Saturday, July 21, 2007

Crooks and Liars » Vitter’s precarious future

Crooks and Liars » Vitter’s precarious future:

"Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) probably thought he was in the clear, or at least
close to it. He was exposed as a hypocrite who hired prostitutes after running
on a family-values platform, he went into hiding for a week, and he returned to
the Senate as if nothing had happened. From what I hear, the rest of the Senate
Republican caucus welcomed him back with open arms (literally and figuratively).
Problem solved? Not so much. Leading far-right voices — including Sean
Hannity and Kathryn Jean Lopez — are now urging Vitter to resign."

This is good news, I thank Hannity and others for stepping up and taking the brave step of confronting someone on their own side. The sad truth of the times we live in is that far too often, we know what is right and wrong, but we choose to not attack someone who is on our side for fear of making the other side stronger. There is only one side though, that is the side of truth and justice.

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