Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 4, “Women,” verses 17-34
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 4, “Women,” verses 17-34:
That might be the saddest part of all, that the womyn think they deserve it.
"Wife-beating exists in all cultures, but only in Islam does it enjoy
divine sanction. Amnesty International reports that “according to the Pakistan
Institute of Medical Sciences, over 90% of married women report being kicked,
slapped, beaten or sexually abused when husbands were dissatisfied by their
cooking or cleaning, or when the women had ‘failed’ to bear a child or had given
birth to a girl instead of a boy.”Aisha herself said it"
That might be the saddest part of all, that the womyn think they deserve it.
Crooks and Liars » “Oops.”

Crooks and Liars » “Oops.”:
"No one is arguing that online polls are scientific, accurate, or fair. But
then don’t put them up on your website. (click for full size)"
Daily Kos: Richardson strikes back
Daily Kos: Richardson strikes back:
Reminds me of what they say, it is better to be quiet and allow others to think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and show them you are. Hey Richardson, bloggers are voters, and people who read blogs are voters too.
"At a campaign stop Wednesday at Horne's Country Buffet, Democratic presidential
candidate Bill Richardson struck back at prominent liberal blogs that yesterday
called Richardson a 'buffoon' and claimed the New Mexico governor is 'not ready
for prime time.' 'Bloggers can say whatever they want, but I care about the
voters,' Richardson told CNN. "
Reminds me of what they say, it is better to be quiet and allow others to think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and show them you are. Hey Richardson, bloggers are voters, and people who read blogs are voters too.
WaPo Reports Another Clinton Campaign Finance Fiasco Media Will Ignore | NewsBusters.org
WaPo Reports Another Clinton Campaign Finance Fiasco Media Will Ignore NewsBusters.org:
It isn't clear to me what they are claiming Clinton or Chatwal has done wrong in regards to campaign funds. This sounds like a fishing trip to me, that they have found a person who donated money to Clinton with some questionable dealings in his background. It is fair to ask if this is something that the public should be concerned about. There appears to be some who are getting ahead of the story and convicting Hilary when there is no record of a crime.
Hilary really needs to start focusing on where her money comes from, it is things like this that will really hurt her.
"Sant S. Chatwal, an Indian American businessman, has helped raise hundreds of
thousands of dollars for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaigns, even as he
battled governments on two continents to escape bankruptcy and millions of
dollars in tax liens. The founder of the Bombay Palace restaurant chain, Chatwal
is one of a growing number of fundraisers in the 2008 presidential campaign
whose backgrounds have prompted questions about how much screening the
candidates devote to their 'bundlers' while they press to raise record amounts."
It isn't clear to me what they are claiming Clinton or Chatwal has done wrong in regards to campaign funds. This sounds like a fishing trip to me, that they have found a person who donated money to Clinton with some questionable dealings in his background. It is fair to ask if this is something that the public should be concerned about. There appears to be some who are getting ahead of the story and convicting Hilary when there is no record of a crime.
Hilary really needs to start focusing on where her money comes from, it is things like this that will really hurt her.
Michelle Malkin » Newark case update: Judge defends illegal alien Carranza bail decision
Michelle Malkin » Newark case update: Judge defends illegal alien Carranza bail decision:
The question this is, do you lock a person up because they are not here legally and hold them for trial or do you give them the same rights that others would receive under the justice system. It isn't clear to me which is right, a person here illegally is breaking the law, and for that the person should be held argue voices on the right. The other side of that is that there is no reason to assume that they are going to commit a crime while out on bail just because they are illegal.
"While the report recommends placing bail determinations on the formal record to
avoid confusion in future cases, it concludes the judge’s actions were
appropriate. “Carranza was entitled to a reasonable bail that would ensure his
presence at trial on serious charges,” D’Italia’s report states. “In fact, he
appeared when required at two hearings subsequent to posting bail. Thus, the
‘primary purpose of bail’ under the New Jersey Constitution was satisfied.”"
