Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Statement by the President On Executive Clemency for Lewis Libby

Statement by the President On Executive Clemency for Lewis Libby:

"This case has generated significant commentary and debate. Critics of the
investigation have argued that a special counsel should not have been appointed,
nor should the investigation have been pursued after the Justice Department
learned who leaked Ms. Plame's name to columnist Robert Novak. Furthermore, the
critics point out that neither Mr. Libby nor anyone else has been charged with
violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act or the Espionage Act, which
were the original subjects of the investigation. Finally, critics say the
punishment does not fit the crime: Mr. Libby was a first-time offender with
years of exceptional public service and was handed a harsh sentence based in
part on allegations never presented to the jury.
Others point out that a
jury of citizens weighed all the evidence and listened to all the testimony and
found Mr. Libby guilty of perjury and obstructing justice. They argue,
correctly, that our entire system of justice relies on people telling the truth.
And if a person does not tell the truth, particularly if he serves in government
and holds the public trust, he must be held accountable. They say that had Mr.
Libby only told the truth, he would have never been indicted in the first

Click on the link to read the full statement.

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