Monday, August 13, 2007

Atlas Shrugs: Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t:

Atlas Shrugs: Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t:

"-Christianity and Islam have neither similar traditions nor modern
realities—Christian religious violence, real or imagined, does not at all
mitigate the reality of the jihad.
-A “Christian theocracy” is not exactly a credible threat to the American government.
-Most Muslims actually do not condemn jihad.
-The Koran does not invite interpretation, and Muslim leaders
refuse to discuss how to fit their beliefs into modern society.
-Political differences and unwanted international interference are not, in fact, the cause of the turmoil in Iraq and Middle Eastern antagonism toward the West."

Some claims from a new book that is bound to be controversial. Is Islam a religion of peace, and even if it isn't, can it be practiced in a peaceful manner that respects the rights of others.

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