Monday, May 21, 2007

Hugh Hewitt - 5

Hugh Hewitt:

"Title V 'IMMIGRATION BENEFITS' is beyond the comprehension of a
nonspecialist. What is clear is that the law is reshuffling the deck of
get-out-of-jail-free cards, and the total number of visas it authorizes over the
next few years --above and beyond the Y Nonimmigrant Visas and the Z Visas for
illegals already in the country-- is impossible for a layman to calculate.
But does this reshuffling make sense in the overall scheme? Impossible to
say because the sponsors of the bill did not include the sort of guide that
laymen must have in order to understand the tradeoffs.
Thus Title V is
another exhibit in the argument of why this bill should not be scheduled for
debate until supporting materials and analyses have been developed by
specialists --which means at least a couple of weeks delay before Senate

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