Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » NY Times Bureau Chief Says US Critical To Iraq Stability

The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » NY Times Bureau Chief Says US Critical To Iraq Stability:

"Well, I think, quite simply that the United States armed forces here — and I
find this to be very widely agreed amongst Iraqis that I know, of all ethnic and
sectarian backgrounds — the United States armed forces are a very important
inhibitor against violence. I know it`s argued by some people that they provoke
the violence. I simply don`t believe that to be in the main true. I think it`s a
much larger truth that where American forces are present, they are inhibiting
sectarian violence, and they are going after the people, particularly al-Qaeda
and the Shiite death squads, who are provoking that violence. Remove them or at
least remove them quickly, and it seems to me — controversial as this may seem
to be saying in the present circumstances, while I know there`s this agonizing
debate going on in the United States about this — that you have to weigh the
price. And the price would very likely be very, very high levels of violence, at
least in the short run and perhaps, perhaps - perhaps for quite a considerable
period of time."

Our troops are creating the chaos and death in Iraq according to some sources. Other sources will tell you that our troops are preventing greater chaos and death in Iraq. The problem with this debate, and thus with this war is that there is no solid way to know which is closer to the truth. The truth mostly lies in between, there is no doubt violence that is caused by our presence, and there will not doubt be different violence if we leave. We do not live in a world that affords us the chance to walk away from Iraq, with no concern for what the out come will be. What ever the unknown outcome is, we will only known by taking the step to leave, if it sets off a wave of violence and chaos across Iraq and maybe the larger Middle East, it will be too late to stop it.

Are we going to stay in Iraq forever, of course not, no one wants that. I think we owe it to the region, to our soldiers, to our selves and to the Iraqis to leave their country as stable as we can. I know that some people out there don't believe that this can be done, and I don't see why it can't be done. Iraqis in their hearts want to live in peace, we are not trying to bring peace to a people who don't want it. We are trying to stop those who are forcing war on them.

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