Thursday, July 19, 2007


The web is going a little crazy right now with rumors and chat about how the final book in the Harry Potter story will end. I asked my sister how she thinks the tale will end for Harry and his friends. I want to make it clear, this is based on previous readings of the books, and not knowledge of the final book.

Harry Potter- Forget the spoilers, this is what I think will happen!

Firstly, Harry doesn’t die. I’ve read the New York Times review and it does not in any way indicate that he dies. It actually leads the reader to believe that Harry does indeed live. Aside from that, Harry dying would not be an appropriate way to end the series. It just wouldn’t fit with all else that has happened.

I’ve read spoilers that say that practically everyone dies… It is hard to say who I think will actually die. I don’t want Ron or Hermoine to die, but it is possible. It is more probable that one of them is injured or endures horrible torture but ultimately triumphs. I believe that Snape dies, and I think it will be in a way that once and for all proves his allegience to the good side. I see him as sacrificing himself for Harry in the end. Snape’s greatest fear is being seen as a coward, and isn’t giving your life for another an ultimate form of bravery? Peter Pettigrew is also likely to die helping Harry as Pettigrew owes him a life debt. I think that Neville Longbottom finishes off Bellatrix Lestrange to avenge his parents, and Neville lives and goes on to be a teacher at Hogsworts in his favorite subject, Herbology. I would love to see Lucius Malfoy die, although I think there is still hope for Draco. Also, other people Harry holds dear may die in the end. These are likely to be people such as Lupin, members of The Order of the Phoneix who are actively involved in fighting Voldemort.

Although I think Voldemort is killed, I truly hope Harry does not murder him with the killing curse. After Harry destroys all the horcruxes, there may be a way to kill Voldemort without Harry losing his innocence in that way. One theory says the door to the love room in the Department of Mysteries will open and the force of love will burst out and destroy Voldemort. I really like that idea.

I think Harry lives, marries Ginny, who obviously lives as well, and they have several children. Harry wants to be an Auror, but fighting Voldemort and his henchmen may satisfy that desire so that he goes on to pursue another, less dangerous profession. My hope is that he eventually leads England’s Quiddich team to victory in the next World Cup!

Sarah Hoff


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