Friday, August 24, 2007

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle continues gay-bashing campaign

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle continues gay-bashing campaign

He basically attributed every sexually transmitted disease to men on men sex,
including anal cancer (not a STD, but he repeatedly referred to this) and HPV.
When asked by a reporter why they are not addressing the increase in HIV cases
among African-American and Haitan-American heterosexual women, the population
that has seen the highest increase in Broward over the past few years, he blamed
it on gay men on the "down low". He essentially blamed gay men for every
new disease out there and on every new incident of HIV transmission. As I
told one reporter, I felt like it was August 21, 1985.

Why is this person in public office? The city is suffering from a tremendous backlash because of this, a large number of gay men take vacation to Fort Lauderdale and have started to take their money some place else. It is wrong for the city and it is bad for the city, this man needs to be removed from office.

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