Friday, August 17, 2007

"I continue to find the ease with which she has sacrificed her principles on everything of importance, the makeover from radical feminist to soft-focused mother and devoted wife, from V-sign-waving peacenik to hawkish warmonger, all a little chilling even for my slightly cynical tastes."

I think this is a misrepresentation of who Hilary is. She is not a war monger, she has voted to support the war in Iraq, and she has said that when she becomes president she is going to work to end that war. The two are not either or positions, if you can hold two thoughts in your mind at the same time. Supporting the troops, and helping them in their mission is her primary goal as a Senator. As a president, the primary goal is to find a resolution to this war, everyone wants a resolution to this war.

There is nothing that says that a radical feminist can't be a loving mother and wife. In some ways, that is the most radical feminism of all, claiming the right to be a mother and to have a career.

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