Sunday, August 19, 2007

Global Warming Deniers Denied Again [Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid]:

Global Warming Deniers Denied Again [Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid]:

"Last night global warming deniers rejoiced (and got the MSM to cover their b.s. yet again) at some incorrect data in measuring climate change, and used that to claim that it disproves global warming. Except it doesn't, cause the data was for the U.S. and not the entire globe. Which happens to be the 'globe' in global warming."

Global Warming is still a threat, the changes that have been talked so much about among bloggers on the right don't upset the apple cart as much as they would have us believe. The science behind global warming is more than just statistics of increased temperature but a number of other factors, and data sets have shown the theory to be strong. In all honesty, this is science not religion, we can't ever prove Global Warming, but all tests done by major scientists have supported the theory.

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