The question this is, do you lock a person up because they are not here legally and hold them for trial or do you give them the same rights that others would receive under the justice system. It isn't clear to me which is right, a person here illegally is breaking the law, and for that the person should be held argue voices on the right. The other side of that is that there is no reason to assume that they are going to commit a crime while out on bail just because they are illegal.
lgf: Swedish Muslims Seething, Suing
lgf: Swedish Muslims Seething, Suing:
What makes people angry, is when one group in society attempts to play by different rules than everyone else. Fact is that Free Speech is a value of the Swedish society, that means that you have to understand that people have the right to publish things that you do not like. If the government, or the Christian church, or businesses are not protected, then why should the Muslim religion be protected. The best way to handle this is to go to the people with your own message. Give them a stronger message about what Islam is and what it means than they are getting from some place else and you won't have to worry about what is published.
"A Swedish Muslim group on Tuesday said it plans to sue a local newspaper for
publishing a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad with a dog’s body. The Nerikes
Allehanda newspaper in Orebro printed the cartoon made by artist Lars Vilks in
an August 19 editorial that criticized Swedish art galleries for not displaying
Vilks’ art. Mahmoud Aldebe, chairman of the Swedish Muslim Federation, said the
group would sue the newspaper for inciting hatred against ethnic groups. “It
ridicules our religion. This is discriminating and insulting... they want to see
just how far they are able to go by pushing the boundaries of press freedom,” he
What makes people angry, is when one group in society attempts to play by different rules than everyone else. Fact is that Free Speech is a value of the Swedish society, that means that you have to understand that people have the right to publish things that you do not like. If the government, or the Christian church, or businesses are not protected, then why should the Muslim religion be protected. The best way to handle this is to go to the people with your own message. Give them a stronger message about what Islam is and what it means than they are getting from some place else and you won't have to worry about what is published.
A Blog For All: Hsu Jumped Bail Again
A Blog For All: Hsu Jumped Bail Again:
Hilary is going to take a real hit on this. First there was the money that connected her to a criminal. Then there was the bogus claims that he did not know that the law was looking for him. Now he appears to have jumped bail again, no doubt he thinks that since he hid for this long he can hide again. I don't know how closely Hilary is connected to this fraud, but the best thing for her to do would be to come out and publicly call for him to return to the court. Other candidates have been connected with Hsu as well, I don't know all the details but I know that Obama had to return some of his money.
"A top Democratic fundraiser whose criminal past has roiled the campaigns of top
presidential candidates failed to appear Wednesday for a bail hearing and a
judge issued a new warrant for his arrest. Norman Hsu, who had been a fugitive
for more than 15 years, forfeits the $2 million bail he posted last week. His
attorney said Wednesday he didn't know where his client was."
Hilary is going to take a real hit on this. First there was the money that connected her to a criminal. Then there was the bogus claims that he did not know that the law was looking for him. Now he appears to have jumped bail again, no doubt he thinks that since he hid for this long he can hide again. I don't know how closely Hilary is connected to this fraud, but the best thing for her to do would be to come out and publicly call for him to return to the court. Other candidates have been connected with Hsu as well, I don't know all the details but I know that Obama had to return some of his money.
Nuclear bombs mistakenly flown over US - Yahoo! News
Nuclear bombs mistakenly flown over US - Yahoo! News:
At no point was the public in danger, I could be wrong about this but if that plane had crashed, couldn't that weapon have been set off. I know that it isn't as simple as that. Even if it just exploded, it would be a pretty hefty dirty bomb.
"The mistake was so serious that President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert
Gates were quickly informed and Gates has asked for daily briefings on the Air
Force inquiry, said Defense Department press secretary Geoff Morrell. He said
Gates was assured that 'the munitions were part of a routine transfer between
the two bases and at all times they were in the custody and control of Air Force
personnel and at no time was the public in danger.'"
At no point was the public in danger, I could be wrong about this but if that plane had crashed, couldn't that weapon have been set off. I know that it isn't as simple as that. Even if it just exploded, it would be a pretty hefty dirty bomb.
