Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
I Luv Gossip! » Blog Archive » Letterman Makes Deal With Striking Writers
I Luv Gossip! » Blog Archive » Letterman Makes Deal With Striking Writers:
This may be a short term solution that works for both parties, but I am betting that in the long term this is going to be a bad move.
"The deal will allow David Letterman to resume his show next Wednesday
with his team of writers on board."
This may be a short term solution that works for both parties, but I am betting that in the long term this is going to be a bad move.
I Luv Gossip! » Blog Archive » ‘Heroes’ Stars Have Barely Legal Love Connection
I Luv Gossip! » Blog Archive » ‘Heroes’ Stars Have Barely Legal Love Connection:
In how many ways is this a bad idea... a lot.
"Heroes actor Milo Ventimiglia, 30, has confirmed that he is dating costar
Hayden Panettiere, 18."
In how many ways is this a bad idea... a lot.
In Case You Didn’t Know » Nicole Kidman is pregnant!
In Case You Didn’t Know » Nicole Kidman is pregnant!:
It looks like pregnant is the new thin.
"Nicole Kidman and her husband of 18 months are expecting their first baby,
the Daily Mail can reveal.
The Oscar-winning actress and Keith Urban, the
country and western singer she calls the “love of my life”, broke the news to
their families over the Christmas holiday."
It looks like pregnant is the new thin.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
In Case You Didn’t Know » Kristen and Dax still together…
In Case You Didn’t Know » Kristen and Dax still together…:
Do two B list actors make a story?
"“Heroes” star Kristen Bell doesn’t want any events being promoted on the back
of her latest relationship. Bell has been trying to hide from photographers
while out in LA with latest fling, comic Dax Shepard. An insider told us,
“Kristen is taking Dax as her New Year’s Eve date to the Raleigh Hotel in
Do two B list actors make a story?
Mischa Barton Busted for DUI -
Mischa Barton Busted for DUI -
Wow, I thought that she was one of the good girls, I mean really. She somehow didn't seem like a party girl in the Paris/Lindsay mold. I guess it is a better way to end a year, than to start one. Who hasn't gotten a DUI this year?
"According to a press release issued by the L.A. County Sheriff's Department,
the former 'O.C.' star was pulled over early this morning around 2:45 AM as she
was driving in West Hollywood, Calif. Cops say she 'was seen straddling two
lanes of traffic and failed to signal when making a turn.' When deputies pulled
her over, they determined that she 'was an unlicensed driver and was driving
while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.'"
Wow, I thought that she was one of the good girls, I mean really. She somehow didn't seem like a party girl in the Paris/Lindsay mold. I guess it is a better way to end a year, than to start one. Who hasn't gotten a DUI this year?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Natalie Portman’s Vegan Shoe Line | Natalie Portman : Just Jared
Natalie Portman’s Vegan Shoe Line Natalie Portman : Just Jared:
This is a good idea, I don't wear leather, as much as I can avoid it. The hardest thing to find, and where I normally do where leather - is shoes.
"Natalie Portman designed a vegan collection of shoes in collaboration with Te
Casan. (Vegans do not use or consume animal products of any kind.)"
This is a good idea, I don't wear leather, as much as I can avoid it. The hardest thing to find, and where I normally do where leather - is shoes.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Britney is nuts
Britney Spears Photographs Mural And Curses Paparazzi
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Britney Spears Screaming Mad Inside Gas Station Restroom
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Britney Spears To Paps: You Guys Are F*cking So Stupid!
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Britney Spears Screaming Mad Inside Gas Station Restroom
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Britney Spears To Paps: You Guys Are F*cking So Stupid!
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The First Mr. Brit Brit Spears Thinks Casey Did Good By Knocking Up Jamie Lynn | Dlisted
The First Mr. Brit Brit Spears Thinks Casey Did Good By Knocking Up Jamie Lynn Dlisted:
This guy got lucky. He only had to be married to Britney for 55 hours, and for the rest of his life he will get money to talk about her - and in this case at least Jamie-Lynn. How else would an idiot like this make a living, work at Burger King?
"He said, 'First thing I thought when I heard about Jamie Lynn was at least
that boy got her pregnant so they couldn't tell him what to do like they did me.
He's got a little more leeway — more rope to pull with. All I had was a signed
marriage license.' Jason still lives in Kentwood, LA and said that the 'Spears
publicity machine' probably has Casey on lockdown."
This guy got lucky. He only had to be married to Britney for 55 hours, and for the rest of his life he will get money to talk about her - and in this case at least Jamie-Lynn. How else would an idiot like this make a living, work at Burger King?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Emma Watson can’t lead a normal life | Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy
Emma Watson can’t lead a normal life Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy:
When you are a hot star, in the hottest movie in theaters, this will happen.
"17-year-old Watson - known for her character ‘Hermione Granger’ in the Potter
films, says she gets mobbed by fans everywhere she goes and has had to hide in
shops to escape excitable crowds."
When you are a hot star, in the hottest movie in theaters, this will happen.
Splash News Online - Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Pictures, Celebrity Pics, Celebrity Videos, Celebrity Blog
Splash News Online - Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Pictures, Celebrity Pics, Celebrity Videos, Celebrity Blog:
Click to the link to read all about this hot high school drama.
"According to a source: “The night’s events started when Britney left her
Hollywood Hills hideaway and headed towards Malibu.
“When she arrived in Malibu Britney pulled over and asked for a photographer called Phillipe. When he arrived she whispered to him that her assistant liked him."
Click to the link to read all about this hot high school drama.
Back To Back Britney: Brit Takes A Pap Back To Her Hotel
This is really getting crazy - and note that she has gone back to the boots. Why the boots Britney, why?
celebrity nation: Jessica avoids jinx
celebrity nation: Jessica avoids jinx:
Well, it looks like they really are a couple. This is good news for Jessica, she needs a man in her life - other than her father. Her career isn't going anywhere, so having a man who makes some money will help her.
"Jessica Simpson knows when she's not wanted. The starlet was an apparent
no-show at Saturday's Dallas Cowboys game against the Carolina Panthers in
Simpson's native Texas – a week after fans criticized her presence as a
distraction to her boyfriend and Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo. Romo, 27, had a
great game this time, rebounding from his Dec. 16 performance, when Simpson, in
a pink Cowboys jersey, watched from a luxury box. After the 20-13 win over the
Panthers, Romo told reporters that Simpson, 27, was indeed watching the game –
and even hinted that she may have been in attendance. 'I know she saw all of
that tonight,' Romo said after the game, when asked if Simpson had seen fans
wearing masks of her face."
Well, it looks like they really are a couple. This is good news for Jessica, she needs a man in her life - other than her father. Her career isn't going anywhere, so having a man who makes some money will help her.
Jessica Simpson’s New Movie Made Less Money This Weekend Than You Spent at the Mall – Evil Beet Gossip
Jessica Simpson’s New Movie Made Less Money This Weekend Than You Spent at the Mall – Evil Beet Gossip:
Not exactly a block buster.
"It averaged $48 per theater.
She’s looking at a total weekend gross of
$1,200. That’s one-thousand, two-hundred U.S. dollars.
That’s what you spent Christmas shopping this weekend.
Wow, Texas really hates Jessica these days."
Not exactly a block buster.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Jamie Lynn Spears has the support of presidential candidate Mike Huckabee | Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy
Jamie Lynn Spears has the support of presidential candidate Mike Huckabee Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy:
First of all poor Mike has no clue what kind of family he is talking about. If he only knew he might change his stance to pro-choice. Other than that, it seems like a fair statement. Like the choice or not, she should be respected for it. But not the actions that got her there.
Good luck Jamie-Lynn.
"“Apparently, she’s going to have the child and I think that is the right
decision, a good decision, and I respect that and appreciate it,” Huckabee
continued. “I hope it is not an encouragement to other 16-year-olds who think
that is the best course of action.”
“But at the same time I’m not going to condemn her,” he said. “I just hope that she will make another right decision and that’s to give that child all the love and kindness and care that she can.”"
First of all poor Mike has no clue what kind of family he is talking about. If he only knew he might change his stance to pro-choice. Other than that, it seems like a fair statement. Like the choice or not, she should be respected for it. But not the actions that got her there.
Good luck Jamie-Lynn.
