Sunday, May 27, 2007 - Chicago Cop Arrested After Allegedly Attacking 15-Year-Old - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Chicago Cop Arrested After Allegedly Attacking 15-Year-Old - Local News News Articles National News US News:

"Gallegos' son was involved in a 'verbal altercation' with the teen, which
allegedly prompted the attack, according to police. Prosecutors told the court
Gallegos attacked Eduardo Cardenas in an alley as the teen walked with two young
women, throwing the boy against a garage and then punching him in the face. They
also said he kicked Cardenas after he fell to the ground.
A lawyer
representing Gallegos at Sunday's hearing, Jim Thompson, said he disagreed with
the prosecution's version of events, saying Cardenas had threatened Gallegos and
his family. As he left the courtroom, Thompson declined to comment to

Unless your life is in danger, there is no reason for an adult to attack a 15-year-old teenager. There are more details in the case, that will come out over time, but he is an adult, and a police officer, he who should know better. I think his actions were wrong.

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