Dobbs: Mexican president's blatant hypocrisy - CNN.com
Dobbs: Mexican president's blatant hypocrisy - CNN.com:
There are two clear points here, if an American were being held by the Mexican government and mistreated, openly abused and tortured. I think that it would be the duty of the American government to attempt to get them released. However, that is not the simple case with immigrants in this country. They are breaking the law, and they are being arrested and punished for breaking that law. Mexico has no grounds to tell the United States that it should not enforce its own laws. I have said this before, and I will say it again, why doesn't the government of Mexico spend less time concerned about people who abandoned the country, and broke American law. They could then spend more time making Mexico a country that its citizens don't abandon for a better life.
"In his state of the union address to the Mexican nation, Calderon established
his imperialistic imperatives: 'I have said that Mexico does not stop at its
border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico. And, for this reason,
the government action on behalf of our countrymen is guided by principles, for
the defense and protection of their rights.' Calderon protested the U.S.
government's increased raids on illegal employers of illegal alien employees and
work site enforcement. In what is little more than a faint nod to the Bush
administration's responsibility to enforce U.S. immigration law, the Department
of Homeland Security had planned to send out notices to employers from the
Social Security Administration informing them of non-matching records between an
employee's name and Social Security number. These employers would then be forced
to resolve any discrepancy within 90 days or be required to dismiss the employee
or face up to $10,000 in fines for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants."
There are two clear points here, if an American were being held by the Mexican government and mistreated, openly abused and tortured. I think that it would be the duty of the American government to attempt to get them released. However, that is not the simple case with immigrants in this country. They are breaking the law, and they are being arrested and punished for breaking that law. Mexico has no grounds to tell the United States that it should not enforce its own laws. I have said this before, and I will say it again, why doesn't the government of Mexico spend less time concerned about people who abandoned the country, and broke American law. They could then spend more time making Mexico a country that its citizens don't abandon for a better life.
ABC News: Thompson Throws Hat Into Presidential Ring
ABC News: Thompson Throws Hat Into Presidential Ring:
He is in the race... I will post video when it comes up. I am sure that it will pop up some where soon.
"Former Senator and potential Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson
greets supporters at the Des Moines airport after attending the Iowa State Fair
August 17, 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa. Thompson is expected to announce his
candidacy for president in September. "
He is in the race... I will post video when it comes up. I am sure that it will pop up some where soon.
FOXNews.com - Popcorn Maker to Remove Butter Flavoring Chemical Linked to Lung Ailment - Business And Money | Business News | Financial News
FOXNews.com - Popcorn Maker to Remove Butter Flavoring Chemical Linked to Lung Ailment - Business And Money Business News Financial News:
Don't want their consumers to get lung diseases before they get heart disease. This is something that consumers should be aware of, another source claims contact with the fumes from cooking the popcorn can also be dangerous.
"NEBRASKA — The nation's largest microwave popcorn maker, ConAgra Foods
Inc.(CAG), says it will change the recipe for its Orville Redenbacher and Act II
brands over the next year to remove a flavoring chemical linked to a lung
ailment in popcorn plant workers. The decision comes a day after a doctor at a
leading lung research hospital said in a warning letter to federal regulators
that consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger from fumes from
buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn."
Don't want their consumers to get lung diseases before they get heart disease. This is something that consumers should be aware of, another source claims contact with the fumes from cooking the popcorn can also be dangerous.
FOXNews.com - Dorm Fight at University of Arizona Leaves 1 Dead, Another Injured - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
FOXNews.com - Dorm Fight at University of Arizona Leaves 1 Dead, Another Injured - Local News News Articles National News US News:
That must have been some fight.
"TUCSON, Ariz. — A fight between two roommates at the University of Arizona
Wednesday left one dead and the other hospitalized with injuries not considered
life-threatening, authorities said. The 18-year-old woman who died had told
police last week that she suspected her roommate of stealing from her,
authorities said. Police identified the dead student as Mia Henderson of the
Navajo Nation but released few other details. The surviving woman's name was not
released. Her injuries were not specified, and her condition wasn't immediately
That must have been some fight.