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » BRITNEY’S GOT JUNK IN HER TRUNK
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » BRITNEY’S GOT JUNK IN HER TRUNK:
Click the link to read all about how our favorite new aunt, spent the evening.
"After paying for her drug store items, she and her assistant headed further
down on Sunset to Miyagi’s for some drinks. She then headed to Malibu and drove
around a bit before deciding to call it a night. Britney ended up staying out
until 4am and drove home….without her headlights on!"
Click the link to read all about how our favorite new aunt, spent the evening.
Britney Spears’ cousin to launch singing career
Britney Spears’ cousin to launch singing career:
Any bets on how long it will be before Alli gets herself knocked up too?
"Britney Spears’ cousin Alli Sims is set to follow in the footsteps of her
famous relative and launch her own pop career. The Gimme More star’s former
assistant revealed her plans for an assault on the charts in an interview with
German magazine Maxi, and insists she will succeed without the help of her
celebrity connections."
Any bets on how long it will be before Alli gets herself knocked up too?
Kid Nation
Kid Nation:
I think Jared and Sophia are the two names that will come back into the public again in the future. More than the others they have what it takes.
"We're not at all surprised that pint-sized Kid Nation genius Jared (or
someone he's contracted to front his e-commerce operation) is indulging a
precocious entrepreneurial streak; not only is he auctioning off one of the
limited edition, hand-crafted Bonanza City necklaces he can be seen making in a
late October episode (subversive product placement!), he's also trying to flip
the Wii CBS gave him so he can buy some other games. If he wasn't already our
Nation favorite, he certainly is now"
I think Jared and Sophia are the two names that will come back into the public again in the future. More than the others they have what it takes.
Jamie Lynn Spears Aunt: Pregnancy Might Have Been Planned
Jamie Lynn Spears Aunt: Pregnancy Might Have Been Planned:
Sad as this is, it sounds like it could be true.
"Jamie Lynn Spears Aunt, Chandra McGovern, is suggesting Jamie Lynn might have
planned this pregnancy so she could get her turn in the spotlight."
Sad as this is, it sounds like it could be true.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!
Kate Moss Tells Pete Doherty: Keep Our Sex Tapes Private! | Backseat Cuddler
Kate Moss Tells Pete Doherty: Keep Our Sex Tapes Private! Backseat Cuddler:
Now that would be a tape worth paying for.
"Good luck with that! Model Kate Moss is fuming that her ex, Pete Doherty,
is allegedly shopping their private stash of sex tapes around for the highest
Now that would be a tape worth paying for.
Jessica Sierra is Pregnant! | Backseat Cuddler
Jessica Sierra is Pregnant! Backseat Cuddler:
Don't they know what birth control is in Hollywood?
"OMG, I’m beginning to think there really IS something in the water! American
Idol’s favorite trainwreck and amateur sex tape star Jessica Sierra is knocked
up, and in jail! Could this girl be any worse-off? She makes Britney look
Don't they know what birth control is in Hollywood?
Jamie Lynn Spears 'Eats Her Words' | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
Jamie Lynn Spears 'Eats Her Words' Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
Here is the response that was sent out when the rumors first started about Jamie-Lynn having a baby. Either they are the ones that are writing things with no foundation or the way they define "highest moral and ethical standards," is not the way I would define it.
"“Ms. Spears is a devout Christian with a spotless reputation, who lives in
accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards in accordance with her
faith.There is no “rumor” concerning Ms. Spears’ (non-existent) pregnancy,
except perhaps for the baseless “rumor” just now being created by the National
Ms. Spears is not pregnant. It is pathetic for the National
Enquirer to attempt to create a wholly baseless “rumor” that Ms. Spears is
pregnant, so it can run a malicious story and false story which would be
emotionally devastating to a morally upright 16 year old girl.”"
Here is the response that was sent out when the rumors first started about Jamie-Lynn having a baby. Either they are the ones that are writing things with no foundation or the way they define "highest moral and ethical standards," is not the way I would define it.
Beyonce and Jay-Z Wedding | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
Beyonce and Jay-Z Wedding Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
Congrats to the new couple, I think they are hot together.
"Beyonce and her weave of wonder have finally married Jay-Z. The nuptials
reportedly happened in Paris in what is said to be a “low key” shindig. I am
guessing since there is a condom shortage in Hollywood it will only be a matter
of time before she is knocked up and on the cover Vanity Fair."
Congrats to the new couple, I think they are hot together.
December 21st, 2007 - Happy Birthday Kiefer Sutherland! | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
December 21st, 2007 - Happy Birthday Kiefer Sutherland! Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
"Kiefer is spending his birthday in jail, let’s all send him some best wishes!"
Happy Birthday Keifer.
"Kiefer is spending his birthday in jail, let’s all send him some best wishes!"
Happy Birthday Keifer.
Britney Spears is STILL Denying that Jamie Lynn is Pregnant | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
Britney Spears is STILL Denying that Jamie Lynn is Pregnant Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
Could it be that no one in the family has talked to her, and told her that her sister is pregnant. I can understand why she wouldn't believe it when she hears it from the photographers.
"Either Britney has grown tired of her friends X17, or she’s clearly still in
denial. OR… it could be the drugs, who knows. At any rate, she’s still saying
Jamie Lynn isn’t pregnant."
Could it be that no one in the family has talked to her, and told her that her sister is pregnant. I can understand why she wouldn't believe it when she hears it from the photographers.
Access Hollywood | Rosie O'Donnell On Teen Pregnancy: 'It Is Never A Good Idea' | Celebrity and Hollywood News
Access Hollywood Rosie O'Donnell On Teen Pregnancy: 'It Is Never A Good Idea' Celebrity and Hollywood News:
Rosie really wants people to talk about her. She needs the attention, otherwise she wouldn't make these comments all the time.
"NEW YORK, NY (December 21, 2007) – Jamie Lynn Spears’ pregnancy has put
the issue of teenage sex back in the forefront of many households’ discussions,
including Rosie O’Donnell’s."
Rosie really wants people to talk about her. She needs the attention, otherwise she wouldn't make these comments all the time.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Stewart and Colbert coming back too - BREAKING NEWS - TV Squad
Stewart and Colbert coming back too - BREAKING NEWS - TV Squad:
The hand writing is on the wall, I think that some of the writers involved in this strike will be lucky just to have jobs writing by the time this is over. The worst thing in the world, is to believe that things can't go on without you and leave. Just to find out that things do go on without you.
The networks are watching this, and they are going to find that they can spend less on writing, not more.
"Comedy Central just announced that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The
Colbert Report will return with new episodes on January 7. The shows will return
without writers. This means that Letterman and Ferguson are the only ones who
aren't coming back as of yet. They have a meeting on Friday with the WGA."
The hand writing is on the wall, I think that some of the writers involved in this strike will be lucky just to have jobs writing by the time this is over. The worst thing in the world, is to believe that things can't go on without you and leave. Just to find out that things do go on without you.
The networks are watching this, and they are going to find that they can spend less on writing, not more.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Boring But Newsy: Russian Prez Putin Is 'Time' Person Of The Year
Boring But Newsy: Russian Prez Putin Is 'Time' Person Of The Year:
An interesting choice to say the least. I guess that Russia played a strong role on the world stage this year. In talks with both Iran and North Korea, Russia was a key partner.
"Time magazine's 'Person of the Year' is Russian president Vladimir Putin!
Congrats Vlad! The guy has restored relative economic stability to one of the
most fascinating countries of our time and his loose interpretation of term
limits and free speech make him a political lightning rod."
An interesting choice to say the least. I guess that Russia played a strong role on the world stage this year. In talks with both Iran and North Korea, Russia was a key partner.
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : John Edwards Did Not Impregnate That Woman
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : John Edwards Did Not Impregnate That Woman:
Of course it is tabloid trash, but does that make it false. John says so, but with a campaign that would fall apart if he admitted it - would he. I also posted this, because it makes the point I put forward earlier. The language of the headline, notice how it echoes Bill Clinton, as long as John runs against this story the coverage will parallel Clinton's problems with womyn.
"A reporter on the campaign trail in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, today has
asked John Edwards about the new National Enquirer report that the 2008
presidential candidate is allegedly the father of the child being carried by
Rielle Hunter.
His response: 'Tabloid trash, completely false.'"
