Saturday, August 11, 2007

Atlas Shrugs: Romney Takes it

Atlas Shrugs: Romney Takes it:

"AMES, Iowa -- The biggest political event of the 2007 calendar year gave
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney a victory, but the biggest winner may well
be former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who placed a surprising second."

While this holds no official meaning, it does give Romney a much needed boost in his campaign. The person who no doubt gained the most from this is Huckabee who has been seen as a second tier candidate. The bump is publicity, and the ability to bring in voters will mean more money for both of these candidates. McCain and Giuliani were not a part of the poll, we will never know if they would have ranked higher or not. Fred Thompson has yet to declare, I think this would have been his last chance. Fred can't win this race now.

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