ABC News: Mattel Recalls 800,000 Lead-Tainted Toys
ABC News: Mattel Recalls 800,000 Lead-Tainted Toys:
Makes you nervous to ever see kids chewing on their toys doesn't it. China will get through this, it has gone through a huge amount of growth, faster than the country could regulate, and faster than monitoring could catch up. My prediction is that China's government is going to start cracking down, the growth rate appears to have settled down some. Rapid growth means lots of easy money, which will attract those who are unscrupulous. As the market slows, and solid companies grow, these weaker companies will be forced out, and regulated out.
"Mattel Inc.'s reputation took another hit after the world's largest toy maker
announced a third major recall of Chinese-made toys in little more than a month
because of excessive amounts of lead paint. "
Makes you nervous to ever see kids chewing on their toys doesn't it. China will get through this, it has gone through a huge amount of growth, faster than the country could regulate, and faster than monitoring could catch up. My prediction is that China's government is going to start cracking down, the growth rate appears to have settled down some. Rapid growth means lots of easy money, which will attract those who are unscrupulous. As the market slows, and solid companies grow, these weaker companies will be forced out, and regulated out.
ABC News: New 'iPod Touch' Has WiFi, Touch-Screen
ABC News: New 'iPod Touch' Has WiFi, Touch-Screen:
A hot new toy for people to drool over...
"Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces the new iPod Nano in San Francisco, Wednesday,
Sept. 5, 2007. Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs unveiled new versions of the company's
market-leading iPod media player Wednesday, including an iPod Nano with a
2.5-inch screen for watching movies and playing games."
A hot new toy for people to drool over...
News on September 11, 2001...preceding the WTC attacks
It is strange to think about and watch, knowing the world was about to go through such a major change.
Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » LOL KEIRA: Invisible Flesh

Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » LOL KEIRA: Invisible Flesh
This is the ugliest dress I have seen in some time, normally Keira is really hot, but here she looks like she is rolled up in toilet paper.
This is the ugliest dress I have seen in some time, normally Keira is really hot, but here she looks like she is rolled up in toilet paper.
Gabby Babble: Jude Law Was Arrested For Assault
Gabby Babble: Jude Law Was Arrested For Assault:
Common Jude you hurt yourself more than anyone else when do something stupid like this. The police throw you in jail. the photographer sues your ass - and gets way more than any picture he could have sold. The photographers hound you even more, hoping to catch the next time you flip out. The press reports you in a negative light, and people start to get a different image of you as a person. Isn't it easier just to deal with the photographers.
"The Sun is reporting that Jude Law was arrested for allegedly assaulting a
photographer who was taking pictures outside Law's West London home. At the
police station, he was fingerprinted and bailed to return next month."
Common Jude you hurt yourself more than anyone else when do something stupid like this. The police throw you in jail. the photographer sues your ass - and gets way more than any picture he could have sold. The photographers hound you even more, hoping to catch the next time you flip out. The press reports you in a negative light, and people start to get a different image of you as a person. Isn't it easier just to deal with the photographers.
Paper Publishes Larry Craig's Voicemail to his Lawyer - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Paper Publishes Larry Craig's Voicemail to his Lawyer - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime:
In the words of a great song, you have to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run. Senator Craig, now is the time to fold em, and walk away. Before you get to the point where you have to run away.
"'Yes, Billy, this is Larry Craig calling. You can reach me on my cell.
Arlen Specter is now willing to come out in my defense, arguing that it appears
by all that he knows that I have been railroaded and all that. 'Having all of
that, we have reshaped my statement a little bit to say it is my intent to
resign on Sept. 30. I think it is important for you to make as bold a statement
as you are comfortable with this afternoon, and I would hope you could make it
in front of the cameras. 'I think it would help drive the story that I’m willing
to fight, that I’ve got quality people out there fighting in my defense, and
that this thing could take a new turn or a new shape, it has that potential.
