Friday, May 18, 2007

ABC News: Cop Killer Mumia Seeks New Trial

ABC News: Cop Killer Mumia Seeks New Trial:

"Abu Jamal, an
outspoken journalist and active member of the Black Panthers, was convicted of
killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1982. On a cold December night in 1981,
Officer Daniel Faulkner was found dead, shot once in the back and once between
the eyes. When police arrived at the scene, Abu Jamal was sitting on the curb a few feet away
from Faulkner's body.
Crime scene witnesses testified that they saw Abu Jamal fire a shot at
Faulkner's back. Next to Abu Jamal was a gun prosecutors say they linked to
the bullets that killed Faulkner. Together, the collective physical and
testimonial evidence led a jury to find Abu Jamal guilty after a few hours of deliberation.

Who did commit this crime, OJ Simpson? He is guilty, the facts of the case clearly show this to be true, it is only a political blindness that makes his defenders on the left want to believe that he is innocent.

Since his conviction Abu Jamal has been prolific, writing a handful of
books and recording a radio show from prison. He speaks of resistance and
freedom, closing each broadcast with the tag line, "From death row this is Mumia Abu Jamal."

What kind of jail is he in. This doesn't sound like a prison to me. Please arrest me, give me a place to live for free with free food and a computer to blog from. This whole case is insane, he is a cop killer and deserves to die, he is not given to little freedom but too much. If he were not a proponent of ideas that the left finds so valuable they wouldn't care at all about him or his crime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just over at Highbrid Nation and they have been doing some interesting coverage of the Mumia case. Like them I also have mixed feeling on the case. I don't to see any man executed but just becuase he should not be executed does that mean that he wasnt wrong. I don't know.


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