Of course it is tabloid trash, but does that make it false. John says so, but with a campaign that would fall apart if he admitted it - would he. I also posted this, because it makes the point I put forward earlier. The language of the headline, notice how it echoes Bill Clinton, as long as John runs against this story the coverage will parallel Clinton's problems with womyn.
In Case You Didn’t Know » Britney may have her kids drug tested
In Case You Didn’t Know » Britney may have her kids drug tested:
I can see them all waiting at the family drug testing center together. The good news is that she might actually comply with the tests she is supposed to be doing, while getting her sons tested.
"Kevin Federline has long complained that ex Britney Spears has their kids
hooked on sugar and fast food. But now Britney’s accusing Kevin of exposing
their children to something far more dangerous: marijuana."
I can see them all waiting at the family drug testing center together. The good news is that she might actually comply with the tests she is supposed to be doing, while getting her sons tested.
Larry Birkhead has a crush on Britney Spears
Larry Birkhead has a crush on Britney Spears:
This would be enough to make a normal womyn go into rehab. Next thing you know he is going to want to be the father of her children.
"Larry Birkhead has fallen for another troubled star: Britney Spears. The father
of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby girl Dannielynn, has confessed to a crush on
Britney. “I think Britney is sexy,” Larry tells In Touch."
This would be enough to make a normal womyn go into rehab. Next thing you know he is going to want to be the father of her children.
Jamie Lynn Is Already Whoring Her Baby Out | Dlisted
Jamie Lynn Is Already Whoring Her Baby Out Dlisted:
I can see how from the start this baby will have a safe and normal life. I have to say one thing about this baby picture thing though. Remember when Britney had her first baby, and she went in to take the photos - then she backed out. The photos then surfaced on the internet and were everywhere. Britney lost the money, and the photos. I hope that her sister doesn't make the same mistake.
"Jamie Lynn Spears did not get paid up front by Ok! Magazine for basically
giving them the story of the year. Jamie Lynn didn't ask for money. Instead she
got a back-end deal. Yeah, that's what got her into this mess in the first
TMZ reports that JL will get $1 million for a photo shoot with her baby when it's born."
I can see how from the start this baby will have a safe and normal life. I have to say one thing about this baby picture thing though. Remember when Britney had her first baby, and she went in to take the photos - then she backed out. The photos then surfaced on the internet and were everywhere. Britney lost the money, and the photos. I hope that her sister doesn't make the same mistake.
Rapid Response Dept.: The Broadcast Media React To Jamie Lynn Spears' Unexpected Knocking-Up
Rapid Response Dept.: The Broadcast Media React To Jamie Lynn Spears' Unexpected Knocking-Up
Click the link to see a video of coverage of the unexpected Spears pregnancy.
Click the link to see a video of coverage of the unexpected Spears pregnancy.
Jessica Simpson Hopes to Star in Remake of "Pretty Woman"
Jessica Simpson Hopes to Star in Remake of "Pretty Woman":
First of all, they are remaking that movie, it just came out last year.... oh wait nevermind. Really though, do we need a remake of that movie?
Ok, on to Jessica, while I am not a big fan of Julia Roberts, she has talent, something Jessica doesn't. It wasn't the role in that movie that made her a star, she was a star and people saw it in that role. If Jessica was a star, we would have seen it by now.
Last thing, Jessica, think about it - playing a hooker. Doesn't that make you a character actress after you turned Daisy Duke into a slut.
"This has to be a joke. Straight to DVD queen Jessica Simpson hopes to gain
credibility as an actress by starring in a remake of 'Pretty Woman.'"
First of all, they are remaking that movie, it just came out last year.... oh wait nevermind. Really though, do we need a remake of that movie?
Ok, on to Jessica, while I am not a big fan of Julia Roberts, she has talent, something Jessica doesn't. It wasn't the role in that movie that made her a star, she was a star and people saw it in that role. If Jessica was a star, we would have seen it by now.
Last thing, Jessica, think about it - playing a hooker. Doesn't that make you a character actress after you turned Daisy Duke into a slut.
John Edwards Love Child Scandal
John Edwards Love Child Scandal:
Stories like this are hard to counter. If you leave them alone they grow into an unmanageable force. If you come out against them, then the echoes of Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sex with that womyn," come to mind. It is too soon to tell if this will hurt John or not, his standing in the polls doesn't need to take a hit right now. Remember the real election is a year away, if he is the nominee, that it plenty of time for the story to get even bigger.
"The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Rielle Hunter, a woman linked to
Edwards in a cheating scandal earlier this year, is more than six months
pregnant - and she’s told a close confidante that Edwards is the father of her
Stories like this are hard to counter. If you leave them alone they grow into an unmanageable force. If you come out against them, then the echoes of Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sex with that womyn," come to mind. It is too soon to tell if this will hurt John or not, his standing in the polls doesn't need to take a hit right now. Remember the real election is a year away, if he is the nominee, that it plenty of time for the story to get even bigger.
Did Casey Aldridge Rape Jamie Lynn Spears?
Did Casey Aldridge Rape Jamie Lynn Spears?
The legal answer is yes, but I don't see any charges for the poor man in the near future. If I were him I would be calling Mark Vincent Kaplan, to start custody negotiations.
"Did Casey Aldridge rape Jamie Lynn Spears? The answer would have to be yes
if Casey is over the age of 18. How can consensual sex be rape? If it’s
statutory rape, which is when an adult has sex with a minor (someone below the
age of consent).
So what is statutory rape in California? Well according to statutory rape is when two people have sex and one of the
partners is a minor, unless the two are married. Read below for the actual
legislative/lawyer speak."
The legal answer is yes, but I don't see any charges for the poor man in the near future. If I were him I would be calling Mark Vincent Kaplan, to start custody negotiations.
December 19th, 2007 - Happy Birthday Jake Gyllenhaal! | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
December 19th, 2007 - Happy Birthday Jake Gyllenhaal! Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
"Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal (born December 19, 1980) is an American actor."
Happy Birthday Jake.
"Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal (born December 19, 1980) is an American actor."
Happy Birthday Jake.
Spears Parents Deal with The Aftermath of Jamie Lynn's Pregnancy News | A Socialite's Life
Spears Parents Deal with The Aftermath of Jamie Lynn's Pregnancy News A Socialite's Life:
This all sounds so much like how Britney would make choices, it is both scary and sad. I don't know that she has 'ruined' her life, but if she continues down the road that Britney is taking, we might see another bald Spears girl next year.
"Jamie Lynn's father, Jamie Spears, he is said to be 'furious' over the fact
that Lynne spears sold the pregnancy news to OK! Magazine. As for his reaction
to the pregnancy news, he's not please and 'feels Jamie Lynn ruined her life,'
according to a source that dished to Us Weekly."
This all sounds so much like how Britney would make choices, it is both scary and sad. I don't know that she has 'ruined' her life, but if she continues down the road that Britney is taking, we might see another bald Spears girl next year.
Lindsay Lohan Picks Up a New Best Girl Friend | A Socialite's Life
Lindsay Lohan Picks Up a New Best Girl Friend A Socialite's Life:
I just hope that new friends means better friends, that will not get into trouble with her.
"Lindsay Lohan has a new shopping buddy, Courtenay Semel, best known for her
foray into reality television on the E! series, 'Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive.' The
daughter of Yahoo! CEO Terry Semel, Courtenay has been seen frequently hanging
out with her new best buddy."
I just hope that new friends means better friends, that will not get into trouble with her.
Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » It’s Here… BEST YEAR EVER: The Full Special!
Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » It’s Here… BEST YEAR EVER: The Full Special!
Click the link to see the whole show.
Click the link to see the whole show.
Michael Douglas Named New Announcer for NBC's 'Nightly News'
Michael Douglas Named New Announcer for NBC's 'Nightly News':
That actually seems like a good fit. Not that it makes me want to watch NBC news any more than I do now.
"Actor MICHAEL DOUGLAS has been chosen by NBC to be its newest 'Nightly News'
announcer to introduce BRIAN WILLIAMS. The legendary actor's recorded
introduction was first heard over the airwaves on Monday reports the AP."
That actually seems like a good fit. Not that it makes me want to watch NBC news any more than I do now.