Anyway, give me a buzz or give Mike a buzz on that. We’re headed to my press
conference now. 'Thank you. Bye.' "
In the words of a great song, you have to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run. Senator Craig, now is the time to fold em, and walk away. Before you get to the point where you have to run away.
FEC Rules for Daily Kos: Blogs Exempt From Regulation - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
FEC Rules for Daily Kos: Blogs Exempt From Regulation - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime:
I think that this is going to make the internet and blogs a hugely powerful force in elections in the future. It also means that campaigns and their allies are going to be pumping a lot of money into blogs and hiring bloggers - take me, I'll work. This is good for the discussion on the internet, it is too soon to know if it will be good for the country.
"The Federal Election Commission announced today that it has unanimously
resolved two complaints alleging that Internet blog activity is subject to
Commission regulation, finding that the activity is exempt from regulation under
the media or volunteer exemption."
I think that this is going to make the internet and blogs a hugely powerful force in elections in the future. It also means that campaigns and their allies are going to be pumping a lot of money into blogs and hiring bloggers - take me, I'll work. This is good for the discussion on the internet, it is too soon to know if it will be good for the country.
Thompson gone from NBC, but not TNT - TV Squad
Thompson gone from NBC, but not TNT - TV Squad:
In other words if you really love the basset hounded grumpy DA, you have to watch the show on TNT, or on video, or on the internet at Netflix.
"Fred Thompson's plans to announce his candidacy for the 2008 presidential race
once again brings up the question of 'equal time' provisions that are in place
to assure a single candidate is not given more airtime on television than anyone
else. Thompson, a Republican and former Tennessee senator, played DA Arthur
Branch on NBC's Law and Order for five seasons. NBC, in keeping with the
provisions, has stopped airing episodes that feature Thompson, but TNT, whose
schedule overflows with Law and Order reruns, will keep airing the Thompson
In other words if you really love the basset hounded grumpy DA, you have to watch the show on TNT, or on video, or on the internet at Netflix.
Gabby Babble: CSI Actor Benefits From Being Chummy with Cops?
Gabby Babble: CSI Actor Benefits From Being Chummy with Cops?:
I wonder how CSI Brown would have thought about this situation. A couple weeks ago while he was pounding the snot out of a photographer he bragged about having friends in the police department - appears to be true.
"“Once the cops realized who they had just pulled over, it’s like they began
having a casual conversation. They let him off with a warning. If it would have
been anyone else, they would have gotten a huge ticket, no to mention, their
license revoked. Going at 80mph on a 35mph zone is wreckless driving, and when
it’s Sunset Blvd. we’re talking about, even that becomes an understatement.”"
I wonder how CSI Brown would have thought about this situation. A couple weeks ago while he was pounding the snot out of a photographer he bragged about having friends in the police department - appears to be true.
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » WHO NEEDS A ROOM WHEN YOU’VE GOT A TABLE?
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » WHO NEEDS A ROOM WHEN YOU’VE GOT A TABLE?:
Thats right, Tommy Lee is still disgusting and dirty....
"Tommy Lee shocked fellow clubbers by having sex in a nightclub with a mystery
Thats right, Tommy Lee is still disgusting and dirty....
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » MADGE AND ELTON HUG IT OUT
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » MADGE AND ELTON HUG IT OUT:
Looks like the war of the Titans is over, and they have settled into a quiet peace with each other. I don't like to see two very talented people argue, it is hard to know which side to take.
"Madonna and Sir Elton John have finally ended their two-year feud after he
publicly accused her of lip-synching at her concerts during expletive-ridden
outburst at an award show. Introducing Madge at the GQ Men of the Year Awards in
London last night, Elton reportedly said: “This is a moment you thought you
would never see.”"
Looks like the war of the Titans is over, and they have settled into a quiet peace with each other. I don't like to see two very talented people argue, it is hard to know which side to take.
