Wednesday, June 20, 2007

OJ "Did It" Manuscript Leaked Online -

OJ "Did It" Manuscript Leaked Online -

"Then something went horribly wrong, and I know what happened, but I can't tell
you exactly how. I was still standing in Nicole's courtyard, of course, but for
a few moments I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there, when I'd arrived, or
even why I was there. Then it came back to me, very slowly: The recital-with
little Sydney up on stage, dancing her little heart out; me, chipping balls into
my neighbor's yard; Paula, angry, not answering her phone; Charlie, stopping by
the house to tell me some more ugly shit about Nicole's behavior. Then what? The
short, quick drive from Rockingham to the Bundy condo. And now?

Now I
was standing in Nicole's courtyard, in the dark, listening to the loud,
rhythmic, accelerated beating of my own heart. I put my left hand to my heart
and my shirt felt strangely wet. I looked down at myself. For several moments, I
couldn't get my mind around what I was seeing. The whole front of me was covered
in blood, but it didn't compute. Is this really blood? I wondered. And whose
blood is it? Is it mine? Am I hurt?"

The above is from the leaked transcript of the OJ Simpson book and I have very little to say about it. I think this is something that stinks so bad, it doesn't need to be pointed out.

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