Thursday, August 9, 2007

Progressives For Racist Smears? (Update: Progressive Wises Up A Little Late)

Captain's Quarters: Progressives For Racist Smears? (Update: Progressive Wises Up A Little Late)

"It doesn't take long for provocateurs to crawl out of the woodwork to attack
candidates, especially in stealth attacks. With Fred Thompson, they've
apparently started before he officially enters the race -- and in one case, race
is the operative word. Apparently hoping to confuse web surfers looking for
Fred's website at, a new site has appeared at -- only this site welcomes people to the Ku Klux Klan,
'Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America!' It
includes links to a variety of disgusting racist sites."

One this is juvenile. Two this is going to back fire, because it will give him cause to attack later. Not to mention what a great speech filler this story is going to be for him on the trail, if he ever actually runs. It would be so easy to go before a conservative audience with the message that the left fears him so much, they went to this length to attack him. Last point, it is all a waste, because I don't think he is even going to run.

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