Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Daily Kos: Arnold Schwarzenegger (D-CA)

Daily Kos: Arnold Schwarzenegger (D-CA)

GOV. SCHWARZENEGGER: [...] When I came into office three years ago, you and I
talked about it then. I, I was, you know, promoting and pushing stem cell
research then already, literally. Like, I was not even in office when I
was already out there campaigning for stem cell research. I think this is just a
very important issue.
MR. RUSSERT: What’s an Arnold
GOV. SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, it’s basically being fiscally
conservative, being socially moderate and you know, being environmentally
MR. RUSSERT: It’s interesting how you have stepped out
on the green movement, on global warming. I, I’ll show you something about a
fellow Republican, Jim Inhofe, he’s chairman of the Environment and Public Works
Committee, and he says this back in August of ‘03: “With all of the hysteria,
all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global
warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure
sounds like it.” What will those kinds of statements do to the Republican Party
in the future, in your mind?
GOV. SCHWARZENEGGER: I don’t think it does—it
does much to the Republican Party. I think it is just, you know, there’s always
in history been people that are back with their thinking in the Stone
GOV. SCHWARZENEGGER: [...] where’s America going to be in 2020?
Where are we going to be environmentally? Where we going to be with our
dependence on fossil fuel? Are we going to get off fossil fuel? Is there a
goal where we say, “We’re going to be 50 percent more self-sufficient and to
go—and to rely more on hydrogen fuel or on, on biofuel?” All of those kind of
alternative fuels, I think this is what we have to look at. Are we going to be a
nation that’s going to rebuild our infrastructure? Because our infrastructure
nationwide is, is falling apart, it’s aging right now. We in California have
made a commitment to rebuild our infrastructure, to rebuild our roads, our
schools, our levees, and all of those kind of things.
SCHWARZENEGGER: [T]his year is the year where we go—this coming year—where
Democrats and Republicans are going to work together to fix our health care
problem. First of all, we have to bring down the health care costs, we have to
make it more affordable to provide health care. Number two, we’ve got to insure
everybody, because we have 6.7 million people that are uninsured, and we’re
working right now on the various different ideas, we’re going to bring those
ideas together, I’m going to present this in my State of the State
MR. RUSSERT: Before we go, you mentioned Iraq. When you
were last on, you said you thought the war was the right thing to do. Right
before the election, you said we should start consider to get out. What advice
would you give the president about Iraq today?
think we got to get out of there. We have to have a time, a timeline. I totally
believe that there has to be a timeline there. But we got to get out of there
with a victory rather than with a defeat.

Where does Arnold stand, why doesn't he come out as a independent? His politics do not line up with either of the two main parties and I think he would gain support from a larger audience by becoming an independent.

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