Thursday, September 20, 2007

Celebrity Dirt with Jackson Blue: Mo' Maps, Mo' Problemz.:

Celebrity Dirt with Jackson Blue: Mo' Maps, Mo' Problemz.:

"South Carolina, (no, I don't know her real name, nor to I care to learn it,
when I see that she's making a Mazda MX-3 a day!) has been signed to Donald
Trump's, agency/bordello, Trump Model Management. I say to her, bravo! Congrats
on your new conquest in life, and let me be the first to wish you 'the' good
luck on your quests braving the subways, and all of those difficult 'the' maps,
and such. No, I'm sure NYC will welcome you with open arms."

In the long running battle of looks versus brains, this is a clear point for the looks side of the equation.

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