Monday, September 17, 2007

American Thinker: Why Did FDR Invade North Africa?

American Thinker: Why Did FDR Invade North Africa?:

"One of the clichéd questions of the Left is 'Why did Bush invade Iraq? We were
attacked by Saudi Arabians on 9/1 !' Or so goes the customary narrative. "

The argument is that in attacking Africa, we were attacking their ability to work as a team to attack American interests. The terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 may not have been connected to Iraq. Following the logic of this, the fact that they both had interests in attacking America, we had to attack Iraq so that they would not form an alliance to attack America. If Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, which he wanted, could he have given them to terrorists to attack America with. Iraq under Saddam would gain from an attack on America, hoping that we might pull back and allow him to regain power in the region. Could they have made plans to work together in the future

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