Mother of Casey Aldridge Confirms: Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant! - The Hollywood Gossip
Mother of Casey Aldridge Confirms: Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant! - The Hollywood Gossip:
I bet they are so proud that their son can hang out with the likes of Kevin Federline as an equal now. I bet they are really happy to see him join the club of men who have knocked up a Spears girl. I can't imagine the joy. On a side note, it sounds like the break-up rumors are true.
"“We are aware of the recent interview regarding her and being pregnant, and we
are in agreement with everything that was said by Jamie Lynn about the
situation, Joyce Aldridge said. “Everything is fine.”
She added that “Casey
doesn’t wish to speak out, but it would be wonderful when the time comes.”"
I bet they are so proud that their son can hang out with the likes of Kevin Federline as an equal now. I bet they are really happy to see him join the club of men who have knocked up a Spears girl. I can't imagine the joy. On a side note, it sounds like the break-up rumors are true.
Egotastic! - Mischa Barton Nude Scenes Are No Problem
Egotastic! - Mischa Barton Nude Scenes Are No Problem:
This really isn't a big deal to me, I don't think that she has a body worth getting excited about. Sure she has all the parts a womyn is supposed to have, and guys are supposed to get hot about. There just isn't anything special about hers.
"In what seems like a statement designed purely to generate buzz around her
non-existent career, Mischa admits that she has no problem with doing nude
scenes, and that it just hasn't really come up."
This really isn't a big deal to me, I don't think that she has a body worth getting excited about. Sure she has all the parts a womyn is supposed to have, and guys are supposed to get hot about. There just isn't anything special about hers.
Sorry, But Nobody Wants Parenting Advice From Lynne Spears
Sorry, But Nobody Wants Parenting Advice From Lynne Spears:
She should put it on hold forever, does anyone want their kids to turn out like hers.
"Lynne Spears’ plans to be an author are on hold now that she is focusing on
becoming a grandmother
She should put it on hold forever, does anyone want their kids to turn out like hers.
Lily Allen Attempts to Steal Jamie Lynn’s Thunder | CelebWarship
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Michael Lohan is Your Holy Man | CelebWarship
Michael Lohan is Your Holy Man CelebWarship:
At least he didn't try and play one of the wise men, we all know that he isn't a wise man. He might be a carpenter, but I don't think he has the skills.
"For reasons I’m not entirely sure of, Lindsay Lohan’s father, Michael Lohan,
participated in the second annual Times Square Nativity scene. He played Joseph,
and looked as creepy as ever."
At least he didn't try and play one of the wise men, we all know that he isn't a wise man. He might be a carpenter, but I don't think he has the skills.
Britney is Always the Last to Know | CelebWarship
Britney is Always the Last to Know CelebWarship:
It makes one wonder if they are even a family or not, maybe they are just a collection of people who like alike and make bad choices. No they must be a family, but they don't act like one.
"Britney Spears reportedly found out her 16 year old sister Jamie Lynn was
pregnant the same way we did: through the media. Although Jamie Lynn and her
mother gave OK! an exclusive interview, they didn’t bother to let Britney know
ahead of time."
It makes one wonder if they are even a family or not, maybe they are just a collection of people who like alike and make bad choices. No they must be a family, but they don't act like one.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!
REPORT: John Edwards has Love Child with Rielle
REPORT: John Edwards has Love Child with Rielle
While that isn't the list of the most reliable sources in the world, this is a story that could get some legs and end his run for office. Do we really want another Bill Clinton in office, I liked Bill, but his relationships with womyn, made the political scene more difficult.
"Drudge, National Enquirer and Right Pundit among many others are reporting
that Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards has been sleeping with
another woman besides his cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth. The lady at the center
of the storm is Rielle Hunter aka Lisa Druck and she is pregnant with Edwards
baby according to the tabloid and political blogs."
While that isn't the list of the most reliable sources in the world, this is a story that could get some legs and end his run for office. Do we really want another Bill Clinton in office, I liked Bill, but his relationships with womyn, made the political scene more difficult.
» Debbie Nelson Book ‘My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem’ Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood

» Debbie Nelson Book ‘My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem’ Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood
So it is things like this that make him hate his mom so much. Way to go, selling your son out to the media, miss mother of the year. If this had been Britney, it would be one thing, she is a publicity whore. Eminem, has tried to keep his private life out of the press though.
So it is things like this that make him hate his mom so much. Way to go, selling your son out to the media, miss mother of the year. If this had been Britney, it would be one thing, she is a publicity whore. Eminem, has tried to keep his private life out of the press though.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
» Natalee Holloway Suspects Released AGAIN Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood
» Natalee Holloway Suspects Released AGAIN Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood:
This is just turning into a sad joke now. I feel bad for her family to have to go through this over and over again with the police.
"CNN is reporting that all three suspects being held in the
disappearance of Natalee Holloway have been released yet again without being
This is just turning into a sad joke now. I feel bad for her family to have to go through this over and over again with the police.
» Amy Winehouse Arrested in East London Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood
» Amy Winehouse Arrested in East London Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood:
Oh common she looks like such a.... yeah good idea to lock her up.
"Daily Mail reports that Amy Winehouse is currently being held at an East London
police station. She has been photographed and fingerprinted and is being
questioned in connection with an alleged plot to ‘fix’ the outcome of a pending
assault case."
Oh common she looks like such a.... yeah good idea to lock her up.
Ali Larter is Engaged! | Backseat Cuddler
Ali Larter is Engaged! Backseat Cuddler:
Big changes going on every where today. Congrats to the couple on their engagement.
"Nerds everywhere mourned today, as their queen Ali “Nikki/Jessica/Gina” Larter
officially got taken off the market by longtime beau Hayes MacArthur. Larter is
really growing on me…I actually cried when she got (questionably) offed on
Big changes going on every where today. Congrats to the couple on their engagement.
December 18th, 2007 - Happy Birthday Katie Holmes! | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
December 18th, 2007 - Happy Birthday Katie Holmes! Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
"Katherine Noelle “Katie” Holmes (born December 18, 1978) is an American actress who first achieved fame for her role as Joey Potter on The WB television teen drama Dawson’s Creek from 1998 to 2003."
Happy Birthday Katie...
"Katherine Noelle “Katie” Holmes (born December 18, 1978) is an American actress who first achieved fame for her role as Joey Potter on The WB television teen drama Dawson’s Creek from 1998 to 2003."
Happy Birthday Katie...
Jamie Lynn Spears Breaks Up with Baby's Father! | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog

Jamie Lynn Spears Breaks Up with Baby's Father! Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
and she is breaking up with the baby's father, she really has been reading from Britney's guide to living.
and she is breaking up with the baby's father, she really has been reading from Britney's guide to living.
Access Hollywood | Jimmy Kimmel To Join Late-Night Return In Spite Of Writers Strike | Celebrity and Hollywood News
Access Hollywood Jimmy Kimmel To Join Late-Night Return In Spite Of Writers Strike Celebrity and Hollywood News:
The strike is lost.
"LOS ANGELES, Calif. (December 18, 2007) – Jimmy Kimmel will join NBC’s
late-night hosts in returning with new shows Jan. 2 in the midst of the
Hollywood writers strike, ABC said Tuesday."
The strike is lost.
Access Hollywood | David Hasselhoff & Pamela Bach Divorce Official | Celebrity and Hollywood News
Access Hollywood David Hasselhoff & Pamela Bach Divorce Official Celebrity and Hollywood News:
This means we won't get to see anymore drunken hamburger videos. Good luck to these two in the next mess of a relationship that they find them selves in.
"LOS ANGELES, Calif. (December 18, 2007) – David Hasselhoff and Pamela Bach
resolved their post-divorce issues on Friday."
This means we won't get to see anymore drunken hamburger videos. Good luck to these two in the next mess of a relationship that they find them selves in.
Access Hollywood | Jamie Lynn Spears Is Pregnant | Celebrity and Hollywood News
Access Hollywood Jamie Lynn Spears Is Pregnant Celebrity and Hollywood News:
This story seems to be coming from all over the map, so it is hard to pin down right now how accurate it is. As for the comment made here, responsible is not having unprotected sex with your boyfriend when you are 16 and still a child.
"A rep for Nickelodeon confirmed to Access Hollywood, Spears, the star of “Zoey
101” is having a baby."
This story seems to be coming from all over the map, so it is hard to pin down right now how accurate it is. As for the comment made here, responsible is not having unprotected sex with your boyfriend when you are 16 and still a child.
Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Without Child | A Socialite's Life
Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Without Child A Socialite's Life:
Well I was hoping that she was, she seems like she would be such a great mother. Someday she and that man of hers will have some kids though.
"Hot off the heels of her taking to MySpace to last out at people baggin' on her weight,
pregnancy rumors have sprung up around the newly married lass. Jennifer married
Scottish actor Ross McCall and honey-mooned in Hawaii where paps snapped some
unflattering photos of her hindquarters. Now I am the last person to speculate
that a bad camera angle means she's got a puppy in the pound. And a rep from
Jennifer's show 'The Ghost Whisperer' is denying it. 'Not true,' the rep says.
'The stories are 100% false.'"
Well I was hoping that she was, she seems like she would be such a great mother. Someday she and that man of hers will have some kids though.
7Confessions: Britney Spears Planning to Wed Sam Lufti in Vegas
7Confessions: Britney Spears Planning to Wed Sam Lufti in Vegas:
The whole family on crack! What the hell is going on with the Spears family?
"Another crazy chapter in the Brit World soap opera! Sources say that Britney
and Sam are planning to get married in Las Vegas but Britney doesn’t care about
a prenup"
The whole family on crack! What the hell is going on with the Spears family?
7Confessions: Britney Spears’ Sister Jamie Lynn Confirmed Pregnancy
7Confessions: Britney Spears’ Sister Jamie Lynn Confirmed Pregnancy:
What the hell, how does this happen? That whole family appears to be trash.
"TMZ just confirmed a rumor that was going wild this afternoon about Britney’s
sister, 16 year old Jamie Lynn being pregnant with boyfriend Casey Aldridge
What the hell, how does this happen? That whole family appears to be trash.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Britney Spears Four Season Ban Over Untrained Puppies; Britney Spears Banned From Four Seasons Hotel Over Puppies Mess
Britney Spears Four Season Ban Over Untrained Puppies; Britney Spears Banned From Four Seasons Hotel Over Puppies Mess:
They both seem like good reasons you wouldn't want someone around, the smells of puppy poo and smokers are nasty. I bet her room smelled like burned dog shit.
"Last week, Britney wrecked havoc at the posh Los Angeles establishment when she
lit up a series of cancer sticks in opposition to the establishment’s ban on
indoor smoking, but it appears that it is the Britster’s inability to scoop up
puppy poops that has the hotel sending her for the door."
They both seem like good reasons you wouldn't want someone around, the smells of puppy poo and smokers are nasty. I bet her room smelled like burned dog shit.
In Case You Didn’t Know » Helena Bonham Carter Has a Baby
In Case You Didn’t Know » Helena Bonham Carter Has a Baby:
"Helena Bonham Carter and her director beau Tim Burton have welcomed their
second child, PEOPLE has learned exclusively."
Tara Reid collapses while partying in Bali
Tara Reid collapses while partying in Bali:
This girl is a bigger wreck than Britney Spears... and I don't see how that is possible.
"Hard partying F-list actress, Tara Reid, has been taken to hospital in Bali
after collapsing Sunday night during a party in Bali."
This girl is a bigger wreck than Britney Spears... and I don't see how that is possible.
Gabby Babble: Pam Anderson And Rick Salomon NOT Getting A Divorce
Gabby Babble: Pam Anderson And Rick Salomon NOT Getting A Divorce:
I think these two should be stars on the next survivor, and we can all secretly hope that they don't survive - or not so secretly.
"Earlier today, Pamela Anderson filed divorce papers. But it seems like she had
a change of heart as she and Rick Salomon are trying to work things out now."
I think these two should be stars on the next survivor, and we can all secretly hope that they don't survive - or not so secretly. - Britney Spears: Bad Decision #14,812 and Counting - Britney Spears: Bad Decision #14,812 and Counting:
This is so crazy, it might even be true. You can't tell when it comes to Britney.
"Get ready, Las Vegas! Britney Spears is planning an encore. The troubled pop
star wed childhood pal Jason Alexander Sin City-style in 2004 — a union that
lasted all of 55 hours. But according to Star Magazine, this time she wants to
hitch her wagon to professional hanger-on Sam Lutfi.Get ready, Las Vegas!
Britney Spears is planning an encore. The troubled pop star wed childhood pal
Jason Alexander Sin City-style in 2004 — a union that lasted all of 55 hours.
But according to Star Magazine, this time she wants to hitch her wagon to
professional hanger-on Sam Lutfi."
This is so crazy, it might even be true. You can't tell when it comes to Britney.
Gothamist: Explosion at 1211 Ave. of Americas, Home of Fox News, NY Post
Gothamist: Explosion at 1211 Ave. of Americas, Home of Fox News, NY Post:
It doesn't sound to serious. The news must go on right.
"An explosion occurred at the Midtown building that houses News
corporation businesses including Fox News and the NY Post. Fox 5 reports that a
man was burned in the chemical explosion and 700 people have been evacuated.
However, 'the explosion has not interrupted the cable news channel's
It doesn't sound to serious. The news must go on right. TVNewser TVNewser:
They won't say it who will be, just that it is a name we know and it is someone with an award winning theatrical career. Stay tuned. We find out tonight.
"So, just who will be the new voice of NBC Nightly News?"
They won't say it who will be, just that it is a name we know and it is someone with an award winning theatrical career. Stay tuned. We find out tonight.
Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien Return to Air January 2 | TV Crunch
Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien Return to Air January 2 TV Crunch:
This is the beginning of the end.
"No, the strike isn’t over (wishful thinking), but Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien are ready to return to TV on January 2 with new shows. According to NBC"
This is the beginning of the end.
Pamela Anderson Filed for Divorce From Rick Salomon | TV Crunch
Pamela Anderson Filed for Divorce From Rick Salomon TV Crunch:
While I can't say that I thought it would last, this is fast.
"Wow, and they didn’t even get to have a reality show to break up their marriage
— former “Baywatch” babe Pamela Anderson filed for divorce from Rick Salomon on
Friday, after just two months of marriage. The old irreconcilable differences is
the cause. That was fast, huh?"
While I can't say that I thought it would last, this is fast.
Alex Trebek At Home Recuperating
Alex Trebek At Home Recuperating:
What is great news to hear about our dear game show host.
"'The Insider' breaks news that ALEX TREBEK is recuperating at his Los Angeles
home after his release from Cedars-Sinai Hospital on Saturday, Dec. 15,
following his recent minor heart attack."
What is great news to hear about our dear game show host.
The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » More Signs Of al-Qaeda Abandoning Iraq
The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » More Signs Of al-Qaeda Abandoning Iraq:
I dearly hope this is the case.
"This media-touted last gasp of al-Qaeda in Iraq may be a farewell message,
not an attempt to salvage a lost cause - because Iraq is a lost cause."
I dearly hope this is the case.
MotherJones Blog: Lieberman Can't Find One Democratic Candidate To Endorse, Goes With McCain
MotherJones Blog: Lieberman Can't Find One Democratic Candidate To Endorse, Goes With McCain:
Maybe all of the above.
"What on earth is up with Joe Lieberman? Maybe it really ticked him off when so
many members of the Democratic establishment endorsed his opponent in the last
Connecticut senate race (even though that opponent was the Democrat). Maybe he
really can't see beyond the war in Iraq. Maybe he's just a Democrat In Name Only
(DINO) at this point. Maybe he's an egomaniac crazy for attention."
Maybe all of the above.
lgf: Religion of Peace Strikes in Algeria
lgf: Religion of Peace Strikes in Algeria:
While it isn't fair to put the whole religion down with the simple mockery, there are steps that need to be taken by Muslims to take their religion back from the hatemongers who are running it. Christians had to do it once upon a time.
"A car bomb attack on United Nations buildings in Algiers has killed at least 45
While it isn't fair to put the whole religion down with the simple mockery, there are steps that need to be taken by Muslims to take their religion back from the hatemongers who are running it. Christians had to do it once upon a time.
Michelle Malkin » A closer look at those Halliburton/KBR gang-rape allegations
Michelle Malkin » A closer look at those Halliburton/KBR gang-rape allegations:
Truth be told, there is a Halliburton Derangement Syndrome developing, but just like the Bush and Clinton versions it has a wide set of effects. It sends some people into mad fits of accusations that they know nothing about, and it sends others into mad fits of defending against accusations they know nothing about.
