Thursday, September 13, 2007

News Hounds: Unbalanced Hannity & Colmes Analysis of Bush Speech: Three Republicans, One Democrat.:

News Hounds: Unbalanced Hannity & Colmes Analysis of Bush Speech: Three Republicans, One Democrat.:

"FOX News bias was blatantly on display during Hannity & Colmes’ discussions
of President Bush’s speech last night (9/13/07). The guest roster was grossly
unbalanced. Three Republicans, one Democrat. But even with that lopsided
line-up, the FOX News producers evidently felt the need to give Republicans a
few extra boosts along the way."

That might be because all the democrats were over on MSNBC. Honestly though, I think that objectivity is a goal that I aim for. Not in the sense that I will not express an opinion on a matter, everyone who reads this blog knows that I do that. Not even that I will balance that opinion with an equal amount of time to another opinion. I attempt to give space to all voices.

This post isn't about me though, it is about Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. Fox News has the right to run whatever programing it wants, and to have the guest speakers that it wants. I am not going to speculate as to why there was only one democrat, a party that has scorned the channel. What I would suggest is that if you don't like the coverage of news that you are getting from Fox, change the channel and watch MSNBC, which had plenty of Democrats and Olberman doing coverage.

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