Thursday, January 10, 2008


Adrian Grenier

Adrian Grenier:

"Entourage star Adrian Grenier is being accused of the high crime of using
cheesy and crass pickup lines on unsuspecting Vinnie-bait, having reportedly
told a girl at a bar that he makes 'documentary films' (what--Shot in the Dark
wasn't a documentary?). To which she replied, 'I'm in fashion,' meaning she
works in fashion, we presume, not that she was acquiescing to being the Flavor
of the Night. Wait! Don't leave--it gets better! Then he said, 'That's cool. So
how about we go home and I [bleep] the [bleep] out of you.'"

What, that didn't work....

Sasquatch Doesn't Love Patrick: A 'Wife Swap' Spinoff Is Born

Sasquatch Doesn't Love Patrick: A 'Wife Swap' Spinoff Is Born:

"Not everything in the bold sociological experiment known as Wife Swap always
goes smoothly: Take for example last night's arranged-marriage lab rats, Patrick
(according to his name tag) and temporary spouse, uh, Sasquatch--she of the
man-hands and unrealistic household-cleanliness goals."

Click the link to see more of the video of the poor man, who is expected to clean up dirty clothes from the floor, and live in a house free of cat shit. Why does this womyn ask so much of the man.

Tributes pour in for Sir Edmund Hillary - Breaking News - World - Breaking News

Tributes pour in for Sir Edmund Hillary - Breaking News - World - Breaking News:

"Tributes are pouring in for Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who became
the first man to reach the top of Mt Everest.
Sir Edmund died at Auckland
Hospital about 9am (7am AEDT) of a heart attack, the Auckland District Health
Board said in a statement."

A true hero.... as long as there is a Mount Everest, his spirit will live on.

Best Night Ever


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