Friday, April 20, 2007

Quoted: The Nation's Bruce Shapiro On The 'Story' Behind Virginia Tech / Jossip

Quoted: The Nation's Bruce Shapiro On The 'Story' Behind Virginia Tech / Jossip:

"It will take time before anyone can say with certainty how Cho managed to get away with such a massacre...But in a sense the important thing now is how the story gets told and understood. The profoundly human yearning to impose a narrative line on chaotic tragedy leaves the meaning of an event like Virginia Tech up for grabs. Whether it is 'impossible to make sense of such violence and suffering' (as President Bush told the VT convocation) is a question with deep consequences, open equally to dangerous political exploitation and to just as dangerous fatalism about prevention and accountability.

--Bruce Shapiro, exerpted from his piece 'Story Lines At Viriginia Tech' from The Nation"

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