Sunday, May 27, 2007

WP: Blackwater employees open fire in Baghdad - Highlights -

WP: Blackwater employees open fire in Baghdad - Highlights -

"The Interior Ministry, which regulates security companies for the Iraqi
government, has received four previous complaints of shooting incidents
involving Blackwater in the past two years, according to Hussein Kamal,
undersecretary for intelligence affairs. But in an interview before last week's
shootings, Kamal said Iraqi authorities have been hampered by a Coalition
Provisional Authority order granting contractors immunity from the Iraqi legal

I understand the role that this contractors play in Iraq, and I understand that there are times when deadly force is just something that comes as a part of that. What I don't understand is why they need this immunity from prosecution under the Iraqi justice system. Are they concerned that the justice system isn't going to treat them fairly. I think that for the stability of the country, there needs to be more control over these forces.

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