Access Hollywood | Larry Birkhead: 'I've Instructed My Attorney To Sue Rita Cosby' | Celebrity and Hollywood News
Access Hollywood Larry Birkhead: 'I've Instructed My Attorney To Sue Rita Cosby' Celebrity and Hollywood News:
Poor Larry didn't want everyone to hear the rumor that he was getting his bread buttered by Howard K. Stern - not to be confused with the DJ who wouldn't stoop so low.
"LOS ANGELES, Calif. (September5, 2007) – Larry Birkhead says he is taking legal
action against Rita Cosby and her publisher over Cosby’s book “Blonde Ambition:
The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith’s Death.” During a Tuesday night
appearance on CNN’s “Larry King Live,” Birkhead said the claims in Cosby’s book
were “false.” He also said his legal team is working on a lawsuit."
Poor Larry didn't want everyone to hear the rumor that he was getting his bread buttered by Howard K. Stern - not to be confused with the DJ who wouldn't stoop so low.
Drew Barrymore Smooches with Justin Long
A Socialite's Life: Drew Barrymore Smooches with Justin Long
I don't know who this person is but he landed one of the most beautiful womyn in Hollywood, and got some hot kisses out of the deal as well. Looks like they were really having a good time.
"While at the city's club Jet, the duo danced a little and smooched a lot: 'It
was hot and heavy,' says an onlooker of the pair, who canoodled at a corner
table until 4 a.m. 'They were all over each other!'"
I don't know who this person is but he landed one of the most beautiful womyn in Hollywood, and got some hot kisses out of the deal as well. Looks like they were really having a good time.
Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » Memo to Fellas: Charlize Against Turning Into A Whale

Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » Memo to Fellas: Charlize Against Turning Into A Whale:
"Getting pregnant doesn’t excite me, but having kids does,” Charlize told the weekly magazine. “I know I’ll be a mother someday. It’s just that…I don’t really want to look like a whale, you know? But I’m sure the idea of something growing inside you is pretty powerful.”"
"Getting pregnant doesn’t excite me, but having kids does,” Charlize told the weekly magazine. “I know I’ll be a mother someday. It’s just that…I don’t really want to look like a whale, you know? But I’m sure the idea of something growing inside you is pretty powerful.”"
celebrity nation: Another breakup for Lance
celebrity nation: Another breakup for Lance:
You know he should date Dina Lohan, or Candy Spelling.... Honestly though I am sure that he will be fine. Sounds like she wanted more than he was willing to give, maybe he is just a boy with his bike.
"Lance Armstrong and designer Tory Burch (who bears a striking resemblance
to Sheryl Crow, wouldn't you say?) have called it quits on their relationship.
'It was a distance thing,' said an Armstrong insider. (He's based on Austin;
she's in NYC.) But a Burch source disagreed: 'Tory would have moved to Texas for
him if he popped the question. But he didn't want to commit.' Armstrong's rep
had no comment."
You know he should date Dina Lohan, or Candy Spelling.... Honestly though I am sure that he will be fine. Sounds like she wanted more than he was willing to give, maybe he is just a boy with his bike.
Gabby Babble: It's Not Serious Between Renee And Sir Paul
Gabby Babble: It's Not Serious Between Renee And Sir Paul:
Sounds like Paul misses the days when womyn used to throw themselves at him, hot young womyn that is.
"Recently, Paul McCartney was linked to Christie Brinkley and Renee
Zellweger who even admitted that she has a crush on him. Last night, at the GQ
Men of the Year ceremony, he was seen getting cozy with another blond. This
time, it was supermodel Elle Macpherson. In the top picture you can even see
that he has his hand around her. Hopefully, Elle didn't eat next to Paul since
we've all seen what a sloppy eater she is."
Sounds like Paul misses the days when womyn used to throw themselves at him, hot young womyn that is.
