Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Tiny Revolution: Hillary Clinton Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Spit In Our Face Just One More Time

A Tiny Revolution: Hillary Clinton Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Spit In Our Face Just One More Time:

"CLINTON: [W]e don't have as much information as we wish we did. But what we
think we know is that with North Korean help, both financial and technical and
material, the Syrians apparently were putting together, and perhaps over some
period of years, a nuclear facility, and the Israelis took it out. I strongly
support that...there was evidence of a North Korea freighter coming in with
supplies. There was intelligence and other kinds of verification."

Hilary makes a strong statement.

"OBAMA: Now, we don't know exactly what happened with respect to Syria . We've
gotten general reports, but we don't know all the specifics. We got general
reports in the run-up to the Iraq war that proved erroneous, and a lot of people
voted for that war as a consequence."

Obama makes a weak one.

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