Thursday, May 17, 2007

Daily Kos: Republicans Love Torture

Daily Kos: Republicans Love Torture:

"[C]andidates were asked whether they would support the use of
waterboarding — a technique, defined as torture by the Justice Department, that
simulates drowning and makes the subject 'believe his death is imminent while
ideally not causing permanent physical damage.'
Both former mayor Rudy
Giuliani and Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) suggested they would support using the
technique. Specifically asked about waterboarding, Giuliani said he would allow
'every method [interrogators] could think of and I would support them in doing
it.' Tancredo later added, 'I’m looking for Jack Bauer,' referencing the
television character who has used torture techniques such as suffocation and
electrocution on prisoners. "

This is why I fear Giuliani, I am 100 percent against torture, it isn't right and it doesn't work.

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