Friday, August 3, 2007
You Voted: The Winning Name Is "Gyllenspoon"! |
You Voted: The Winning Name Is "Gyllenspoon"!
I had really hoped that this was all just a fad, a bad fad that was going to go the way of disco and bell bottoms.
"Move over Brangelina, TomKat, Bennifer and Vaughniston! Earlier this week, we asked you to help Us come up with a nickname for on-again Hollywood couple Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon. "
I had really hoped that this was all just a fad, a bad fad that was going to go the way of disco and bell bottoms.
Britney Photog Speaks Out
Britney Photog Speaks Out:
This guy is just milking the fame at this point.
"'The Insider' is talking to a photographer who alleges that he was victimized by BRITNEY SPEARS' bodyguard in an incident last week in Las Vegas. ANDREW DEETZ tells us, '[Britney's security guard] came and threw a punch. I was on the ground after that, just being pummeled.' Deetz also claims that Britney said, 'I am going to kill you,' and that if she 'wasn't able to kill him she would hire someone that would.'"
This guy is just milking the fame at this point.
Fergie To Produce Upcoming Lindsay Lohan Album | Pop Crunch
Fergie To Produce Upcoming Lindsay Lohan Album Pop Crunch:
If the album is still a go, this could mean that it is going to sound pretty good. Fergie has a great sound, and I think they will work together well. Also since she has her own fame, and her own reputation, she isn't going to cave and allow Lindsay to make less than a great album.
"Lindsay Lohan contacted pop-star Fergie just two-days before her Santa
Monica arrest for DUI last Tuesday and asked the standout BEP to write a song
for her upcoming album. The troubled actress was planning to begin recording in
If the album is still a go, this could mean that it is going to sound pretty good. Fergie has a great sound, and I think they will work together well. Also since she has her own fame, and her own reputation, she isn't going to cave and allow Lindsay to make less than a great album.
Lindsay Lohan Elle Magazine September 2007 Outtakes | Pop Crunch
Anne Hathaway Credits Her Dog for Landing Jane Role - Anne Hathaway :
Anne Hathaway Credits Her Dog for Landing Jane Role - Anne Hathaway :
Someone buy that dog a bone. This is a cute story, I can imagine Anne being upset with her dog and taking that into the role.
"What do a chocolate Labrador, a hotel slipper and extreme sleep deprivation have in common?
They're the three things Anne Hathaway credits for landing her the meaty role as Jane Austen in Becoming Jane, which opens Friday. "
Someone buy that dog a bone. This is a cute story, I can imagine Anne being upset with her dog and taking that into the role.
New Republic Stands Firmly Behind Beauchamp’s Claims / Jossip
New Republic Stands Firmly Behind Beauchamp’s Claims / Jossip:
I don't want to get into a debate about what this means if it is true, and what it means if it isn't true. The only thing that can and should be done here, is allow the proper people to investigate, and if they uncover something that needs to be dealt with, they can do that.
Not that I think we shouldn't know what is happening in our military. They are representing our nation, and we deserve to know how our nation is being represented.
"Take that, Weekly Standard. In The New Republic’s ongoing saga about its
“Baghdad Diarist” column (keep up, people), EIC Franklin Foer and his team claim
to have vetted and confirmed every detail about Scott Thomas Beauchamp’s heavily
contested accounts of U.S. solider life in Iraq."
I don't want to get into a debate about what this means if it is true, and what it means if it isn't true. The only thing that can and should be done here, is allow the proper people to investigate, and if they uncover something that needs to be dealt with, they can do that.
Not that I think we shouldn't know what is happening in our military. They are representing our nation, and we deserve to know how our nation is being represented.
Uma flaunts her new man | INF Daily
Uma flaunts her new man INF Daily:
I hope this guy is going to make her happy, it is a shame to see a hot womyn like Uma unhappy.
"Uma Thurman was at the Madison Square Garden Police concert last night with her new guy, financier Arpad Busson. Arpad used to be supermodel Elle MacPherson's significant other, and actually fathered her two kids. Now it looks like Elle is just his Super Ex-Girlfriend."
