Tuesday, June 5, 2007

FOXNews.com - Princess Diana's Sons Plead With TV Channel to Not Air Crash Photos - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

FOXNews.com - Princess Diana's Sons Plead With TV Channel to Not Air Crash Photos - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News:

"LONDON — Princess Diana's sons have urged a British television channel not to
use 'deeply distressing' photographs of her fatal car crash in a documentary
airing Wednesday, royal officials said."

In talking about photos and if you should use them or not there are a number of factors that come into the discussion. How important the pictures are in telling the story, the impact of the pictures on the general population, the rights of privacy of the subjects of the photo and their family, and the importance of the story being told.

I think that on a couple of these points a case could be made for using the pictures. The larger case though points for me to not using the pictures. The above issues aside there is the simple issue of humyn respect and dignity. The death of Diana was a tragic event for not only her family but a number of people who were attached to her. Using the photos would only increase the suffering of those people, with little to gain for the story.

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