Friday, May 25, 2007

Captain's Quarters

Captain's Quarters:

"The eruption of Islamist terrorism in northern Lebanon has created a lot
of media coverage but little focus on the refugee camp where it originated. The
Nahr el-Bared camp is one of several run by the United Nations subsidiary
organization UNRWA, which is supposed to keep arms out of the camps to maintain
their refugee, non-combatant status. How did the UN miss this terrorist
infiltration in Nahr el-Bared?
It turns out that they didn't. I explain at
Heading Right that not only did the UNRWA know about the infiltration, they
deliberately ignored complaints from the refugees at Nahr el-Bared."

If this information is true it puts the standing of the UN into question. I would not take from this case and extend a judgement on the UN as a whole, but this needs to be looked into. Allowing terrorists into a camp that is supposed to be for refuges is to turn it into a training camp for terror. Not only do the targets of those terrorists suffer, but the honest people living in the camp suffer.

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