Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ex-Iraqi leader returning 'to fight for our country'

Ex-Iraqi leader returning 'to fight for our country'

Al-Maliki leads a government loyal to Iran and Shiite interests, Allawi
said, accusing al-Maliki of "supporting militias to take the rule of law in
their hands."
Allawi said Sunday that he would not participate in a sectarian government and will return to Baghdad soon to "reverse the course in Iraq."

If Allawi is going to return and take an active role in government then this is good news. It will either pressure Al-Maliki to work across party lines to make the government stronger. If he fails that, it gives a political voice to those who oppose Al-Maliki, a strong political voice of reason against Al-Maliki could encourage the parties to put down their weapons and join the political process.

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