Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The poor is the US are not poor on a global standard
There is racism...
Racism on the right, racism on the left, racism amongst whites and racism amongst blacks and browns and yellows and reds. Young people are racist and old people are racist. It exists.
However, what the NAACP and the New Black Panther Party are doing doesn't advance a discussion on the issue. An honest discussion would be had by the two sides talking, the blanket insults used by the NAACP and The New Black Panther Party push people apart, and make communication impossible.
Again Google... Really?
This sounds like double speak to me...
This sounds like double speak to me...
Are we really there to "balance" the power in the region, and do "many countries" really want us to take on that role. Two things, helping the countries in the region develop their own strength seems like a more sustainable path. Second, an increase in American force in the region is likely to encourage China to increase its force, which would make other countries in the region more vulnerable, not less.
Breitbart.tv » White House Spokesman Concedes GOP Could Win House
Roseanne Barr: Republicans 'Cherish the Freedom to Have Sex with Small Children' | NewsBusters.org
Geraldo Confronts New Black Panther Chief About Glenn Beck ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally | Mediaite
Fidel Castro to appear on Cuban television and radio | Reuters
Hot Air » Swiss reject Polanski extradition request - Annotated
- This does seem strange, if there is a problem they should have been able to find it.
- The reason for the decision lies in the fact that it was not possible to exclude with the necessary certainty a fault in the US extradition request, although the issue was thoroughly examined.
Mika: 'Cut The Crap' On Whether Palin's Running—'She Is' | NewsBusters.org
Polanski Free as Swiss Reject Extradition Request - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com
Did Rolling Stone harm America with its article?
I know people are happy Rolling Stone published "the truth", but lets look at what it published. It ran a story informing us that the top general in Afghanistan doesn't think highly of Obama and his leadership team. We got to read about him and his staff making fun of Joe Biden (doesn't everyone make fun of Joe Biden). But that isn't important.\n\nWhat is important is the lives of the men and womyn serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. What is important is that as a nation we are informed about the circumstances of the war they are fighting and the deaths they are dying. Hearing people make fun of Biden is great (again doesn't everyone make fun of Biden) but getting information about our troops is critical.\n\nThanks to Rolling Stone and the story by Hastings, that is going to be harder.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.