Thursday, June 7, 2007

American Thinker: Idiot Compassion

American Thinker: Idiot Compassion:

"'Idiot compassion' thinks it is being kind, but it's really being cruel.
If you have an alcoholic friend and you know that one more drink might kill him,
and yet he begs you for a drink, does real compassion say that you should give
it to him? After all, to be kind you should give him what he wants, right?
Giving him the drink would therefore show compassion, yes? No. Absolutely not.

'Real compassion includes wisdom and so it makes judgments of care
and concern; it says some things are good, and some things are bad, and I will
choose to act only on those things that are informed by wisdom and care.'"

This is something that should be thought about, compassion is something that takes action sometimes, always takes thought of what would be best the person, and the hardest thing of all is learning to be couragous to take a stand against a friend.

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