Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bill Maher's Blasphemy: Comparing Gay Sex to Holy Communion | NewsBusters.org

Bill Maher's Blasphemy: Comparing Gay Sex to Holy Communion NewsBusters.org:

"“Gay men, don’t say you're life-partners, say you’re a nunnery of two. We
weren’t having sex officer, I was performing a very private Mass, here in my
car. I was letting my rod and my staff comfort him. Take this and eat of it, for
this is my roommate, Barry. ...
'And for all those who truly believe there
is a special place for you in Kevin. And speaking of Heaven, one can only hope
that as Jerry Falwell now approaches the Pearly Gates, he is met there by God
Himself, wearing a Fire Island muscle shirt, and nut-hugger shorts, and saying
to Jerry in a mighty lisp, ‘I’m not talking to you.’”"

I posted this video the other day, well the right is getting upset about the comments made by Maher. Seems they don't understand what comedy is.

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