Friday, July 27, 2007

Ann Coulter Suggests ABC Hire Hillary to Replace Rosie on 'The View' |

Ann Coulter Suggests ABC Hire Hillary to Replace Rosie on 'The View'

"If three prominent articles in the Treason Times isn't enough to convince
Hillary that Bush won the 2000 election, forget the White House: ABC ought to
hire her to replace Rosie O'Donnell on 'The View.' I know that's a big seat to
fill, but maybe she can finally convince Elizabeth Hasselbeck that 9/11 was an
inside job. "

I think that if this run for the White House doesn't work out, and she has the time in her schedule she should look into being a member of The View. Hillary is a smart womyn and I think that her ideas would add some real depth to the show.

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