Saturday, August 11, 2007 MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: Gay by Choice? Yeah, What If?: MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: Gay by Choice? Yeah, What If?:

"My question is, does the gay rights movement really want choice to be the nexus
of the fight? Asking whether you think being gay is a choice is kind of like
asking whether you think there's life in other galaxies. Asking for an opinion
on science isn't so useful; scientifically we just don't know for sure yet.
Evidence points in that direction, sure, but, whatever your answer is, it's your
opinion, nothing more. And if the answer to that question is indeed a proxy for
belief in equal rights, as this hullabaloo suggests, then what happens if the
science ends up showing there is choice involved in sexual preference? Gary
Greenberg points out in our upcoming issue (on newsstands, or in your mailbox,
come September) that some research has shown that sexual preference is mutable."
I think that there is strong logic for not making choice the key issue in the gay debate. If it is ruled to not be a choice, then you are one step away from it being disease. The key isn't peoples actions, but how people are treated for their actions that harm no one. Even if it is a choice, people have the right to make that choice, and should have that right.

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