"Halliburton Derangement Syndrome struck the media again this week. ABC News ran
big with a story about a “Houston, Texas woman who says she was gang-raped by
Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government
are covering up the incident.” The allegations are awful. She may be telling the
truth. But beware of the sensationalism and hype."
Truth be told, there is a Halliburton Derangement Syndrome developing, but just like the Bush and Clinton versions it has a wide set of effects. It sends some people into mad fits of accusations that they know nothing about, and it sends others into mad fits of defending against accusations they know nothing about.
Michelle Malkin » The real Oprah effect: Doubting Obama’s electability
Michelle Malkin » The real Oprah effect: Doubting Obama’s electability:
Could Oprah bring a win for Obama, and does she really speak to the black community, or is her appeal wider than that. When you see people who buy her magazine, it isn't just black people.
"You’ll remember that last week, Oprah hedged her bet on Obama in an interview
with ABC News : “Well obviously, Obama’s great because I’m believing that the
person that I’m speaking up for is gonna take it all the way,” Winfrey said.
“And then if that doesn’t happen, I might readjust my thinking.”"
Could Oprah bring a win for Obama, and does she really speak to the black community, or is her appeal wider than that. When you see people who buy her magazine, it isn't just black people.
Media Matters - Savage makes degrading comments about House Speaker, other prominent Dem women
Media Matters - Savage makes degrading comments about House Speaker, other prominent Dem women:
What a wanker!
"Summary: Michael Savage referred to Rep. Jane Harman, House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, and Sen. Barbara Boxer as 'yentas,' said Harman should '[g]o home and
cook verenikis,' and suggested that they were in office because they 'have rich
husbands who put them in power with their money, so they could have a little
hobby in between getting their nails done.' Summary: Michael Savage referred to
Rep. Jane Harman, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Barbara Boxer as
'yentas,' said Harman should '[g]o home and cook verenikis,' and suggested that
they were in office because they 'have rich husbands who put them in power with
their money, so they could have a little hobby in between getting their nails
done.' Summary: Michael Savage referred to Rep. Jane Harman, House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, and Sen. Barbara Boxer as 'yentas,' said Harman should '[g]o home and
cook verenikis,' and suggested that they were in office because they 'have rich
husbands who put them in power with their money, so they could have a little
hobby in between getting their nails done.'"
What a wanker!
Romney's Race to Lose Romney's Race to Lose
Click the link to see why, but it looks like Romney might be the one to take this race. It looks like a race between Romney and Clinton to me at this point. I think key to this conclusion is understanding the way Iowa works. People will gather for their first choices, and if there are not enough people to support that person, they move on to their second choice. While Clinton and Romney may not be winning on first choice, I would bet they are with second choices.
"So, unless Rudy manages to turn the election into a referendum on
leadership-in-a-time-of-crisis in the next three weeks, at least how it stands
now, say hello to Mitt Romney as our nominee."
Click the link to see why, but it looks like Romney might be the one to take this race. It looks like a race between Romney and Clinton to me at this point. I think key to this conclusion is understanding the way Iowa works. People will gather for their first choices, and if there are not enough people to support that person, they move on to their second choice. While Clinton and Romney may not be winning on first choice, I would bet they are with second choices.
Gates of Vienna: Romania Breaks Ranks on Kosovo
Gates of Vienna: Romania Breaks Ranks on Kosovo:
Couldn't this lead to further break down in the region along ethic lines. What about the Kosovars in Macedonia that want to join with their kin in Kosovo. They have waged war there, could this not restart that conflict?
"Romania will not recognize the independence of Kosovo province, Romanian Prime
Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said Friday.
Tariceanu made the statement before heading to Brussels to attend a one-day summit of the European Council, the state Rompresnews agency reported."
Couldn't this lead to further break down in the region along ethic lines. What about the Kosovars in Macedonia that want to join with their kin in Kosovo. They have waged war there, could this not restart that conflict?
Emergency Rule Lifted In Pakistan
Captain's Quarters: Emergency Rule Lifted In Pakistan
This is good news, but I doubt that any real stability or democracy can be found under Musharraf. It is time for him to step down, before the radicals gain more power, and turn the whole government over.
"Pervez Musharraf lifted the emergency decree under which he ruled for six weeks
as promised. The action clears the way for national elections in the second week
of January, but the nation's largest Islamist party withdrew its candidates from
the parliamentary races, claiming fraud"
This is good news, but I doubt that any real stability or democracy can be found under Musharraf. It is time for him to step down, before the radicals gain more power, and turn the whole government over.
Statement from Dan Seals on Destruction of CIA Interrogation Tapes
Just like when Nixon did it, the destruction of a recording begs the question, what was on that recording. When it is a tape of a questionable interrogation tactic, it raises even more doubts. There is no reason those tapes should have been destroyed.
"DEERFIELD, IL? On Thursday, Dan Seals, Democratic candidate for Congress,
criticized Congressman Mark Kirk for supporting the CIA?s decision to destroy
videotaped footage of its officers engaging in harsh interrogation techniques
against suspected terrorists, including the controversial waterboarding
technique.DEERFIELD, IL? On Thursday, Dan Seals, Democratic candidate for
Congress, criticized Congressman Mark Kirk for supporting the CIA?s decision to
destroy videotaped footage of its officers engaging in harsh interrogation
techniques against suspected terrorists, including the controversial
waterboarding technique.DEERFIELD, IL? On Thursday, Dan Seals, Democratic
candidate for Congress, criticized Congressman Mark Kirk for supporting the
CIA?s decision to destroy videotaped footage of its officers engaging in harsh
interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists, including the
controversial waterboarding technique."
Just like when Nixon did it, the destruction of a recording begs the question, what was on that recording. When it is a tape of a questionable interrogation tactic, it raises even more doubts. There is no reason those tapes should have been destroyed.
American Thinker: Be Wise on Kosovo
American Thinker: Be Wise on Kosovo:
There is a certain amount of wisdom in not intruding into the affairs of other nations like this. The killing has stopped, and if it starts again it should be dealt with. What the hopes of a nation like Kosovo, that has never been independent are, I don't know. A small country, at odd with is closest neighbors is going to need support from the international community. Somehow I feel like the west is breaking up a household, over a spoiled child. A household, that would be stronger if the problems were resolved - and make the whole region stronger.
"Underlying all of this is a not-so-hidden agenda: an anticipated so-called
diplomatic dividend for pleasing the Muslim world. A prominent US legislator
declared over the summer that granting Kosovo its independence would please the
Muslim world and would show that America is not anti-Islamic. The Kosovo affair
has this assumed extra importance in this precarious post 9/11 era, as a token.
But it risks kindling a chain reaction of explosive crises around the world."
There is a certain amount of wisdom in not intruding into the affairs of other nations like this. The killing has stopped, and if it starts again it should be dealt with. What the hopes of a nation like Kosovo, that has never been independent are, I don't know. A small country, at odd with is closest neighbors is going to need support from the international community. Somehow I feel like the west is breaking up a household, over a spoiled child. A household, that would be stronger if the problems were resolved - and make the whole region stronger.
American Thinker: Hillary Agonistes
American Thinker: Hillary Agonistes:
If they are going to treat this like a horse race, at least they could make clear one thing. That is like a horse race, the out come is unknown. You can't know how a horse race will end. You can't know how an election will end. I think her odds have probably changed little.
"Has Hillary Clinton's candidacy for the Democrats' nomination gone from
'inevitable' to 'doomed' in the space of a few weeks? Momentum always is a
precious factor as the compressed primary season looms, with undecideds making
up their minds and contributors wanting to back the likely winner"
If they are going to treat this like a horse race, at least they could make clear one thing. That is like a horse race, the out come is unknown. You can't know how a horse race will end. You can't know how an election will end. I think her odds have probably changed little.
Huckabee: "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Huckabee: "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
I agree with Romney, not that he has ground to speak from, that religion should not be a part of the debate like this. I have said before that religion should be part of a debate, and it does have a role. If you are electing someone from a religion that opposes the death penalty, and you are in a state that operates it, the public have the right to understand if you will follow the law as it represents the wishes of the people or not.
