this time. They said it was a mistake and I believe them.
As citizens we are alarmed whenever the free marketplace of ideas is impeded by
political censorship. As shareholders we are most concerned about the impact
such controversy can have on AT&T’s reputation among consumers and its good
standing in regulatory and legislative communities.
I bet the company wasn't expecting an attack for its actions from the board room. One thing I think that Americans don't understand is that corporations are held to the account of a board of directors that is made up of investors. While some of the investors might only be concerned about the money to be made that is not the universal case. There are some who care about issues and understand that a company has a public duty to up hold. As far as this case goes, I have not covered it much because I give it to ATT, this time. They said it was a mistake and I believe them.
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