Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Crooks and Liars » Turdblossom’s Car Falls Victim To Prank

Crooks and Liars » Turdblossom’s Car Falls Victim To Prank:

"White House pranksters wrapped Rove’s Jaguar in plastic wrap on the private
driveway next to the West Wing. Rove’s car is easily recognizable because of its
“I love Barack Obama” bumper sticker and the twin stuffed-animal eagles on the
trunk. Oh, and there’s a stuffed-animal elephant on the hood. Rove, the top
White House political strategist who recently announced his resignation, left
his car on the driveway while visiting Texas and traveling with President Bush.
He was due back in Washington Wednesday evening."

That's just funny, pointless but funny. It would be even funnier if we found out later that it was his staff or one of his friends who did it.

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