"Republican Mitt Romney retorted to questions about his faith by surging rival
Mike Huckabee on Wednesday, declaring that 'attacking someone's religion is
really going too far.'"
I agree with Romney, not that he has ground to speak from, that religion should not be a part of the debate like this. I have said before that religion should be part of a debate, and it does have a role. If you are electing someone from a religion that opposes the death penalty, and you are in a state that operates it, the public have the right to understand if you will follow the law as it represents the wishes of the people or not.
Huckabee: "A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband" - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Huckabee: "A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband" - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
Not the man I want to be in the White House.
"In June 1998, the Southern Baptist convention amended its official statement of
beliefs for the first time in 35 years to declare that 'a wife is to submit
graciously to the servant leadership of her husband.'"
Not the man I want to be in the White House.
Lieberman to endorse McCain - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Lieberman to endorse McCain - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
I don't see how this is a move that will help anyone. It makes Lieberman look bad, and is going to increase calls for him to move over to the other side officially. As for McCain, no one on the right is going to trust a Democrat.
"Reader Dennis in Arlington alerted me that our favorite loser is going to be
endorsing McCain. Big surprise. Lieberman lost his mind, and his loyalties, long
ago. All that he's interested in now is starting as many wars in the Middle East
as possible."
I don't see how this is a move that will help anyone. It makes Lieberman look bad, and is going to increase calls for him to move over to the other side officially. As for McCain, no one on the right is going to trust a Democrat.
Ron Paul breaks his own one-day online fundraising record: $5m in ONE DAY - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Ron Paul breaks his own one-day online fundraising record: $5m in ONE DAY - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
Where does all this Ron Paul money come from, are there really that many Truthers out there?
"This shatters his own single-day online fund-raising record, and he'll end up
at about twice the record he broke last time (Kerry's $2.7M haul *after* he had
sewn up the nomination on Super Tuesday)."
Where does all this Ron Paul money come from, are there really that many Truthers out there?
Quote Details: E. Joseph Cossman: Drive-in banks were established... - The Quotations Page
Quote Details: E. Joseph Cossman: Drive-in banks were established... - The Quotations Page:
"Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners.
E. Joseph Cossman"
"Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners.
E. Joseph Cossman"
Prince Harry has a Hot Girlfriend | CelebWarship

Prince Harry has a Hot Girlfriend CelebWarship
She is hot, except for the fact she is smoking... and I don't mean in a good way.
She is hot, except for the fact she is smoking... and I don't mean in a good way.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Jennifer Love Hewitt pregnant! - Taylor’s Entertainment News
Jennifer Love Hewitt pregnant! - Taylor’s Entertainment News:
There is no solid word yet, but she would make a wonderful mother, and I bet she would have cute kids too.
"When the pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt surfaced I told people that
those were baby hips she had. And now it is being said that she is pregnant…"
There is no solid word yet, but she would make a wonderful mother, and I bet she would have cute kids too.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!
» Gemma Arterton is the New Bond Girl Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood
» Gemma Arterton is the New Bond Girl Bitten and Bound: The Not So Pretty Side of Hollywood:
There isn't much out there about her right now, but that will change, Bond movies make peoples careers.
"The 22-year-old beat out 1500 other hopefuls to star opposite Daniel Craig in
the next 007 franchise slated to begin filming in January for a November 2008
There isn't much out there about her right now, but that will change, Bond movies make peoples careers.
Gabby Babble: Britney Spears: "Why Can't I Smoke if I Want To?"
Gabby Babble: Britney Spears: "Why Can't I Smoke if I Want To?":
She acts like such a child, no wonder she can't take care of her own kids.
"Britney Spears doesn't understand when she's not allowed to do something she
wants to. According to the National Enquirer, Britney Spears pissed off diners
at the Four Seasons Hotel when she puffed away in the restaurant, ignoring the
outraged glares. A manager ordered Brit to put out her cigarette immediately
which caused her to whine:"
She acts like such a child, no wonder she can't take care of her own kids.
No Reality Show for Pam | CelebWarship
No Reality Show for Pam CelebWarship:
Ok, I scorned the idea, but I would have watched it.
"Pamela Anderson shot downs rumors that she planned to star in a reality show
with husband of two months, Rick Solomon. Us Weekly reportedly earlier this week
that Pam and Rick signed on for an E! Newlyweds-esque reality series."
Ok, I scorned the idea, but I would have watched it.
A Tiny Revolution: Robert Parry On Our Excitingly Incipient Nightmarish Dystopia
A Tiny Revolution: Robert Parry On Our Excitingly Incipient Nightmarish Dystopia:
This sounds scary, but in use it could be a good thing. If you can use it to tell you that person A crossing the street ahead is a civilian, but person B five yards further down is a terrorist, it is a useful tool. This confusion is one reason that civilians get killed in wars like Iraq, and Vietnam-where this inventor came from.
"U.S. forces in Iraq soon will be equipped with high-tech equipment that will
let them process an Iraqi’s biometric data in minutes and help American soldiers
decide whether they should execute the person or not, according to its
This sounds scary, but in use it could be a good thing. If you can use it to tell you that person A crossing the street ahead is a civilian, but person B five yards further down is a terrorist, it is a useful tool. This confusion is one reason that civilians get killed in wars like Iraq, and Vietnam-where this inventor came from.
A Tiny Revolution: Three New Democrats In Impeachment Effort
A Tiny Revolution: Three New Democrats In Impeachment Effort:
Let it go people, focus on the future.
"Robert Wexler (D-FL), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), all
members of the House Judiciary Committee, have created a website calling for
impeachment hearings for Vice President Cheney"
Let it go people, focus on the future.
A Blog For All: Q Train Melee
A Blog For All: Q Train Melee:
This is an old story, but it is worth bringing up. It is the kind of story that people will try and make more of than should be. Truth is that what we learned from this, is that sometimes Jews are attacked, sometimes Christians are violent and sometimes Muslims are honorable. I don't see how this can be extrapolated any larger than that, except to strike down ideas that Muslims can't be honorable and Christians are never violent.
"Gothamist sums up the situation. The incident began on a Q train where
Jewish revelers were attacked for saying Happy Hannukah in response to a group
saying Merry Christmas. It quickly turned into an assault and cops ended up
arresting 10 people.
It also turns out that a Muslim man came to the
defense of the Jews who were being attacked by the thugs."
This is an old story, but it is worth bringing up. It is the kind of story that people will try and make more of than should be. Truth is that what we learned from this, is that sometimes Jews are attacked, sometimes Christians are violent and sometimes Muslims are honorable. I don't see how this can be extrapolated any larger than that, except to strike down ideas that Muslims can't be honorable and Christians are never violent.
A Blog For All: New Jersey Repealing Death Penalty After Unofficially Ending It 44 Years Ago
A Blog For All: New Jersey Repealing Death Penalty After Unofficially Ending It 44 Years Ago:
I think that this is the right choice. As much as people have feelings, and I have feelings that people should die for their crimes, that isn't justice. Our justice system is a part of the whole system of checks and balances - which end when you kill someone. Can we really be so sure.
"Today, Governor Jon Corzine and the state legislature will make a big deal
about repealing the New Jersey death penalty statute. The media and death
penalty foes are making a big deal about it as well. Convicted murderers seem to
like the idea of getting rid of the death penalty as well."
I think that this is the right choice. As much as people have feelings, and I have feelings that people should die for their crimes, that isn't justice. Our justice system is a part of the whole system of checks and balances - which end when you kill someone. Can we really be so sure.
A Blog For All: Rockets Red Glare
A Blog For All: Rockets Red Glare:
I don't see how anyone can defend actions that harm children in this way. The people of Gaza have a sad miserable life, but they have their own leaders to blame for that more than anyone else. Gaza should be able to take care of itself, but it seems like a spoiled child, its leaders are taking care of themselves and using the people and their poverty as a weapon of war against Israel. If the leaders in Gaza took steps to improve the peoples lives, this tool wouldn't be as effective. I think that the people in Gaza should start aiming their guns at Hamas.
"A rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza wounded a two-year-old girl
in a community on the Gaza-Israel border, Israeli police and rescue services
said Sunday."