I’m Not Obsessed - Celebrity Gossip » Nicole Kidman Was Secretly Engaged To Lenny Kravitz
I’m Not Obsessed - Celebrity Gossip » Nicole Kidman Was Secretly Engaged To Lenny Kravitz:
That really wasn't a secret, it wasn't announced but it had been going through the rumor mills for a while that they were engaged. When I read that she had said that, I was thinking - does secret mean that she never told anyone, or that no one even guessed? Because maybe she never told anyone, but everyone was talking about it.
"NICOLE Kidman dropped a bombshell in Vanity Fair this month, claiming she was
secretly engaged for a short time after her marriage to Tom Cruise and before
she wed Keith Urban, to a man she refused to name. But our sources say he was
Lenny Kravitz. “They were even house-hunting together for a while,” a spy said.
A representative for Kravitz said, “I cannot confirm or deny it.” A rep for
Kidman said, “I don’t know.”"
That really wasn't a secret, it wasn't announced but it had been going through the rumor mills for a while that they were engaged. When I read that she had said that, I was thinking - does secret mean that she never told anyone, or that no one even guessed? Because maybe she never told anyone, but everyone was talking about it.
Paris Hilton Says, ‘Zac Efron Is Gorgeous’ | Pop Crunch
Paris Hilton Says, ‘Zac Efron Is Gorgeous’ Pop Crunch:
Watch out Vanessa, looks like Paris is thinking about moving in on your man.
"Sexually-transmitted socialite Paris Hilton has set her sights on ‘High School
Musical’ heartbreaker Zac Efron. P.H told OK! Magazine: “I think he’s beautiful.
He’s young but gorgeous. I saw him on the cover of Rolling Stone, and he looked
really cute.”"
Watch out Vanessa, looks like Paris is thinking about moving in on your man.
You guess, I guess
You guess, I guess:
I think this is pretty clear...
"#1 This former A list television actor who is still young is having
trouble getting roles, not because of drugs or anything salacious, but rather
because he keeps putting on weight. Since his hit show ended, this actor has put
on almost 75 pounds which has put a strain on his finding work, and on his
girdle. Yep, he wears one. #2 The actor from #1 has been previously married and
the primary reason for the divorce was that his wife couldn’t handle our actor
and his relationship with a recurring male guest star who usually does film from
his previous show. Our actor is just bi and tried to explain to his wife that he
still loved her, but she just couldn’t handle it and the marriage went bye bye
really quickly."
I think this is pretty clear...
Gwyneth's Marriage On The Rocks? (X17 Online)
Gwyneth's Marriage On The Rocks? (X17 Online):
Could it be that Gwyneth and Chris are the next couple to walk away from the altar. I wonder if these breakups happen in groupings for a reason. The couples know that they are having problems, but they don't want to announce because of the publicity. Then when one of them does, others will come out to hoping to be able to avoid the spotlight. This is just a rumor at this point, which I hope isn't true. They have been such a solid couple.
"First Heath and Michelle, now Gwyneth and Chris Martin? OK! Magazine is
reporting that the couple - who wed in December '03 and now have two children -
may be headed for a break-up. Aside from the fact that the two are never seen in
public together and spend months apart in different locations, witnesses say
that Gwyneth rarely mentions her husband, and when she does she sounds 'vague
and unenthusiastic.' "
Could it be that Gwyneth and Chris are the next couple to walk away from the altar. I wonder if these breakups happen in groupings for a reason. The couples know that they are having problems, but they don't want to announce because of the publicity. Then when one of them does, others will come out to hoping to be able to avoid the spotlight. This is just a rumor at this point, which I hope isn't true. They have been such a solid couple.
Kim Kardashian: Ray J Did Not Pee On Me - The Hollywood Gossip
Kim Kardashian: Ray J Did Not Pee On Me - The Hollywood Gossip:
For the last time people, she did not urinate on him and he did not urinate on her. It was just plain boring sexual intercourse like everyone else has. Just because they are stars on the street, doesn't mean they are stars in the bedroom.
"“People were saying derogatory things (like) someone was getting urinated on.