I hope this guy is going to make her happy, it is a shame to see a hot womyn like Uma unhappy.
I’m Not Obsessed - Celebrity Gossip » Mischa Barton On Set Of Finding t.A.t.U
I’m Not Obsessed - Celebrity Gossip » Mischa Barton On Set Of Finding t.A.t.U:
I don't know that the movie sounds that great, sounds a lot like the movie "Go", or any number of drug movies. However, if it has Barton in it and it has the music of t.A.t.U - which totally rocks, then it should be a good movie.
"“Two teenage girls, Janie who is American and Lana who is Russian, fall in love after meeting at a t.A.T.u concert and are swept into a dangerous world of obsession, drug abuse and murder.”"
I don't know that the movie sounds that great, sounds a lot like the movie "Go", or any number of drug movies. However, if it has Barton in it and it has the music of t.A.t.U - which totally rocks, then it should be a good movie.
Gabby Babble: Simon Cowell Wants To Turn Idol Into a Movie?
Gabby Babble: Simon Cowell Wants To Turn Idol Into a Movie?:
Sounds like a longer version of American Idol, except less entertaining - yeah I didn't know that was possible either.
"'The story is told through the eyes of 10 contestants. We want it to be the musical version of Rocky - an underdog story, a feel-good film.'"
Sounds like a longer version of American Idol, except less entertaining - yeah I didn't know that was possible either.
Gabby Babble: Paula Zahn Quit Her Show on CNN?
Gabby Babble: Paula Zahn Quit Her Show on CNN?:
Take a break and come back soon, we'll miss you.
"It's rumored that Zahn's ratings were slipping and considered moving her show to a different timeslot in order to put Brown in place. However, Zahn quit instead. Zahn mentioned in an interview that she would be taking some time off so we won't be seeing her on the air anytime soon."
Take a break and come back soon, we'll miss you.
Gabby Babble: Lily Allen Denies Fight at Airport
Gabby Babble: Lily Allen Denies Fight at Airport:
I don't know much about Lilly, just that she is hot and I wish that she would hit on me sometime.
"Lily Allen is denying the reports that say she was in a fight with a photographer at the airport in Melbourne on Wednesday night. The unnamed photographer is accusing Allen of hitting and kicking him when he asked her to pose for one photo. However, there are other photographs from the scene showing no signs of a scuffle with Allen just hiding her face."
I don't know much about Lilly, just that she is hot and I wish that she would hit on me sometime.
Britney Spears
Where is her body guard, Mr. Camera? Did he get fired over the attack in Las Vegas?
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » KIM PACKS A PUNCH
Faded Youth Blog » Blog Archive » KIM PACKS A PUNCH:
I guess it is the natural progression, that they move to Kim Kardashian and Kimberly Stewart, lets see who is next on the list, Brandon and Jason Davis - they could call it the new Beverly Hill Billies.
"With her idols Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie currently busy paying their debts back to society, it seems D-list princess Kimberly Stewart may finally get her chance to take centre stage. The 27-year-old heiress hit up a London park on Thursday for a session of boxing and push-ups with a personal trainer while filming her new reality show ‘Kimberly’s Crib.’"
I guess it is the natural progression, that they move to Kim Kardashian and Kimberly Stewart, lets see who is next on the list, Brandon and Jason Davis - they could call it the new Beverly Hill Billies.
A New Day! A New Brangelina Break-Up Rumor! | Dlisted
A New Day! A New Brangelina Break-Up Rumor! Dlisted:
I remember when the rumors started about them hooking up. It took me a while to believe that it was true. Now it appears the circle is complete and the rumors are getting stronger and stronger that this is the end of the road.
"Radar is reporting that Angelina Jolie along with a real estate agent toured a small two-bedroom home in L.A.'s Laurel Canyon last week. The home is priced at $2 Million and described as perfect for a small family, couple or single household. That place is a wee bit too small for Brad and the kids. Could Angelina be buying herself a little bachelorette pad?"
I remember when the rumors started about them hooking up. It took me a while to believe that it was true. Now it appears the circle is complete and the rumors are getting stronger and stronger that this is the end of the road.
