Thursday, April 30, 2009
This sounds like a great idea....
Washington is the capital of PORK!
This is why I don't like Olbermann
I talked to people who knew Matthew Sheppard, they said he was a punk and a trouble maker. Does that make his death less sad no, is that why he was killed - I don't know I wouldn't presume to be able to say.
Really DEATH
I admit I like Michelle. However I don't think wishing death on someone because you don't like them or their views is appropriate.
The Ruskies are starting to play ball
This is an international problem. Even if the US could solve it alone, we are not in the days of the Barbary pirates, the best solution is a combined solution. Ideally something would be done to help to people of Somalia, they are the inner city of the globe at this point.
I'm not a prude, ok yes I am.
No virginity? The idea not having sex is worse than having sex? What are the lessons they are trying to teach young womyn. I am not the biggest supporter of wait until marriage, but at least a girl should be taught to wait until it means something, and is special. Sex isn't a game.
Ohhh That Rush
Really it could be a good thing for the party for all of the above mentioned people to leave. Ultimately the Democratic party is weakened by people who join for less than ideological reasons and the Republican Party is strengthen when people who didn't share core values exit. (Same works backwards).
Hasn't anyone heard of PHOTOSHOP?
Just photoshop the damn plane into an image of the Statue of Liberty
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
This isn't fair
She said a number of times, her book wasn't meant to tell womyn what they should or shouldn't do, but to praise those mothers who do stay home with their children. If you hate Dr. Laura so much you should be glad she wasn't praising you.
As for her own life, she touched on that. She acknowledged a troubled relationship with her mother. I don't see how her troubled relationship with her own mother means she wouldn't understand the importance of a mothers role.
“There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women,” said Madeleine K. Albright. But you know, there's also a special place in hell for women who make a whole CAREER out of telling OTHER women to stay at home – especially when that woman has a history full of personal baggage that doesn't exactly lend itself to the “family values” agenda she's peddling. |
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I say charge the parents
MSNBC vs Fox News
Ed Schultz debuted his MSNBC show this evening by calling for universal health care, saying "I don't care how much it costs." |
This again
California tops list of most endangered rivers
1) Sacramento-San Joaquin River System
The tide is turning
The end of party bickering
On a side note, I predict republicans taking back power in at least one of the houses of congress in 2010.
Nicky is Fed Some Toast | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

Nicky is Fed Some Toast | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!
I am really starting to think that Nicky is the hotter of the two sisters.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
New baby for Alyson
Number of guns going from US to Mexico overstated
Football Fans Get Even with Riot Cops
This is why soccer rocks!
What is with this ad
Start your own magazine
With print magazines folding left and right, Hewlett-Packard has decided that it's time for some D.I.Y. publishing. |
Saturday, April 4, 2009
More Poet Than Paparazzo | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

More Poet Than Paparazzo | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!
I know what I wish you did last summer... JLove is hot.
Tracy girl seen on tape
Can Obama shut down the internet?
Boston Globe going down next?
So this finally happened: the New York Times Co. is threatening to close the Boston Globe if the union there doesn't agree to several harsh money-saving moves. In this case, it's not a bluff. |