I don't see how anyone can defend actions that harm children in this way. The people of Gaza have a sad miserable life, but they have their own leaders to blame for that more than anyone else. Gaza should be able to take care of itself, but it seems like a spoiled child, its leaders are taking care of themselves and using the people and their poverty as a weapon of war against Israel. If the leaders in Gaza took steps to improve the peoples lives, this tool wouldn't be as effective. I think that the people in Gaza should start aiming their guns at Hamas.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Letterman Pursuing a Deal With Writers - New York Times
Letterman Pursuing a Deal With Writers - New York Times:
Letterman can do this because his show isn't owned by the network. If this deal goes through, and I think it should, that would end the strike. The networks would lose a lot too, as more shows would start to be created by outside groups that could reach their own deals with the writers.
"In what may be the first significant break in the Hollywood writers’ strike,
David Letterman is pursuing a deal with the Writers Guild of America that would
allow his late-night show on CBS to return to the air in early January with the
usual complement of material from his writers, even if the strike is still on."
Letterman can do this because his show isn't owned by the network. If this deal goes through, and I think it should, that would end the strike. The networks would lose a lot too, as more shows would start to be created by outside groups that could reach their own deals with the writers.
Britney Spears Photos & Pics | Britney Banned From The Four Seasons?
Britney Spears Photos & Pics Britney Banned From The Four Seasons?:
It is all rumors right now, but with Spears, any of these could be true.
"rumor #1 - Britney didn't pay her bills at the posh hotel so management
told her to get lost.
rumor #2 - Security at the Four Seasons didn't want
her coming in the back door anymore so they simply told her to enter through the
rumor #3 - The hotel security details was sick of photogs crowding
around whenever Britney's around so they politely denied her a room because of
It is all rumors right now, but with Spears, any of these could be true.
Marcia Cross fuming - after nude pictures appear online | Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy
Marcia Cross fuming - after nude pictures appear online Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy:
This is something that would upset anyone. It seems that these pictures were not stolen either, they were thrown away by the star. In the long run, this will help her career, it will make her a sex symbol in a way that only Eva has been so far. Now if anyone finds nudes of Teri, for the love of humynity - burn them.
"The Desperate Housewives star can be seen showering outside naked in the
photographs, which were among 200 personal pictures found by a Los Angeles firm
when they were hired to clear out garbage from her house in October last year."
This is something that would upset anyone. It seems that these pictures were not stolen either, they were thrown away by the star. In the long run, this will help her career, it will make her a sex symbol in a way that only Eva has been so far. Now if anyone finds nudes of Teri, for the love of humynity - burn them.
Tarantino to rescue Lindsay Lohan’s acting career
Tarantino to rescue Lindsay Lohan’s acting career:
A chance to work with Tarantino would really mean a boost to Lindsay. Many people believe that she has talent, and that she can make it long term in the business. Something like this could give her a good bump towards the top of the Hollywood pile.
"Director Quentin Tarantino is planning to help rescue Lindsay Lohan’s Hollywood
career, by casting her in his next big movie. The Pulp Fiction director has
become an expert at revamping fallen stars’ careers such as Pam Grier, John
Travolta and David Carradine."
A chance to work with Tarantino would really mean a boost to Lindsay. Many people believe that she has talent, and that she can make it long term in the business. Something like this could give her a good bump towards the top of the Hollywood pile.
Michael Jackson to be saved by
Michael Jackson to be saved by
Could Jackson really be in such a bad place that he needs to be saved by a website?
"Michael Jackson has fallen behind on the payment for his now infamous Neverland
Ranch - $23 million dollars behind. The star fell late on the debt on November
15, 2008 and is now roughly a month into the 90-day period before the property
is seized. has offered to pay off the debt, in exchange for
Jackson’s participation as a celebrity sponsor for the site."
Could Jackson really be in such a bad place that he needs to be saved by a website?
Gabby Babble: Miley Cyrus Still Gets Grounded
Gabby Babble: Miley Cyrus Still Gets Grounded:
This sounds silly, but it is an important thing to do. I wonder how much this would have changed the life of Britney Spears, if someone had taken the time and effort to tell her no. I think one of the biggest dangers for child stars, is that they start to think they are bigger than life. They begin to believe the hype, and think that they don't have to obey the same rules the rest of us do. Sadly, it turns out that the laws don't seem to be enforced in a way that challenges that belief. There are other consequences, that even stars have to pay for their actions though. Look at Spears and her life right now. Good job Billy Ray.
"Miley Cyrus reportedly got in trouble when she went out and bought a
crocodile Prada bag which averages $11,350. When Billy Ray and Leticia Cyrus
found out what Miley did, they were said to cut up all of her credit cards and
have changed her monthly allowance of $300. Although 15-year-old Miley has
become quite the star with her tour selling out, a successful CD, and a very
popular TV show Hannah Montana, but the Cyrus parents aim to raise her like a
regular kid and give her rules and limitations. She still gets grounded too when
she acts up."
This sounds silly, but it is an important thing to do. I wonder how much this would have changed the life of Britney Spears, if someone had taken the time and effort to tell her no. I think one of the biggest dangers for child stars, is that they start to think they are bigger than life. They begin to believe the hype, and think that they don't have to obey the same rules the rest of us do. Sadly, it turns out that the laws don't seem to be enforced in a way that challenges that belief. There are other consequences, that even stars have to pay for their actions though. Look at Spears and her life right now. Good job Billy Ray.
Just A Pinch | Dlisted
Just A Pinch Dlisted:
Her new nose is cute, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with her old one-as far as looks go anyways.
"Ashley Tisdale showed off her new schnoze at Z100's Jingle Ball last night in
NYC. Ashley blamed a 'deviated septum' as the reason why she went under the
knife. First of all, her name is soooo irritating. Ashley Tizzzzzdale. It's like
her parents knew she was going to be the most annoying person ever, so they gave
her a name to fit."
Her new nose is cute, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with her old one-as far as looks go anyways.
Denied | Dlisted
Denied Dlisted:
We know that she was denied access, but we don't know why at this point. It could be because of the photographers, or it could have been because of who she is, or it just might be that they were full for the night.
"Brit Brit tried to get into the Four Seasons parking lot last night, but
hillbilly was DENIED. TMZ has the video of Brit pulling up to the parking garage
and being told through the intercom 'I'm sorry, you're not authorized to come
in.' Of course she responds with, 'Wha?!'"
We know that she was denied access, but we don't know why at this point. It could be because of the photographers, or it could have been because of who she is, or it just might be that they were full for the night.
Eva Longoria And Tony Parker Are Trying Too Hard
Eva Longoria And Tony Parker Are Trying Too Hard:
Their relationship seemed so strong, and it looks like it is still strong. Lets hope that it is strong enough to get through this claim. Right now, there is just as much reason to believe it as not too though.
"Gosh, ever since the claims made by Alexandra Paressant of Tony Parker cheating
on Eva Longoria, these two have been out together more than they have the whole
time they’ve been married, it seems."
Their relationship seemed so strong, and it looks like it is still strong. Lets hope that it is strong enough to get through this claim. Right now, there is just as much reason to believe it as not too though.
Lindsay Lohan is a Big Girl Now | CelebWarship
Lindsay Lohan is a Big Girl Now CelebWarship:
I really hope so Linds, you got so much more going for you than Britney, don't take that same path.
"“I think my life is different now, and it’s changed, and I’m growing up,”
Lohan, 21, told the morning hosts at Mix 94.1 FM– which just happens to be
giving away tickets to people who get celebs to call in.
“It was time to grow up. I’ve gone through a lot, and I’m just a different person now,” said
Lohan, later saying, “It’s amazing, everything’s going so well.”"
I really hope so Linds, you got so much more going for you than Britney, don't take that same path.
Friday, December 14, 2007
ABC News: Will 'Kite Runner' Put Young Stars in Peril?
ABC News: Will 'Kite Runner' Put Young Stars in Peril?:
There are reports that they were warned by the boys parents. However, now that it is known, I don't see how these movie makers can't find a way to tell their story without the scene.
"Forster, Hosseini and Paramount -- the movie studio that is releasing the film
-- did not expect that the movie, which includes a sensitive child rape scene,
would put the child actors involved in danger. In fact, Forster said that people
had 'embraced' them for 'making a Hollywood film in an authentic way.'"
There are reports that they were warned by the boys parents. However, now that it is known, I don't see how these movie makers can't find a way to tell their story without the scene.
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