Thursday, September 13, 2007

Michelle Malkin » Hillary was warned about Hsu; Update: Clinton campaign wants to re-purpose the dirty money:

Michelle Malkin » Hillary was warned about Hsu; Update: Clinton campaign wants to re-purpose the dirty money:

"The campaign is refunding $850,000 to [Hsu’s bundled] donors, viewing
the money as tainted. Yet the campaign is also risking another public relations
mess by saying that it would take back the money if it clearly came from the
donor’s bank account, not from Mr. Hsu or another source. The risk is that Mrs.
Clinton will appear to want more cash no matter whether it was once colored by a
disgraced donor. The campaign will try to get most of the donors to give the
money back right after the refunds, said a senior Democratic strategist who
advises Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. “That’s the plan,” the strategist said."

This really is a bad plan, it puts into question the commitment that Hilary has towards assuring that money in her campaign is clean. It also makes it sound like she is running low on cash, which she shouldn't be. The boldest part of returning the money in my book is the statement to the media and the rest of the country that she is strong enough that she doesn't need it. She doesn't need dirty money, because she has enough supporters, giving that money back and not taking it right back again would have been a message of how solid she is financially and politically. What she is doing, is shooting herself in the foot.

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