No Fair! I Want To See It Uncensored!
Why would anyone want to break up with a jewel like this guy. Man this guy makes KFed look like Mr. Rodgers.
You Can Deny The Offer, But You Can't Deny The Chemistry: Donald Trump Can't Stop Talking About How Badly He Doesn't Want Rosie O'Donnell On 'The Apprentice' - Defamer
You Can Deny The Offer, But You Can't Deny The Chemistry: Donald Trump Can't Stop Talking About How Badly He Doesn't Want Rosie O'Donnell On 'The Apprentice' - Defamer:
You know some people think the drive for money is bad. I think it can be good, and I thought that I had a good point when I heard that Trump had invited Rosie onto his show. The ratings would be such a hit, that they could both make a good deal of cash off it. You see in this case, inviting Rosie on the show, would be putting the interest of money above the interest of his own ego. Since that money comes from being able to bring in more viewers, it would be the same as saying that entertaining viewers is more important than his ego.
Well it turns out I was wrong, the rumors were false. Or this is some sour grapes, cry baby response because she said no.
"'No, I never offered Rosie a chance to be on 'Celebrity Apprentice, '' Trump told Access Hollywood in an exclusive interview.
'It's a good idea,' he continued, 'because I would fire her fat a**. She would definitely not last more than one show . . . I would love to fire Rose, but I don't want her on the
You know some people think the drive for money is bad. I think it can be good, and I thought that I had a good point when I heard that Trump had invited Rosie onto his show. The ratings would be such a hit, that they could both make a good deal of cash off it. You see in this case, inviting Rosie on the show, would be putting the interest of money above the interest of his own ego. Since that money comes from being able to bring in more viewers, it would be the same as saying that entertaining viewers is more important than his ego.
Well it turns out I was wrong, the rumors were false. Or this is some sour grapes, cry baby response because she said no. - Just What You've Always Wanted: Tomkat Naked - Just What You've Always Wanted: Tomkat Naked:
You can add this to the list of things that might make you sick, right below David Gest's tongue.
"This is it. This is how Tom Cruise is finally going to conquer the world and convert it to one massive Scientologist state. When non-Hubbardians gaze upon the naked, entwined forms of Tom and Katie sudden blindness and/or instant death will abound, leaving those of Tom's ilk to worship Xenu in peace.This is it. This is how Tom Cruise is finally going to conquer the world and convert it to one massive Scientologist state. When non-Hubbardians gaze upon the naked, entwined forms of Tom and Katie sudden blindness and/or instant death will abound, leaving those of Tom's ilk to worship Xenu in peace."
You can add this to the list of things that might make you sick, right below David Gest's tongue.
Talk Back
I was really upset about that. I was surprised to see Jane on his show last evening. Instead of calling Jane a liar - which caused me to pour another quick glass of wine and throw a piece of my pizza at the TV set - he could have said something like, "I think you're misinformed." "I respect your opinion, but I really don't see it this way." "Come on, Jane." Anything but a "LIAR!" I was furious. Let's face it; he has a big flaw. For all his experience, education, he is rude. It's his way or no way. I’m on his side of the fence most of the time, but sometimes I'd like to shove a pacifier in his mouth. He just ain’t got no finesse. When you think about it, why does he even have guests on his show since he constantly interrupts them causing we, the viewers, not to understand what the guest is saying?Wow! Hold on! I just had an epiphany! I’ve got it! I'm a genius. He should interview himself. That’s it. He should ask the questions, then put on a mustache and answer himself. However, I'll bet anyone a bottle of wine and a pizza, he'll interrupt himself. He might even call himself a liar! You know, like, get it out of his system.Jane, I've started reading more of your articles. We’re about 50/50, which is cool, I like to see things from different points of view. Bernie, I agree with you quite a bit. I bought one of your books a while back. So Bill won't feel too bad about my advice on a better disposition, I’ll cop out. I’ll confess…I graduated high school with 5 D's. Obviously, I have no credentials to criticize, except having lived a long time and consider myself an expert on getting along with people. Can you imagine, me, with my so-called lack of education, scolding someone who went to Harvard? I think it was Harvard. How cheeky of me. You're actually a nice guy, Bill. You should buy some wine and pizza and really watch yourself. In fact, get your self a director. Then again, why? You wouldn’t listen to him anyhow. Come on, man, grow up. We love you, but stop scrapping your fingernails on the blackboard….
