Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Freeper smacks down the Base over Craig - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth

A Freeper smacks down the Base over Craig - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:

"Ironically, the remarks of Barney Frank seemed to me to be the best placed of
this controversy. Of course he did not object to Craig's homosexuality and
thought he should remain in the Senate. But he did criticize the man's
hypocrisy. In this Barney Frank struck home. So long as we as conservatives
attack homosexuals for their status as homosexuals rather than for their overt
acts which are repugnant to a higher value, we are open to the hypocrisy charge.
And every time a Republican homosexual is outed, we will become a laughingstock.
We are open to the charge that we are hypocrites when we invoke the criminal law
to enforce our predilections about sex because we are the party which says it
stands for individual liberty and limited government. The Democrats say we
intrude government into the bedroom and in this case they are right. So, when
they say the same thing about abortion, we cannot effectively deny the charge
even though a much higher value-a baby's life-is at stake."

I have long been confused by conservatives would take such a strong anti-gay stand. Classic conservatism wants to give the government the least power that it can. What are you talking about, when you talk about the government not allowing gay couples to share in equal relationships, you are talking about the government telling people who they have the right to love. How much more powerful and intrusive could the government be?

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