Monday, August 20, 2007

Do you need to know the name of Pakistan's leader to be a good president?

Do you need to know the name of Pakistan's leader to be a good president?

"You're not going to have time in January '09 to get ready for this job."—Sen.
Christopher Dodd, Democratic debate, Aug. 19, 2007

"If the position of president was a street, someone would have to hold Obama's hand while he crossed it."—Letter to the (Florida) Herald-Tribune

How important is experience. I have long held that I think that Obama is a good person, and that his ideas are well intentioned but that he doesn't have the experience to be the president. Is it really that important and what do candidates learn in years of public service that enables them to make better presidents, if anything. It has a lot to do with working with the parties, understanding a deal and how to get bills passed. In terms of international actions taken by the United States I think that the same experience in political relationships and making political deals comes into play. The more you do it the better you are, and Obama just hasn't had the practice that I think is needed.

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