First of all thank you for your great comment.
Second of all, Bill O'Reilly's show for the most part is less focused on an actual discussion of facts and having a real debate, than it is about O'Reilly having a platform to promote his ideas from. You are right about how he treats his guests, and the thing that he doesn't understand is how it turns his viewers against him, and cause them to side with the guests.
Third, there is a difference between being educated and being smart. There are lots of educated people who are not that smart, and there are lots of smart people who just never got that "education". Don't take yourself, or your brain for granted just because you learned about life from life and not from books.
Thank you again for reading and leaving a comment. (PS Pizza makes me hungry)
First of all thank you for your great comment.
Second of all, Bill O'Reilly's show for the most part is less focused on an actual discussion of facts and having a real debate, than it is about O'Reilly having a platform to promote his ideas from. You are right about how he treats his guests, and the thing that he doesn't understand is how it turns his viewers against him, and cause them to side with the guests.
Third, there is a difference between being educated and being smart. There are lots of educated people who are not that smart, and there are lots of smart people who just never got that "education". Don't take yourself, or your brain for granted just because you learned about life from life and not from books.
Thank you again for reading and leaving a comment. (PS Pizza makes me hungry)
Freakonomics Blog » And Today Is...
Freakonomics Blog » And Today Is...:
Happy Birthday to the phone....
"On August 3, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell succeeded in making the world’s
first coherent telephone call. Little did he know that, less than 150 years
later, more than a billion people worldwide would be surfing the Internet on
phone lines and broadband."
Happy Birthday to the phone....
A Socialite's Life
A Socialite's Life:
I think that this family must keep a whole firm in business just with their legal problems.
"Once again a Lohan is being sued, but this time, it's Dina who's getting
slapped with a suit. Las Vegas entrepreneur, Antonio Almeido, alleges that he
lent Dina $400,000 about four years ago and is saying that she has yet to pay
him back."
I think that this family must keep a whole firm in business just with their legal problems.
Amy Winehouse Possibly Moving to Miami, I'm Guessing to Escape David Gest's Tongue
A Socialite's Life: Amy Winehouse Possibly Moving to Miami, I'm Guessing to Escape David Gest's Tongue
When talking about images that could be used to induce vomiting, the image of Gest's tongue has to be some where near the top of the list. The funny thing is that if you were to make a list of images that would make people feel better about themselves, Gest would be on that list to. Not a picture of his tongue, but a picture of him getting his ass whopped by Liza.
"David I love that beehive she wears, I love her tattoos, I'd lick her toes! I'm in love with Amy Winehouse, I'd like to lick the inside of her hair, you'd probably find kfc stuck in it! "
When talking about images that could be used to induce vomiting, the image of Gest's tongue has to be some where near the top of the list. The funny thing is that if you were to make a list of images that would make people feel better about themselves, Gest would be on that list to. Not a picture of his tongue, but a picture of him getting his ass whopped by Liza.
Britney Spears and Alli Sims, Reunited by a Green Sucker | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
Britney Spears and Alli Sims, Reunited by a Green Sucker Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
It looks like Alli and Britney have been able to patch up their differences. I am sure it had nothing to do with the differences that Britney might make in her potential pop career. Actually maybe they can help each other, Britney will give her cousin a boost, and Alli will make Britney look humyn again.
"In other Britney Spears news… Britney was spotted reunited with Alli Sims last
night at Winston’s in Hollywood, with what appeared to be a ‘community sucker‘. "
It looks like Alli and Britney have been able to patch up their differences. I am sure it had nothing to do with the differences that Britney might make in her potential pop career. Actually maybe they can help each other, Britney will give her cousin a boost, and Alli will make Britney look humyn again.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!

Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!: "Kim Shops Again!"
It has been far too long since I have been able to offer you a picture of the goddess Kim.
