Monday, May 21, 2007

Hugh Hewitt - 3

Hugh Hewitt:

"We are about to swamp the FBI with a tidal wave of paperwork. Not only is this
foolish in the extreme, the hint that 'country of origin' might be a marker
worth examining in the future suggests that we know going in that we won't be
able to verify much of the data on criminal backgrounds from some countries
where justice systems either don't exist or aren't credible --say Afghanistan
and Somalia.
But what happens with such applications? The applicants receive
probationary benefits, and their applications get pushed further and further
into corners of offices overwhelmed with folders until, eventually, they are
thrown out."

If it is too much for all these aliens to be sent home, how is any institution going to handle the documentary process that will be demanded to process all these applications. If an alien lies about the country of origin is there any way that this information can be verified. Anyone who is here to harm America is going to do their best to hide the true facts about who they are, will the system be able to at least know that the information is false? I think that the process is going to operate in such a way that only where information is found about an applicant will there be action taken on the applicant. The vast majority of the forms will be passed through the process with little more known about the applicants than before, in many cases we will have misinformation.

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