That hasn’t happened in my entire lifetime,” Kardashian said, careful not to
offend anyone that does enjoy a golden shower every now and then. “I’m not
knocking anyone else, but I’ve never personally participated in that. I think
it’s degrading.”"
For the last time people, she did not urinate on him and he did not urinate on her. It was just plain boring sexual intercourse like everyone else has. Just because they are stars on the street, doesn't mean they are stars in the bedroom.
PETA Peeved at Whoopi Goldberg - The Hollywood Gossip
PETA Peeved at Whoopi Goldberg - The Hollywood Gossip:
Looks like Whoopi knows how to get peoples attention. I don't know if that was the kind of attention that she was going for. Is she going to side with Hasselbeck in the ongoing war on the set? What about the new person, they could bring in Dina Lohan, who is the new person going to side with.
"PETA might hate The View more than Donald Trump does. First, the organization
that loves animals more than people got mad at Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Then again,
most Democrats do this on a daily basis. Now, however, it’s rightfully taking
exception to comments Whoopi Goldberg made during her very first day as co-host
of the show."
Looks like Whoopi knows how to get peoples attention. I don't know if that was the kind of attention that she was going for. Is she going to side with Hasselbeck in the ongoing war on the set? What about the new person, they could bring in Dina Lohan, who is the new person going to side with.
Rosie O’Donnell Weighs In On Whoopi
Rosie O’Donnell Weighs In On Whoopi:
I bet Whoopi feels so much better to know that Rosie isn't sad watching the show. I wonder what Rosie would have had to say about dog fighting, would she agree that it was a part of the culture of the south? Well she isn't the only one who isn't sad to see the show without her.
"One reader asked if the 45-year-old actress was sad to be watching the show.
“No, I wasn’t sad. It was interesting to watch,” she said before adding that she
was disappointed at the makeover given to the studio set. “I was sad that the
set was beige. Truthfully, it was just wrong. Maybe people like beige and I’m
the only one who doesn’t,” she said."
I bet Whoopi feels so much better to know that Rosie isn't sad watching the show. I wonder what Rosie would have had to say about dog fighting, would she agree that it was a part of the culture of the south? Well she isn't the only one who isn't sad to see the show without her.
‘The View’ Adding Second New Co-Host | TV Crunch
‘The View’ Adding Second New Co-Host TV Crunch:
Interesting that they are making the announcement on Monday and there has been so little talk about who it is going to be. Couldn't someone at least rehash the list of people that were thought to be set in Whoopi's place? Roseanne would be funny, but that is not going to happen. Oh hell I can't remember anymore, they should have Courtney Love do it - or Candy Spelling.
"The View’ is announced today that another regular co-host will be named on
Monday. "
Interesting that they are making the announcement on Monday and there has been so little talk about who it is going to be. Couldn't someone at least rehash the list of people that were thought to be set in Whoopi's place? Roseanne would be funny, but that is not going to happen. Oh hell I can't remember anymore, they should have Courtney Love do it - or Candy Spelling.
Owen Wilson Attempted Suicide Twice Before | Pop Crunch
Owen Wilson Attempted Suicide Twice Before Pop Crunch:
Depression is a very serious and sadly common disease that faces people. I hope that Owen can get the help that he needs to fight this. It is yet another lesson to others that might be going through this, that it isn't something you are alone in. Even stars that make silly movies and date sexy blondes experience it.
"Owen Wilson attempted suicide twice before he stunned fans after supposedly
slitting his wrists and trying to overdose on pills nearly two weeks ago. The
National Enquirer claims Owen was on a “deadly drug cocktail” in the months
before his attempt, mixing illegal drugs with antidepressants and Valium and
that the movie funnyman has struggled with depression for most of his life."
Depression is a very serious and sadly common disease that faces people. I hope that Owen can get the help that he needs to fight this. It is yet another lesson to others that might be going through this, that it isn't something you are alone in. Even stars that make silly movies and date sexy blondes experience it.
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