Thursday, July 12, 2007

Crooks and Liars » DC Madam Calls For Senator Vitter To Be Prosecuted

Crooks and Liars » DC Madam Calls For Senator Vitter To Be Prosecuted:

"When Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana confessed to “a very serious sin” on
Monday night, Debra Jean Palfrey was not about to forgive him. Sin is one thing;
but Palfrey believes Vitter — a proponent of the “sanctity of marriage” — should
fess up if that sin was a crime as well. [..]”Why am I the only person being
prosecuted?” she told TIME over the phone. “Sen. Vitter should be prosecuted [if
he broke the law]”"

From what I understand if he broke the law, and she broke the law, they should both be punished by the law. I don't know that this is going to happen or not, but I think it should. I am not talking about a long pointless congressional hearing, I am talking about sending in the officers to cuff him and take him downtown. If he is a john, he should be treated like any other john busted for using a prostitute.

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