It has been far too long since I have been able to offer you a picture of the goddess Kim.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!

Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!: "Shanna Moakler In The Gutter Last Night!"
If you are asking me, I think that they should both be in the gutter.
If you are asking me, I think that they should both be in the gutter.
Polar Opposites? |

Polar Opposites? :
I think I have a Dita addiction.
"Photographers snapped Dita Von Teese shopping in LA with her sister yesterday.
I’m not sure why, but I never would have guessed that woman on the right would
be Dita’s sister."
I think I have a Dita addiction.
Nicole Richie Lynwood-Bound |
Nicole Richie Lynwood-Bound :
Looks like Nicole will be headed for the same jail that Paris served her time in. Which of course adds fuel to the theory that this is going to show up in a Simple Life show of the future. You know if that were the case, that would mean that Paris was a stronger person than Nicole for doing a longer time.
"“[Richie’s] attorney contacted us and indicated she wants to do her time there,” said Steve Whitmore, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Whitmore couldn’t say whether Richie, who’s four months pregnant, would be housed at the facility’s medical ward. “That’s all determined by our medical staff upon her arrival,” said Whitmore."
Looks like Nicole will be headed for the same jail that Paris served her time in. Which of course adds fuel to the theory that this is going to show up in a Simple Life show of the future. You know if that were the case, that would mean that Paris was a stronger person than Nicole for doing a longer time.
Present-Day Madonna Cursing Slutty Yet-Infinitely-Way-More-Interesting Madonna of the Past
A Socialite's Life: Present-Day Madonna Cursing Slutty Yet-Infinitely-Way-More-Interesting Madonna of the Past
Well I would hope that things like that in the media wouldn't be what the welfare service would be making their choices on. On the other hand if that is what they were making their choices on, then there is plenty of things already out there that Madonna did years ago, that could reflect poorly on her.
"Madonna's relationship with ex-boyfriend, James Albright, is coming back to
bite the pop-star in the well-toned rear end. Back in the 90s, when Madonna was
carefree and taking nekkid, sexed-up photos like they were going out of style,
she had no idea that years down the road, she would one day be awaiting a visit
from the head of Malawi's child welfare service and flipping out over the idea
that the pictures"
Well I would hope that things like that in the media wouldn't be what the welfare service would be making their choices on. On the other hand if that is what they were making their choices on, then there is plenty of things already out there that Madonna did years ago, that could reflect poorly on her.
The Richie Family Continues Publicly Admitting to the Obvious
A Socialite's Life: The Richie Family Continues Publicly Admitting to the Obvious
Breaking news, Nicole has made mistakes in her life. Can we assume that if he had more time he would have went on to tell us what they were. You know things like not eating for two years, getting pregnant with Joel Maddens baby, and driving the wrong way on the freeway.
"'My daughter has made some mistakes in her life and has accepted responsibility
for her actions,' Lionel tells 'She has not blamed others for
her problems and is growing up very quickly, albeit in the heat of the media
spotlight. '"
Breaking news, Nicole has made mistakes in her life. Can we assume that if he had more time he would have went on to tell us what they were. You know things like not eating for two years, getting pregnant with Joel Maddens baby, and driving the wrong way on the freeway.
"Hello, Ginger Spice's line.." | INF Daily

"Hello, Ginger Spice's line.." INF Daily:
She is way hotter than Victoria.
"Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell let her daughter Bluebell take calls for her
as she posed for pictures at Nice Airport in France today. We think Bluebell
looks a bit like Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. What do you think?"
She is way hotter than Victoria.
On the Record: Kidman's On-Set Injury
On the Record: Kidman's On-Set Injury:
If you think that Nicole Kidman is doing a good job acting like she was passed out in her latest movie, it is because she isn't acting.
"'The Invasion' star Nicole Kidman reveals the story behind the on-set stunt
that went awry -- resulting in some broken ribs!"
If you think that Nicole Kidman is doing a good job acting like she was passed out in her latest movie, it is because she isn't acting.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!

Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!: "EXCLUSIVE: BENJI MADDEN & SOPHIE MONK shopping at West Hollywood shopping hotspot The Grove"
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