Thursday, August 2, 2007

They'll Have the Questions in Advance

Hugh Hewitt: They'll Have the Questions in Advance

"Some of the questions Democrats were asked were not anything a consultant could
expect, and that leads to danger. If you want your candidate to stay on message,
why would you allow them to face questions the likes of which you are unable to

While it isn't true that the questions will be asked without the candidate knowing what they are going to be before hand, since they are posted online, there is good reason to accept an open debate of this nature. I think that Americans know polished questions and polished answers when they hear them. What Americans want from a leader and what they will connect with more than anything else is a person who doesn't speak in policy points. I think that the nature of the questions make it feel more like a discussion, makes it feel open. In doing that it brings more people to the table and that makes everyone a winner.

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