Monday, August 6, 2007

B-Listers Are Crazy

A Socialite's Life: B-Listers Are Crazy

"Sheen is trying to haul Richards into L.A. Family Court to get looser visitation rights with his daughters, Lola and Sam, that won't require him to be supervised. Richards is opposed to leniency.
'She's doing everything she can to keep his visits supervised by her nanny, because her nanny spies for her,' one Sheen pal said"

Looks like the legal troubles between Denise and Charlie are getting serious again. It appears to center around the visitation rights that Charlie has with the kids. He has a new womyn in his life now, and doesn't think that he should be forced into supervised visitation. Honestly, how long has it been since he has gone on a rant, I say let him take the kids without the nanny being there to supervise. Just because he is a truther doesn't mean he isn't a good father.

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