Thursday, September 20, 2007

Who Is Stupid Enough To Think This Is A Good Idea? - Oliver Willis

Who Is Stupid Enough To Think This Is A Good Idea? - Oliver Willis:

"The government-controlled stock exchange in Dubai, the fast-growing
Middle East business center, is expected to announce today in Stockholm that it
plans to take significant ownership in the Nasdaq stock exchange in New York and
the London Stock Exchange, people who have been briefed on the transaction said
last night. If the deal is completed, Dubai would become the first Middle East
government to own a large stake in an American stock exchange. It also is
expected to become the largest single investor in Nasdaq."

I think it is time we stopped this irrational racist fear of all things Arabian. Not everyone in the Middle East is a terrorist, not all of them are even Islamic - any more than all Americans are Christian. Dubai is a remarkably international and modern city. The only foundation to block this investment would be xenophobia.

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