Right Wing Watch: Anyone? Anyone? Hitler?:
"Ben Stein, the Nixon speechwriter immortalized by his acting role as a boring
schoolteacher in the 1986 movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” is returning to
movie academia in a documentary about “Intelligent Design” creationism.
“Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” sets out to expose what Stein calls
“widespread suppression and entrenched discrimination that is spreading in our
institutions, laboratories and most importantly, in our classrooms” in the form
of the general rejection of ID—an outgrowth of creation science based on the
premise that life is so complex it must have been created by God directly rather
than through an evolutionary process—as a valid scientific theory. "
Science is build on a foundation of scepticism. You don't test to show that something is right, you test to show that something is wrong. If you fail to show that it is wrong, you don't say it is right, you say that it has not been show to be false. Over time a theory develops when all experiments fail to show that what has been tested is not false. Science has been wrong in the past, and it has changed its views because of further testing that was done on previously accepted theories.
Faith on the other hand is something that you accept without proof. You don't look for reasons not to believe in your faith, you look for reasons that you should. Faith is something that is based on a concepts for which there is no evidence. Science does not always have the evidence for its claims, but it is always searching for evidence. Faith tells you not to question, not to see evidence of god and god's works.